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Religion & Spirituality - 15 October 2007

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There are people in this side of answers that don't believe in God? If you don't believe why are you here?

2007-10-15 09:26:15 · 12 answers · asked by lillian j 1

I am trying to live a life of chastity like the Mormons but am having a difficult time not "doing it solo" in my sleep. This really irritates me because it would ruin my chances of joining the priesthood. Therefore, I am saving up and researching some chastity belt companies to help "keep me pure." I may want to convert to LDS but the "doing it solo" problem could prevent my acceptance in that religion.

Please let me know of your success with chastity belts! What else do you suggest for the prevention of "doing it solo"?

Also, non-Mormons please don't write dirty jokes here!

2007-10-15 09:25:00 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I posed something before about my boyfriend being offended by the abbreviation 'Xmas' even though he's not really religious and it got me thinking to other times when he was inexplicably opinionated about a particular religious issue.
x There's Xmas taking Christ out of Christmas
x He wants a manger at Christmas time
x He's actually told me that when we get married, he wants his friend, who is a PAGAN WITCH to marry us
x When we went to his Grandmother's funeral, he was a little upset that I didn't go up and accept Communion (I didn't think it would be appropriate because I'm an atheist and don't believe)
x He insisted we have a star or angel on the top of the tree (e.g. no Santa) because of something to do with the Star of Bethlehem and the Wise Men.

What is going on with him? These things are over the last 2 years so it's not all at one time, like he's all of a sudden religious, but I dont' see how you can want a Pagan Witch to marry you but youre offended by the abbreviation Xmas.

2007-10-15 09:24:26 · 6 answers · asked by abrennan01 3

Why aren't you in the Christian section?"There isn't one" is not a satisfactory answer.You don't accept the "no atheist category"as to why atheists are here.Are you not strong in your faith?Why DO you hang out among Buddhists,Wiccans,and Pagans,and Atheists?Are you thinking of converting?What,You are simply INTERESTED?In Wicca?In Atheism?Why then,can we not be interested also.Seems to me,you are the only ones complaining,are you afraid that tenuous shell of unreality you must hold onto will crumble by hearing atheists words?Well,give a good answer as to why are you here....or SHUT UP ABOUT US BEING HERE,once and for all

2007-10-15 09:22:53 · 40 answers · asked by nobodinoze 5

Is the saying "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one" really accurate???

If this is true...what are your feelings on minority rights?? Should the needs of the few be taken into consideration at all?

If so, in what ways???

Just a few examples to consider...

The majority was in favor of slavery...we even fought a war over this one.

When women were obtaining the right to vote, the male majority was greatly opposed to this....why?

The majority were in favor of prohibition. The minority had that amendment overturned.

I'm sure there are other examples I failed to mention.

Should the minority have any say in opposition to majority rights???

I chose to ask this question in this section because many feel that when it comes to the topic of religion, that anybody who is not a believer needs to "sit down and shut up."

2007-10-15 09:22:07 · 11 answers · asked by Adam G 6

Would you be outraged or upset if you learned that over 4,000 people die a year in the US due to a certain cause, and that the worldwide rate is 1.5 million a year?

But they do?

Why is an unborn fetus not considered a "human"?

2007-10-15 09:21:57 · 7 answers · asked by CanadianFundamentalist 6

That Jesus is the only way too heaven. With out Him there is only hell! Jesus loves you. Accept Jesus before it's to late. praying for the lost!

2007-10-15 09:21:47 · 11 answers · asked by supergirlfantasy11 2

If I warn people about the dangers of judgment and hell, then am I judging these people??
The Bible says not to judge.

2007-10-15 09:17:20 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Does God Exist" is a stupid question isn't it? It's like asking "does x exist?" - it doesn't mean anything unless you define x. If x = an abstract entity as reported in a book, then the answer can only ever be "maybe". But there are other definitions of x - The Gospel of Thomas, the Tao Te Ching, the writings or teachings of Meister Eckhart, Sri Ramana Maharshi, B. Long and E. Tolle. For them x = a miraculous yet simple direct experience of reality now, unaffected and unconditioned by thought (i.e. all belief, hope, memory and idea) and emotion (i.e. all desire, anxiety, depression and excitement). Naturally x cannot exist if you are identified with your thoughts and emotions, as is most of the world; unlikely then you've sought or found the writings and teachings mentioned above, instead sidetracked by the tiresome science vs religion distraction. But if, by some sweet silent impulse, you know that there is something more to life than worldly living, perhaps you know if x exists?

2007-10-15 09:15:52 · 10 answers · asked by Da 2

but not the Almight God? I don't understand..The Bible says their is One God..right? or am I wrong?

2007-10-15 09:15:07 · 14 answers · asked by Lisa... 1

Should we warn people about the judgment and hell or should we be quiet and say nothing?

2007-10-15 09:14:28 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mmmmmk, so God said "let there be light," and boom, everything went from there. Now, sound waves require a medium in which to travel. Since God hasn't "created" anything yet, how could he have said that? Also, where was God when he said it? There was nothing around him to hear him say that, so why would he say it? How do we know that he said it if we weren't "created" yet? Why would God tell us what he said in the Bible? Did the people who wrote the Bible not think this through all the way?

2007-10-15 09:10:05 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

You know like David Koresh ... Branch Davidians. Religious people already have a need to believe, all they are missing is a leader. This is where I want to step in.

2007-10-15 09:09:10 · 25 answers · asked by Future 5

2007-10-15 09:07:17 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My grandparents were Roman Catholic and they told me that papist tradition dictates that if a Mormon or a Jew marries a Roman Catholic the couple and parents to be have to agree that the children will be brought up Roman Catholic otherwise, no wedding can take place.

Is this sort of the reason why Mormon girls aren't allowed to date non-Mormon men or could it be because of the common misconception that non-Mormons don't practice "a life of chastity?"

The reason is because I am a man who doesn't practice religion and I met a Mormon girl on Yahoo's hotdates or whatever it is called and she said that she could only date fellow Mormons (hmm maybe they have to keep it in the family:)).

2007-10-15 09:06:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

another name for God?

2007-10-15 09:01:53 · 8 answers · asked by AwesomeJoeKnows 3

So you are gay, and a Christian....Do you believe God will forgive a blatant disobeyment of His word or do you know that the Bible says it is an "abomination to the Lord" and you live in fear of eternal damnation, but you are what you are and cannot help it?

I am straight, I go to a church where we welcome ALL PEOPLE. I have friends that are 100% gay and Christian and scared to death, literally. I myself have experimented, but just for sexual pleasure, not true love. SO PLEASE, I just want to get an idea how many feel what way about the Bible and their sexual orientation. If I offended you, I am truly sorry.

2007-10-15 09:01:35 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because we all know what happens when attitudes like that are allowed to grow and fester: 9/11.

2007-10-15 09:01:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

You all can say whatever you want. We don't care lol.

2007-10-15 09:01:13 · 38 answers · asked by Eason W 5

I wrote a note about Christmas dinner yesterday and I abbreviated it to Xmas. My boyfriend said it genuinely offended him because the holiday is about Christ, whether you believe that he's the son of God or not. It's 'taking the Christ out of Christmas' he said. He's not even religious! We don't go to church or say grace before dinner or anything even REMOTELY religiuos so I dont' even know where this is coming from. I'm an atheist so i celebrate Christmas as the spirit of goodwill and family togetherness and my atheism has never been a problem before. I also dont 'think he's 'finding God' either.

I think this is absolutely ridiculous but I'll respect his wishes and not write Xmas anymore (Like society doesn't have more offensive things to deal with! Jeez Louise!) but I wanted to know what other people thought about this situation.

2007-10-15 09:00:24 · 33 answers · asked by abrennan01 3

I am a born Muslim, and come from the Balkans. Over time, I have started to read many books, and talk to many people, and have decided to not associate myself with any one particular religion for personal reasons. I simply have too much of an open mind. But let it be known that I respect all those and all religions in this world. Although independent, I am very proud of my ancestry, and who my family is and what they stand for. After 9/11, I have started to realize that American hatred for Islam is constantly increasing. I don't understand this mindset that one can put themselves in. There are some people that "dirty" a religion, I admit. But, how can someone be so naive and automatically believe that the whole entire religion is evil, and must be nonexistent? I see this hatred growing every single day, especially in the United States. My question to all of you that hold these negative thoughts about Islam is: What is it that you dislike about it?

2007-10-15 08:59:16 · 25 answers · asked by bdsmkb 2

Even if these claims were true, would that somehow prove that God did exist?

2007-10-15 08:59:13 · 30 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

but really and truely loves God with all of their heart..and lives a good moral life..and talks to others about God, and about Jesus..But..they are not Jehovah's Witnesses..Do you feel that Jehovah will have mercy on them at the end? What are your feelings on this..No cut and paste..just your feelings..please..Thanks!

2007-10-15 08:58:57 · 25 answers · asked by Lisa... 1

2007-10-15 08:58:32 · 22 answers · asked by SHELLTOE BISCUITS 3

I don't think it is. Maybe for a little bit, but I think after a while if you're single you start to get less happy. Cuz it's like human nature to want companshipship. But I'm young so maybe I don't know. So do you think it's possible to be 100% happy and single for a long period of time?

2007-10-15 08:58:22 · 21 answers · asked by Moxie! 6

My family is religious. We accept Jesus Christ's teachings. Why is that ----Jesus walked all over the place casting out demons AND the problem was so invasive that he recruited 12 disciplices AND the problem was so all emcompassing that he recruited 42 more other helpers to help him to cast out demons.............but we refuse to recognize demon possession in 2007? My daughter has a demon but nobody will help me to cast it out. The Baptists say they believe 100% in demons but when I suggest that we have an exorisicsm, they go pale and wander away. I understand that the Catholics have a limited few group of clergy men who deal in this but I'm not Catholic. I don't recognize the rosary beads, the Pope as God on Earth, or the Virgin Mary as a deity.

What's wrong with Christians these days???

2007-10-15 08:58:13 · 8 answers · asked by Ayliann 4

I keep being convicted of my salvation. I don't understand why and neither does anyone else. It is so frustrating. I will be doing fine in my Christian life and it will just come up, and it totally paralyses me. I don't understand what it is, or how I can fix it. Please help!

2007-10-15 08:57:44 · 11 answers · asked by Skyline 4

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