Lesbian & Gay Christian Movement Prayer
God, whose love and compassion extends to all without distinction of sex or sexuality
We offer you our lives and experiences as gay men, bisexuals and lesbian women
Help us to play our special part in your work of redeeming love for all people
Give us strength to carry your love into a world that may reject or ignore us
May we journey with Christ in faith and truth and justice trusting in your eternal love
We remember in prayer
The Church - that your concern for love, justice and freedom may be honoured by the community of faith
Lesbians and gay men throughout the world, especially those facing hatred, injustice or imprisonment; the lonely, isolated and confused; the poor and hungry; the elderly, the sick and bereaved; that they may know themselves to be acceptable and accepted
Those we love, especially our partners, our parents, our families and friends, that our love may be a reflection of your c
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