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Religion & Spirituality - 16 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Please giveme a serious answer.

2007-11-16 09:13:45 · 16 answers · asked by Meghan L 1

Everything has a gender.............

Ziploc Bags are Male - they hold everything in, but you can see right through them.

Copiers are Female - once turned off it takes a while to warm them up again. It's an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can wreak havoc if the wrong buttons are pushed.

A Tire is Male - it goes bald and it is often over-inflated.

Sponges are Female - they're soft, squeezable and retain water.

Your thoughts?

Not meant to be rude or mean, just for the laughs.

2007-11-16 09:11:48 · 24 answers · asked by . 7

Doesn’t the learning process rely on an open book/blank slate approach to potential knowledge? And isn’t religion all about preconceived concepts of gods, creation, heaven etc? Aren’t preconceived concepts going to at least hinder if not completely obstruct the flow of knowledge? Does this neatly explain the problem that creationists have, with their preconceived notions of god and creation which doesn’t match up with any discoveries science, the quest for knowledge, has made? Would the solution to poor education standards in countries like the USA be to get rid of these preconceived notions which hinder the learning process? Are there enough questions in this question?

2007-11-16 09:09:31 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do YOU estimate the break-down of regular users on R&S are in percentage if put into these 4 catergories. The 3 MAJOR Religions and then the rest.1)Christians 2)Muslims 3)Jewish 4)Other
I'm sure this has probably been asked before but I've never seen it.
so Please be nice........

2007-11-16 09:09:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

that's why evolution is called a theory and assumption of some poor guy who invented stuff in his head and decided to share it with the world. He saw an ape and thought it resembled a human so he said hmm MAYBE we come from apes. How stupid was he????? LOL>..

2007-11-16 09:08:17 · 19 answers · asked by Tx Guy 3

use. I like Joel Osteen and his messages are so inspiring! I love the bible but thought something more "spirtual" and "new age" would be nice for a quote or line at the end of my messages board post, email, etc. Not "God Bless You" or "Acts 10:38" type thing. Thanks.

2007-11-16 09:06:33 · 18 answers · asked by TropyWife 1

Or could it be that he is in fact, NOT worshipping her, and simply doing it out of respect and as a way to honor her, much like us Catholics do, when we are falsely accused of worshipping all of our false Gods (that we are supposedly just too afraid to tell everybody about?")

Seriously, have you ever thought of that?

2007-11-16 09:06:02 · 26 answers · asked by WhiteTiger29 2

I can see how agnostics are open minded, but aren't Santa-deniers just as closed minded as Santa Fundamentalists?

If someone is truly open minded, wouldn't they admit that there is a remote possibility that there could be a Santa? And if there is a remote possibility that there could be a Santa, then shouldn't they also be open minded to the fact that some believe in this more strongly then others?

I'm starting to think that nonbelievers only think someone is open minded if they deny that Santa exists. Is this true?

If this is true...doesn't this go against the definition of being open minded? Which would then bring us back around to what I actually think, that Santa-deniers can not be open minded.



2007-11-16 09:05:09 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Young Earth Creationists make an interesting point that you cannot believe the Bible and believe in an earth older than 6-10k years old because any other viewpoint than this indicates that there were many years of death (whether animals or human) before the Bible's story of the Fall begins. The Fall of man, the original sin, led to death. That said, there had to be a time when there was no death, if there was no death, then billions of years equals billions of animals and not enough resources and land mass to support this compounding problem. With this in mind, can I claim to believe the Bible and still somehow believe the earth is as most scientist (only Christian Scientists believe in a young earth) believe is billions of years old?

2007-11-16 09:04:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-16 09:01:35 · 12 answers · asked by craig7_21040 3

If you don't celebrate the holidays, no offense intended.

2007-11-16 09:01:30 · 28 answers · asked by frenzy-CIB- Jim's with Jesus 4

Does it really matter?

2007-11-16 09:01:03 · 7 answers · asked by Green is my Favorite Color 4

2007-11-16 09:00:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Even on the popes had, the characters on it are said to add up to the numbers 666.
The Catholic church even worships on the first day of the week when in the Ten Commandments it clearly says the 7th day of the week. And there is no point in the bible in which is says God change the day of worship.

However, about the popes hat, I learned that it added up to 666 in Religion Class and I saw a link at this website.

2007-11-16 08:59:40 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i dont get it!!! wierd mideval (if thats how you spell it lol) beliefs still dominate the world and kill millions upon millions. The genocide of reason and logic wont seem to go away. why do people believe ideas that people said thousands of years ago when the earth was flat and three headed dogs could come eat your children at night??

2007-11-16 08:58:12 · 26 answers · asked by ??? 2

A member named ruscito_mom answered a question yesterday that went like this (exact quote):

"I do not believe you will find a truly happy relationship without God in your life. People may try to convince themselves they are happy and relationship is great. If they really ask there self's the right question they will find out what is missing (God)

Why do you think Christians hold onto this view? It almost seems as if they are angry that their are people whom they can't convert, so they lash out with comments like this.

I, and my wife, are in our late 30's, both atheist, both college educated, both with IQ's over 145 (if that matters) and we are totally and completely happy with life, each other, our relationship, our marriage, our future together and everything in between. In fact, I would say we are more happy than a vast majority of religious people we've met over the years.

Why do most (not all) Christians feel what the poster said above? Jealousy? Anger? Hate?

2007-11-16 08:55:27 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can see how agnostics are open minded, but aren't atheists just as closed minded as Christian Fundamentalists?

If someone is truly open minded, wouldn't they admit that there is a remote possibility that there could be a God? And if there is a remote possibility that there could be a God, then shouldn't they also be open minded to the fact that some believe in this more strongly then others?

I'm starting to think that ahteists only think someone is open minded if they deny that God(s) exist. Is this true?

If this is true...doesn't this go against the definition of being open minded? Which would then bring us back around to what I actually think, that atheists can not be open minded.


2007-11-16 08:54:52 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

can someone summarize their positions and how this influenced the early church? it can be a really basic summary in a couple sentences. my roomate and i disagree on these points, so we're betting on the responses...

2007-11-16 08:53:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

that the pet is in heaven? why or why not? and if not, what do you tell them?

2007-11-16 08:53:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I never done it myself I heard it kills brain cells and I like my brain cells killed with ethanol like a normal human being.

2007-11-16 08:53:06 · 6 answers · asked by Grunty O 2

for a moment, let's disregard everything we know about history showing us the way some people have used religion to benefit themselves. let's forget about all the wars that have been started in the name of god. and while we're at it, let's forget about any claims that any war has been started in the name of atheism. assume you were an alien from another planet and you just arrived on this planet. who do you observe is at war the most? who do you observe is at war the least? what would you reason is the cause of the wars? and to what would attribute peace if all you had to go by was what you saw?

2007-11-16 08:52:46 · 10 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

When you first stumbled on here, who was that one person who made you click onto his/her avatar and add them as a contact?

2007-11-16 08:52:25 · 33 answers · asked by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7

open for questions in English? All it does it make me see red when I see it, a reminder of animal cruelty going on in some parts of the world!

2007-11-16 08:51:41 · 5 answers · asked by JiveMan 2

Jesus is always the greatest guy in the world in church commercials, but in the Bible he's arrogant, unpleasant, and downright delusional.

2007-11-16 08:50:41 · 6 answers · asked by Defunct 5

I'm just curious, these things usually don't mesh. I'm a mix of agnostic, humanist, and atheist, and I have very little trouble dealing with evolution. Try to give logical and interesting answers please.

2007-11-16 08:50:28 · 13 answers · asked by David 2

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