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Religion & Spirituality - 23 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

are you sure he died for my zins?

2007-10-23 07:45:39 · 31 answers · asked by average person Violated 4

Seems the report-monkeys are out in force lately -- suspended twice in as many days, without even having any of my posts being reported!

But let me ask you: in your experience, who is more intolerant and draconian in R&S -- theists or atheists? Atheists, do you specifically target the Christian ranters in an attempt to get them banned, or just deftly refute their circular logic and unsubstantiated claims? Theists, are you willing to defend your faith with the strength of your arguments and the weight of the evidence, or do you try to shout down or banish anyone who disagrees with you?

Time to switch tactics -- we're not going away based on anything YOU say or do; and you just prove yourself all the more intolerant and irrational each time you try to silence us....

2007-10-23 07:44:52 · 13 answers · asked by The Reverend Soleil 5

Seriously, i have gone through the memorys of my life and realized how useless i am.
Can anybody find a solution?

2007-10-23 07:42:20 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

isnt a God.
I try to be what I consider is a good person. I am loving, I am forgiving, I try to make right decisions in life, and Help out others as much as I can.
However, I do not follow any religion, because I have not found one the makes any sense to me.
They are all basically the same thing, over and over again to me.
Now I ask all of you who believe in Heaven and Hell in the afterlife, If I am the best person I can be, and do what I feel is right, why, if it turns out God exists, would he send me to Hell?

I ask that you do not give Bible quotes or state what you "know" to be the "truth" because this does not help me.

I do not follow the bible and I do not follow religions, so anything having to do with that will be ignored.

I just want honest opinions

2007-10-23 07:42:11 · 15 answers · asked by AwesomeJoeKnows 3

Do you worry for them? Do you feel sorry that they haven't found your God?


Is belief in God the only way to be happy and feel fulfilled in life?

2007-10-23 07:41:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Oh when you’re down and you’re looking for some cheering up
Then just head right on up to the candy mountain cave
When you get inside you find yourself a cheery land
Such a happy and joy filled and perky merry land
They’ve got lollipops and gummidrops and candy things
Oh so many things that will brighten up your day
It’s impossible to wear a frown in candy town
It’s the mecca of lovely candy cave
They’ve got jellybeans and coconut with little hats
Candy rats, chocolate bats, it’s a wonderland of sweets
Buy the candy train to town and hear the candy band
Candy bells, it’s a treat, as they march across the land
Cherry ribbon stream across the sky and to the ground
Turn around, it astounds, it’s a dancing candy treat
In the candy cave imagination runs so free

With such a wonderful place, how can you say no to find the sacred Candy Mountain??

2007-10-23 07:40:28 · 13 answers · asked by Love Yahoo!!! is a prince 3


2007-10-23 07:37:32 · 38 answers · asked by Smee 1

do you put anything before your spouse in your marriage? if yes, what?

2007-10-23 07:37:13 · 24 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

Title - Artist

please answer (:

2007-10-23 07:34:39 · 12 answers · asked by trickster 1

I was watching a football game with my son a couple of weeks ago. It was just a game of tackling and men trying to force their wills on their enemy men.

It was a good and pure experience, with all sorts of physical action and drama. Men teaching other men. Then it was ruined.

The cheerleading team was leading people to sin over and over. It's sick. You are watching this game of future leaders of our new generation, men who lead other men into battle and understand their leadership role in the world. Other men understand this and love it.

Then these women come into play and tempt all these men and women away from good things. There are cameras out there, and these women who have legs that don't quit run out there and do cartwheels. It's sick! I left at halftime, because I didn't want that kind of stuff in my mind anymore. I can't deal with people who lead me to sin, and Jesus is my tourniquet.

WHy can't these life givers be more modest in their dress. It's driving this nation crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-23 07:34:05 · 21 answers · asked by Creepy 3

I am an atheist, but I have no children to raise in these difficult times. What ever I choose to believe has little effect on the lives of others.---But, I might be reluctant to try to raise children in a society that has no exstension to the law, or no built-in moral corrective.

Many parents were raised by parents who beat or threatened their children in order to make them " behave ", but these techniques are no longer acceptable, and many of the modern parents don't know any other way to discipline.
Isn't it understandible that today's parents might fear for the future of their children in a life without religion?

2007-10-23 07:33:20 · 15 answers · asked by big j 5

Thank you for your answers! :)

Have a wonderful day! :)

2007-10-23 07:33:20 · 27 answers · asked by Moon :) 7

i believe it was from about the age of 12-13 to 30-31? anyway the exact age isnt important,what was he doing that nobody :
(A) didnt bother to record
(B)wasnt permitted to record
(C)was recorded but at a later date removed from history
and (D)somebody got writers block.
it is a tremendously important part of any persons life no matter who you are,its the age discovery,puberty,adulthood,manhood. is there an official line on this or just speculation?

2007-10-23 07:31:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sometimes I can just be sitting quietly and the most awful sinful things will enter into my mind. I can't help but wonder is it temptation from the Satan, or if it was already in my subconcious. I wonder if there is a way to distinguish the difference. Should we confess these sins when we go to confession or should we just let it go. Yes, I am very serious.

2007-10-23 07:30:49 · 11 answers · asked by Brenda M 4

Please tell me what you believe the truth of all truths really is.

Goddess Bless.
Blessed Be.

2007-10-23 07:29:12 · 24 answers · asked by Zero Cool 3

Free brownies!

2007-10-23 07:27:25 · 11 answers · asked by Brandon's been a dirty Hore 5

For instance, Christians believe that non-Christians deserve to go to Hell just for being non-believers, but they claim they aren't passing a moral judgement on those people, God is... But their opinions are the same as their God's opinions, so why won't they take credit (or blame) for said opinions? Why do they always try to "pass the buck" to God, as if they weren't involved? If you agree with something, you OWN it! It's the same as if you made the decision yourself... Christians aren't even consistent on this principle! For instance, they hold the Jews of Jesus's time responsible for His death because they thought He should be killed, even though they did not personally kill Him (the Romans executed Him). Yet they don't want to be held accountable for their own God's decisions with which they agree!

2007-10-23 07:27:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I see many Christians here refer to law versus grace, and I'd like to know what exactly you guys mean by that. Thanks in advance.

2007-10-23 07:26:25 · 14 answers · asked by Cosmic I 6

This comes from Pascal's belief that we should believe in God because it is wise. For if He exists then we do not have to worry about going to hell. Whereas, if He does not exist we do not have to worry about hell anyway, and we won't lose anything.

2007-10-23 07:23:21 · 5 answers · asked by Billy Edwards 1


You believe in what the bible tells you right?

So let me quote your good book to you....

"Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away."

"Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them despitefully use you, and persecute you"

So, unless you are lying hypocrites, you should obey this teaching, right?

So what is with all the thumbs down you people give to answers that you don't agree with?

2007-10-23 07:21:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

THANKS did these advantages help the rise of Christianity and how? >_<

2007-10-23 07:19:22 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

force others to accept atheism as a way of life and belief?

2007-10-23 07:17:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Forget that it was made in man's image for a moment.

2007-10-23 07:15:39 · 9 answers · asked by cananddo 4

Does this mean Mankind HAS to end too? can't they just load up a rocket ship and go live on a new planet?

I, for one, would build a rocket ship (or a fleet of rocket ships) big enough to sustain a few thousand people (preferably mormons only), fly to another world and colonize it and then keep everybody else off it so we can live in peace and prosperity. no more persecution. no more crappy government.

2007-10-23 07:13:06 · 15 answers · asked by Captain Galactic 6

Doesn't that give Christians a 99.999% chance of being wrong about theirs?

Here's a short list of Gods...

2007-10-23 07:11:31 · 21 answers · asked by I'm an Atheist 3

Or that the Holy Spirit (whatever that is) has "filled/touched their hearts"?

Are they delusional freaks or outright liars?

For some samples of this, look at these answers:


2007-10-23 07:11:24 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please provide details.

2007-10-23 07:09:19 · 31 answers · asked by don_steele54 6

so should i assume that, from a christian prespective, men are better than woman?.......
i know we we are physically and mentally, but im asking about morally?

2007-10-23 07:09:06 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard that a lot of times lately and I wonder if it's real.

2007-10-23 07:08:51 · 18 answers · asked by larissa 6

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