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Religion & Spirituality - 16 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-11-16 03:02:44 · 10 answers · asked by Callumaniac 4

I mean, a theory is only a logically self-consistent model or framework for describing the behavior of a related set of natural or social phenomena, originating from or supported by experimental evidence! That's no reason to treat it as empirical truth in our classrooms! Go Intelligent Design!

2007-11-16 02:56:23 · 47 answers · asked by =_= 5

Is it okay for the pastors wife to be a Hottie? Is it okay for the pastor and his wife to have a hot and torrid sex life? Is it okay for the pastor and his wife to walk around the parsonage in the nude, as long as the curtains are closed and shades are pulled down tightly?

2007-11-16 02:56:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-16 02:56:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have seen some comments about prayer to the Blessed Virgin, such as "when did Jesus tell us to pray to Mary", and other such simplistic observations.

there are Biblical "principals" on which Christian teachings are based. Not everything is “specifically” stated in black and white in the Scriptures. For example, the word "Trinity" is not in the Bible but most Christians believe in the Trinity.

So, what about prayer to Mary and the saints in heaven?

Those in heaven pray with us and for us, as in the book of Revelation when John sees that "the twenty-four elders [the leaders of the people of God in heaven] fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints" (Rev. 5:8).

A prayer is a request. When we pray to Mary and the saints in heaven, we are asking them to pray for us, the same way non-Catholic Christians ask their friends or family to pray for them.

2007-11-16 02:55:56 · 12 answers · asked by Catholic Crusader 3

with the technology of today science is proving right what the quran has already revealed to mankind thousands of years ago. such as, how humans are developed, how we get rain, whats the use of mountains and their purpose. things that man couldnt find out back then due to lack of technology and proper tools. What else is the quran right about? What if it is the untouched word of GOD?

2007-11-16 02:55:13 · 25 answers · asked by layn da smckdwn 4

2007-11-16 02:52:28 · 8 answers · asked by inbetweendays 5

I mean - God was in direct communication with Lucifer, without being able to get Lucifer back in the ranks. That, to me, sound like God was short of valid arguments.
Even a third of God´s angels wasn´t convinced by God´s words.

Why should I be convinced of something, which the originator himself seemingly cannot argue for properly?

2007-11-16 02:51:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Every culture on the planet had it's own set of religious beliefs, and only one of them involved the deity known by the generic term "God." Every other religion had specific names for their deities, sometimes multiple names for those deities. Yet none of them were named Jesus, and none of them foretold of the arrival of a man named Jesus that would change their religion.

People like to argue that everyone is worshipping the same god under different names, but this can't be since only Christianity has the deity it proclaims as the world's savior. If the world really was worshipping the same deity, and Christianity was this deity's only approved path, then why wouldn't this deity send a Jesus to each and every nation at the time that it decided to make Christianity it's official religion? Why wouldn't it decide to focus on a subset of a particular geographical region, instead of making sure everyone was aware of the change at the same time?

2007-11-16 02:49:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sometimes it seems as if the fundies / dispensationalists are BRAGGING about how wicked our generation is. Seriously, as bad as 9/11 was, was it worse than the Holocaust? The bubonic plague? How can anyone say that this generation is the worst generation ever?

Every generation has had people who believed the end was at hand; so far, they've all been wrong.

2007-11-16 02:47:57 · 12 answers · asked by Stranger In The Night 5

Why isn't the Christian life centered around the most important thing in existence?

I'm not talking about being a good person, and being kind to others.
I'm not talking about reading the Bible.
I'm not talking about going to feel-good meetings with your friends.

Why isn't your life centered around the most important thing in existence?

Just by observing the Christian life, we can all see that what you call "most important" isn't really that important at all.

2007-11-16 02:47:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

...and what did you wear under it? Why did the design for the shield change a few years ago?

This is a tough question. Are you going to say that this is ignorant so that you don't have to answer it? This is a valid question and many people would like to know the answer.

2007-11-16 02:45:47 · 9 answers · asked by Meat Bot 3

2007-11-16 02:44:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

What if "Satan" is not a fallen angel, what sort of implications does that make?

2007-11-16 02:44:47 · 12 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5

Proverbs 6:26 is a fairly well-known verse: it talks about how adulteresses are dangerous...."a harlot can be had for a loaf of bread but an adulteress" leads to death, etc. However, in alternate translations, the verse reads "a harlot reduces a man to a loaf of bread."
So there is a completely different meaning, depending on which translation you are reading. My Catholic Bible has the "had for a loaf of bread" line; my King James says "reduce to a loaf of bread."
So which one is correct? It is one of those verses with completely different messages depending on the translation.

2007-11-16 02:42:53 · 8 answers · asked by Digital Age 6

My angel is 20 today! She works full-time and is a college student. What type of gifts do you think she'd most appreciate? Should I just go with cash? Thanks :)

2007-11-16 02:41:46 · 15 answers · asked by I'/\/\AZILLA2 3

...and where do I find information on this?

2007-11-16 02:40:56 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hyperinflation is at our door. The Mormon church, usually keen to such changes shortly after signals appear, has been silent, raising no alarm.

Isn't it appropriate for inspired leadership to warn ahead of an event, in the case of a calamity?

Why are they so silent?

2007-11-16 02:38:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have read some ridiculous posts about the pope today, and I wish to clarify what Catholics think about the pope.

If you could somehow go back in a time machine and meet the apostle Peter, how would you react? Would you listen to him? Would you respect the fact that he was given his apostleship by Christ himself? Can you deny that you would be at least a little excited to met this Simon Bar Jonah who Jesus renamed Peter?
Well, that's how we feel about the pope. We believe he is Peter's successor (here is a list: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12272b.htm ).
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, the Son of the Living God. The pope is a man. But, the pope occupies an office we feel was established by Christ himself (Matt: 16: 17-19) and we respect that. That's all there is to it. Here is more info about the pope: http://www.catholic.com/library/church_papacy.asp

Oh: We do not worship Mary, or the Saints: Statues are not idols, and ALL Catholic teachings ARE BIBLICAL !!

2007-11-16 02:37:19 · 19 answers · asked by Catholic Crusader 3

Rather than realising this on their death beds

2007-11-16 02:34:47 · 22 answers · asked by Callumaniac 4

2007-11-16 02:32:39 · 26 answers · asked by Birdy is my real name 6

Is it to make pure before God or what?

2007-11-16 02:32:09 · 38 answers · asked by Butterfly 1

Now I know not all of you bash or attack other people but this is directed at those that do. . .
Do you consider your attacks on and bashing of Catholics, Moderate and Liberal Christians, Non-Christian Religious Practioners, and Atheists an Auto de fe ?

2007-11-16 02:31:46 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

The earth is perfectly placed in our solar system. A few miles closer to the sun, and it would be to hot. A few miles away, and it would be too cold. If we were 1% difference, there would not be life. Doesn't that prove that God placed the earth in its place?

Notice I have ignored the fact that within a year, the distance from the sun to the earth fluctuates by 3%.

Atheists, don't you see how all you have to do is ignore facts to prove GOD!

2007-11-16 02:31:10 · 15 answers · asked by Take it from Toby 7

I am not an atheist by choice, I honestly can not believe in God. I try, I will pray and read scriptures and while I have hope that one day I might have faith it does not exist. I know what it is to believe in something, such as believe that my wife loves me. I don't have such beliefs that God exists.

Strange, is it not. I've always have been told "just believe". Well, believing is not as simple as many people think it is. My mind will not accept that a God exists. I want one to, but regardless of how hard I pray or search the scriptures I never find that belief.

I've been called a liar for saying the above, but it is truth. I just do not believe. It honestly sucks, if I had such belief then atleast I might be comforted in it.

I don't see how anyone can really believe that God exists when I can not hold such a belief.

Life sucks, it really does. I need something and I am not getting it.

2007-11-16 02:28:14 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or at least the ones that the Christians believe in.

Unless they can somehow reconcile infinite punishment for finite sin with "justice".

2007-11-16 02:24:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My own mother once asked me if I was Jewish once and I've been going to a Baptist church with her and dad since I was born. I simply laughed and said, "Yes mother, I'm a Jew. Are you a nun?" Then she realized what she said and we both laughed. Now I kid her about that every time I get a chance. I don't think I'll ever let her get away from that one. ;P

2007-11-16 02:22:42 · 19 answers · asked by Mr Geek 2

It appears to me that these man made society's are for the personal gain of its members & not to glorify God as we are told.Many are judges,lawyers,politicans,& bussinessmen that are in positions where they can do a lot of harm or a lot of good whichever they decide its kinda scary.

2007-11-16 02:22:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

This question is for the most militant atheists. I mean after all, it would be one less "godly" influence in the world and you believe God doesn't exist anyways, right?

2007-11-16 02:22:21 · 50 answers · asked by Anonymous

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