If we all have ''free will'' why should there be a constant threat of 'punishment' if we choose ''not to believe''? Live our lives by an ethical code of behavior, common sense, and that's good, too.But, don't push it on others. Right?
Or if we 'choose to believe' and live moral lives, well, good for us. But, don't push it on the others. Right?
Free to choose? in god. Yes?
Free to choose? Not to believe in god. No?
If we have a set of rules, decided by logic, and ethics, and the law of the land, do we really need anything else?
If you break the law of the land. Jail
Breaking of moral or ethical law? Punishment by peers?
People should be able to make a 'rational decision' as to what they believe. Free will.?
Who says there is only ''one way to go'', IF we have free will?????
So, I don't understand all the hoopla, about, how we think, either for god, or against god, if you aren't free to choose, where does the free will, come in??????????
Does anyone else know how this works, this ''f
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