Accourding to accepted science, the Big Bang is how we got here, and we (people) couldn't have ended up here unless the big bang set in motion some sort of evolution (or the theory is wrong - whichever)
SO because of that, the big bang, requires evolution, to complete it's means of getting us here.
AND evolution from a big rock, to chemical soup, to amebas, to fish or whatever, so dinosaurs? then to small animals, then to everything else, requires that when we began -
which the big bang theory states was a big bang
we had a hunk of rock and carbon and nitrogen.
So those things had to fuse to create all other naturaly accouring chemicals, which then had to chance get together and create living organisms.
THAT ^^ is in no way reproducable, and therefor is not a scientific theory.
^ Evolutionary timelines, although I'm sure you know them.
Thanks, tell me what you think.
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