Per Albert Spike (Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemansonry):
1.A Mason does not know what is really going on until he gets up to the higher degress of Freemasonry. He is intentionally misled by misinterpretation (from:Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,1950) - a clear secrecy and more lies?
2. "Freemasonry is a universal, eternal, immutable religion" - a society with secrets as they prefer to see
3. With Manly Hall: both stated that Lucifer is the god of Freemasonry: using the name of GAOUTO (the devil) - the only true god of Freemasonry and using the secret name of JAH BUL ON. JAH:means Jehovah, BUL: is Baal fertility god,ON: name of Egyptian god - in summary, the god of the underworld!
Ian Gordon-an ex-mason in his The Craft and the Cross states: secrets, secrets, secrets everywhere, more secrets to be revealed later then still more as one moves upwards through the degrees towards the ultimate 33rd!
12 answers
asked by
Siegfredo C