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Religion & Spirituality - 16 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

It's great we have a chance to ASK each other about each other's religions here. Much of the time, the questions are loaded, and are not really intended to learn, but to "teach".

So often, I see so-called questions like "Christians, do you know what the _____ says about Jesus?" or "Did you know there are scientific miracles in the ______ ?" or "Muslims, why does the _____ support the use of terrorist tactics to support Islam?".

What do you think are the advantages of learning things from a biased outsider?

How much time does your mosque/Church devote to talking about the "errors" of other religions?

How much time does your mosque/Church spend on training it's members how to refute the beliefs of others and replace them with their own?

2007-11-16 10:56:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

learning is something God is incapable of if he is all-knowing.

if he has always been all-knowing, does he only experience learning through us, empathetically?

if he cannot learn, then it goes without saying that he can neither discover nor invent.

if he has always been, then so have we. perhaps not physically, but conceptually.

regardless if god made us physically, can he take credit for creating us if we have always been? or is that conception of us a portion of God which has manifested itself physically, such as Brahman beliefs to where death is merely a reconcilation with our portion of "God"?

thoughts? (no biblical scripture please. this is not a question about jesus or christianity and since the question is about discovery, a biblical answer does not qualify as a fresh idea or free-thinking)

2007-11-16 10:56:38 · 4 answers · asked by eelai000 5

how recently do you have to have had confession before you can receive communion?

2007-11-16 10:52:40 · 13 answers · asked by I hate carrots 6

truthful i know you guys drink to!!!

2007-11-16 10:50:28 · 34 answers · asked by ~*Strips aka Peanut*~ 4

Twice now, I have prayed for the Lord to set my paths straight and to help me get on the path the Lord had originally set forth for me. Twice, within one week of BOTH of the times I prayed, I lost my job. Both times were because of reasons out of my hands (business shrinking and illness respectively) This seems to be working for me, I feel. Has this happened to anyone else? OR..... can anyone else share a story where you have prayed for something and it dramatically changed your life?

2007-11-16 10:49:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just curious if you chumps have your priorities straight.

2007-11-16 10:48:07 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because before he died he muttered something like " God you have forsaken me"? If God existed he would not let Jesus die such a terrible death.
So that proves, without reasonable doubt, that Jesus was indeed an Atheist before he died and that his delusion about being the son of God, was just that.
At last we know the truth.

2007-11-16 10:48:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Holy Father, Pope Benedict ,has made some comments that indicates that he believes that there is No salvation outside the Catholic Church. Is this the case or have I misuderstood his remarks ?

2007-11-16 10:48:00 · 6 answers · asked by TheoMDiv 4

Do you believe in God?. I dont know if I do but its strange when I pray to him I get a warm feeling inside as if im not alone.

2007-11-16 10:45:16 · 40 answers · asked by answers 1

Why do I have to beg forgiveness for what Adam and Eve did? Sure I'm no saint but even the saints had original sin?

2007-11-16 10:44:51 · 23 answers · asked by tichothewolf 2

Without each others help there ain't no hope for us
in this world
is there?

2007-11-16 10:44:24 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Apollo 10 was the manned orbit of the moon preceding the Apollo 11 mission in which Neil Armstrong would be the first man to walk on the moon.

On Apollo 10 they were able to monitor with greater precision what they had monitored on previous flights: the gravitational field of the moon and the rate at which dust particles are landing on the moon's surface.

You see, the moon is being bombarded constantly with cosmic dust particles, and when the Apollo astronauts were able to determine precisely the gravitational pull of the moon, then the rate at which dust collects on its surface could be calculated.

Therefore, if the approximate age of the moon is known and the amount of dust covering its surface in a given time is also known, the approximate depth of the dust today on its surface can be determined mathematically; it's a simple matter of multiplication.

According to almost all evolutionary concepts, the earth and the moon are 4.5 BILLION years old and using this age to calculate the depth of dust on the moon, the NASA scientists were faced with a problem: even using the most conservative calculations, the very least amount of loosely consolidated dust on the surface of the moon would be 54 feet deep.

That meant when Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the moon he would step into a loosely consolidated sea of cosmic dust as little as 54 feet deep and possibly much deeper according to NASA figures.

This presented a real concern to many NASA scientists and engineers. This is why they outfitted the lunar lander with those huge pods as many of you probably recall seeing in photographs of the lunar mission. This is also the reason that the lunar rover had those big balloon tires; it could even have been driven across a big body of water and since they expected a tremendous amount of dust they made it so it wouldn't sink into anything.

They even trained Neil Armstong to go down the ladder outside the lunar lander backwards and slowly, one step at a time, and when he came to the bottom rung to be sure not to jump off into all that dust because he might have a lot of trouble swimming out of it.

The man whose job it was to keep in communication with Neil Armstrong while he was walking on the moon relates that as Neil got to the last rung of the ladder he paused and spoke those famous words heard all around the world: "One small step for a man," then he paused again, and then stepping off the bottom rung and onto the moon he said: "one giant leap for mankind."

That's when the commentators went wild, breaking in to say: "That's the first statement on the moon!" and went on with their commentary. But they had cut off Neil Armstrong's next two words, which are probably more famous in faithful scientific circles than are his first eleven. Stan Stepanek, whose job it was to stay in touch with Neil Armstrong relates that after the commentators broke in on Neil after his famous first words on the moon, his next two words totally destroyed the concept of evolution.

After Neil said "One small step for a man, [pause while stepping down] one giant leap for mankind" and while the commentators were going wild, Neil said: "IT'S SOLID". It took only these two words to totally destroy the concept of evolution if you look at it scientifically, academically and faithfully because those two words showed that only a few thousand years of time have passed, at the rate cosmic dust is coming in, producing on the surface of the moon an average of under one-half of an inch of dust overall.

Do you understand what this means? It means that scientific evidence is piling up that the earth and the universe as we know it is young after all. Did you know that a majority of scholars studying Biblical chronologies have determined the age of the earth to be a little over 6000 years old? * Did you know that the actual amount on dust measured on the surface of the moon equals very close to 6000 years of accumulation of dust at the rate measured by the Apollo missions?

2007-11-16 10:43:29 · 32 answers · asked by battla4life p 1

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

2007-11-16 10:41:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think he had to get people to stand guard to warn him when a T-Rex or a Velociraptor was in the area?

2007-11-16 10:40:14 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

A young woman wanted ideas for a "Personal Progress" faith project. I suggested reading and memorizing Galatians- especially 1:6-9. What could be wrong with that? I mean, you do read and believe the Bible don't you?

2007-11-16 10:38:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

in the bible, if someone had a conversation with "god" it was considered holy and divine, and was considered to be THE word of god, and that person was thought to be, at the least, saintly.. BUT, now if someone claims to had a message from "on high" they are considered to be kooks??

how do we really know that alister crowley, david koresh and pat robertson were not in contact with their higher power..

why werent the people in the bible considered "kooks", crazy, or having psychotic delusions??

2007-11-16 10:37:19 · 11 answers · asked by lugar t axhandle 4

for me it would be about 30 years ago when I was still at school, do people still say it anywhere?

2007-11-16 10:36:45 · 42 answers · asked by thunor 5

like, i know they are supposed to have a chaparon each waking moment they are together so they wont be alone. does that mean they techincally cannot even kiss eachother before marriage or hold hands perhaps? when would the chaparon say ENOUGH. because i couldnt imagine never even kissing someone before marrying them. what if the sexual chemisty isnt there and you end up in a terrible marriage when you could of found out before hand. JW answers would be prefered but this is for the general public as well.

2007-11-16 10:33:52 · 11 answers · asked by ~testube Jebus~ 4

2007-11-16 10:33:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

A lot of religious folks seemed determined to disbelieve it, come what may. Is that because evolution endangers their religious beliefs?

2007-11-16 10:33:04 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I read the big bang theroy and it still dosent explain how time started are thier an theroys on how time started

2007-11-16 10:31:53 · 24 answers · asked by battla4life p 1

Here the louder voices generally come from the most violent, aggressive, bigotic, biased and intolerant users, and these same voices seem to have a sort of following here....

Rarely do many of the users here provide lukewarm answers when their beliefs are challenged, and too many engage in a reporting/bashing Jihad...

Those voices who call all to gather and make friends with everyone are deemed as hopeless Pollyannas asking boring questions and giving boring answers....

Whatcha say??

2007-11-16 10:31:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Apostle Paul prayed to God for a healing and God replied, "My grace is suffient for thee." Is the time of divine intervention past?

2007-11-16 10:29:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-11-16 10:27:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I usually feed them loads of freshly-baked birthday cookies, give them a HUUUUUGE hug, and offer them a two-week vacation in the Maldives. Money's a bit tight this year so...


Someone here earlier mentioned that one of the reasons they loved you was because are without guile. I love that about you, P. You speak the truth and always in a compassionate and caring manner. Today we all honor you here on Answers. A toast to Pangel! *Sips tea*

2007-11-16 10:25:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Christians who love the Lord - are YOU praying for our nation at this critical time? Are you asking God to heal this nation, and to bring us a Godly President in the next election? If you are not doing this, why not ???

2007-11-16 10:25:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

go to hell ?

2007-11-16 10:25:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm just a lil confussed about many Christians believe in Jesus ( peace be upon him) I say this out of respect to all phrophets of God, this doesnt mean i believe Jesus is dead!!!!

Anyways, i would just like to ask you guys how you see Jesus.

<> We know the Bible says 'God is One' and, "Thou shalt not have any 'gods' beside God."

Today Christians are presenting a vast variety of explanations on how God can actually be "One and Three at the same time."

Some attempt to resolve the issue saying, "Jesus is Lord!" or even "Jesus is God." (May God save us from any blasphemy).

"Trinity" is not found in Scripture. Of course, there is no verse that says "God is three Persons" or "God is a Trinity."

Please can anyone be so kind to give me your view/opinion on this.

2007-11-16 10:23:12 · 13 answers · asked by Peace Missile 3

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