Do you think it is a good idea to always be protected from criticism or honest character analysis?
Let me explain. A white person is naturally fearful to say anything evaluating about a minority yest he be, accused of being a racist. People are afraid to say anything to a veteran, they too maybe accused of being unpatriotic. This is also true for homosexuals as well.
Even though civil rights laws and political correctness was a necessary thing, hasn't it got a bit out of hand. How can you be sure how people view you, if they have to tiptoe around you all the time. I personally don't want people to be afraid to ask me a question. If I am doing something the wrong way or am being insensitive, I want people to tell me. I don't want them to not tell out of fear that I might think they are being racist or a bigot.
Should minorites and others be free from criticism? If so why? If not, then why not?
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