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Religion & Spirituality - 7 November 2007

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Try looking at the Garden of Eden account in its original context. Forget any demonology or Christology or Pauline doctrine that you have learned. When understanding the Garden of Eden in its original context, did Adam and Eve sin?

2007-11-07 04:21:58 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-11-07 04:21:52 · 4 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

Is there anyone out there that actually does that?

2007-11-07 04:21:18 · 9 answers · asked by Callen 3

2007-11-07 04:21:04 · 45 answers · asked by MR TT, VT enthusiast 2

knowing that it has been written and re-written, edited and re-edited, censored and re-censored for thousands of years?

you think maybe the greed of mankind has basically made the Bible a big piece of propaganda in order to control people?

2007-11-07 04:19:14 · 17 answers · asked by jacks_insanity 3

One day a nun was fishing and caught a huge, strange looking fish.A man was walking by and said, "WOW!! What a nice Gauddam Fish!"

The sister said, "Sir, you shouldn't use God's name in vain." The man said, "But that's the SPECIES of the fish --- a Gauddam Fish." The sister said, "Oh, ok."

The Sister took the fish back home and said, "Mother Superior,
look at the Gauddam Fish I caught."
Shocked, the Mother Superior said, "Sister, you know better than that."

The nun said, "That's the species of it --- a Gauddam Fish."
So the Mother Superior said, "Well, give me the Gauddam Fish and I'll clean it."

While she was cleaning the fish, Monsignor walked in and Mother
Superior said, "Monsignor, look at the Gauddam Fish that the sister

Nearly fainting, Monsignor said, "Mother Superior, you shouldn"t talk like that!"

Mother Superior said, "But that's the species of it --- a Gauddam Fish." Monsignor said, "Well give me the Gauddam Fish and I'll cook it."

That evening at supper there was a new priest at the table, and he
said, "Wow, what a nice fish." In reply, the sister said, "Thank-you, I caught the Gauddam Fish."
And Mother Superior said, "I cleaned the Gauddam Fish."
And Monsignor said, "I cooked the Gauddam Fish."

The priest looked around in disbelief, quite shocked, and said...

2007-11-07 04:18:02 · 18 answers · asked by **mum to a little miracle** 4

2007-11-07 04:17:45 · 37 answers · asked by conker5698 2

and someone came into your home right now and looked around at what is sitting out, Would you be convicted? Does your Bible have dust on it? Is it underlined or written in? What things in your house show you are a Christian? Christian publications other than the bible laying about? Where?

2007-11-07 04:17:14 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

religion is sposed to be about love and forgivness yet for some reason when i told my grandma i am athiest, SHE DIS-OWNED ME! so what i want to know is what you think. religious freedom is one of the great rights every american has yet for some reason i find myself being persecuted alot more than people with religious background. also there are those church people that come to my house and "invite" me to go to their church and try to convince me that i will not be happy without god. i dont try to convince ppl to not be religious. i just dont give a ****. and church is sposed to be seperate from state yet one of the first things you will always want to know about a candidate is what religion they are. if they say they are athiest i doubt they would even be in the running.

2007-11-07 04:16:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


I think they should. It would put an end to all the fuss and debate over what is and isn't acceptable, and it would treat everyone equally.

School is a place of learning, not religious expression.

I've always said religion is divisive.

I don't think I'm wrong.

2007-11-07 04:16:37 · 16 answers · asked by Simmo 4

2007-11-07 04:15:03 · 1 answers · asked by Michael V 1

my seven year old has some home work and im drawing a blank (and running out of time) to find the answers.please excuse some of the questios remember he is only 7 any help will be much appreciated and earn me some brownie points!!!

how many gods are there (all religions)
do the gods have games (all religions)
how many hindu gods are there
why is vishnu blue
what do the snakes on vishnu mean
are all hindu gods male
do the gods have wives/girlfriend/children
how long have hindu gods lived
how old are their gods
what sort of people are hindus
do hindu people have houses !
di hindu people have paper
is there a special dress that hindus wear

thanks for your help and please keep it simple

2007-11-07 04:14:18 · 9 answers · asked by lee_pont 1

1. Iran's Boast: We Have 3,000 Active Uranium-Enriching Centrifuges
by Hillel Fendel

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad bragged that his country's nuclear program is "irreversible," in a nationally-televised speech on Wednesday.

"Today, we've reached 3,000 centrifuges," he said - two months after announcing that his country had "more than 3,000 centrifuges working... with more being installed every week." Maariv's NRG website reports that the latest reference is to "full-time" activation of the centrifuges

Israel's mini-cabinet convened Wednesday morning to discuss the upcoming report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and how to counter it. The IAEA report is expected to conclude that diplomatic activity is still the strategy of choice to fight Iran's nuclear plans. If the IAEA so concludes, the UN Security Council is expected to wait over four months before imposing further sanctions on Iran.

The eight members of the Israeli ministerial forum are attempting to formulate a campaign to convince the UN not to accept IAEA chief Mohammed El-Baradei's approach.

Minister of Strategic Threats Avigdor Lieberman (Yisrael Beiteinu/Israel Our Home) has said that Al-Baradei's approach "arouses many question marks regarding his intentions and whether he truly desires to deal with Iran's race for nuclear armament." Foreign Ministry Director-General Aharon Abramovitch was more blunt: "Instead of overseeing to ensure that Iran does not receive nuclear powers, he allows the Iranians to stall for time. Deep inside him, Al-Baradei identifies personally with the Iranians."

Lieberman says Israel has a variety of non-military options, "such as using the internet, which is widely used in Iran, to appeal directly to the Iranian public to convince their leaders to stop before it is too late."

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told Foreign Ministers from the European Union this week that tougher sanctions are necessary: "The way to stop Iran is via stronger and more significant sanctions, seeing as we have not been able to stop them via diplomatic contacts."

Uranium Enrichment
Iran's centrifuges are used to enrich uranium, which can then, after further processing, provide material for nuclear bombs. The IAEA confirmed in August that Iran had 12 cascades of 164 centrifuges, for a total of 1,968, running simultaneously to enrich uranium, in addition to hundreds more under construction or being tested. They are located at an underground nuclear facility at Natanz in central Iran.

Experts differ as to how close Iran actually is to full nuclear capabilities. Some Western experts say that 3,000 centrifuges operating at optimum conditions for a year could produce enough uranium for an atom bomb.

Western Sanctions
The U.S. has been pressuring other Western nations to impose a new round of sanctions against Iran. Ahmadinejad recently warned European countries not to do so. Just this week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel hinted that she would support tougher sanctions on Iran. Just days before she is to visit the U.S., Merkel told an audience in Berlin that she felt a moral duty to protect Israel and would stand firm in the face of Iran's nuclear ambitions and its threats to erase Israel.

2007-11-07 04:12:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-11-07 04:10:21 · 10 answers · asked by Warren Ferguson 1

It seems to be something god spends most of his time and energy worrying about. He cares so much he will even punish people for not doing so. Why does he crave our attention so much?

2007-11-07 04:08:48 · 16 answers · asked by brighty 3

What are your thoughts about it? Is this a world in which god is necessary because of how far humanity has fallen? Or is this a world that needs more atheists because of the lack of proper education? Tell me what you think. Please, no rude responses, this is merely intended to insight intelligent conversation and debate, nothing more.

2007-11-07 04:07:19 · 11 answers · asked by lupinesidhe 7

I don't get it...you know we would all be better off like me...

2007-11-07 04:07:08 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which translation of the Bible is correct according to the mormon church? Why is there a book of mormon when the Bible says do not add or take away from the Bible?

2007-11-07 04:06:44 · 14 answers · asked by Kaliko 6


2007-11-07 04:05:54 · 16 answers · asked by Sister Cordelia VT-PMS 2

...belief in a deist God as opposed to a theist God? Please, no more flames. I am looking for honest answers, not angry opinions. I am not a religious fundamentalist trying to challenge you, but a seeker teetering between agnosticism and belief in a theist God.

2007-11-07 04:04:43 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-07 04:03:32 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

as science say there there is no limit beyond sky. the evolution starts like this... there were dust that were attracted to each other and due to pressure within it became hot (the sun) then it burst out and there came planets..
where did the dust come from? nowhere? vaccum has the most pressure that no one can imagine... initially there were only space(vaccum) and due to pressure it made a swirling energy called electrons.. then the atom.. then dust then the rest as u know...

what du u say of this?

then if u believe everything came out of nothing then we are made by nothing... they say god created us.. then did the nothingness create us? is god nothing? so thats what is everywhere.. in and around us.. so is that why those who realised god say god is everywhere?

whats your opinion about this theory?

2007-11-07 04:02:10 · 18 answers · asked by smile! 2

2007-11-07 03:59:40 · 20 answers · asked by symonds_jonty 1

*No fighting * No division * Just a Questions

Nobody's innocent. People who CLAIM TO BE Jews, Christians, and Muslims have committed many atrocities.

Let's not count doing things totally counter to their faith, but saying they are doing it in the name of God.

I'm not here to bash or cause division, but in America, it appears that Jews view Christians as more of a threat as Muslims.

Do they fear that Christians a violent threat? conversion threat?

2007-11-07 03:59:05 · 20 answers · asked by Deelite Me! 2

They could change language so that we could all get away from a belief in the supernatural. Here's an examble.

One atheist says to another, "I like Jim, he's a great deposit of carbon."

2007-11-07 03:56:58 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have to discus the topic above, what can i write?
i have to have a for and against, then what i think about it, it is worth 4 marks, so 4 points.

2007-11-07 03:55:22 · 2 answers · asked by Liz 2

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