"Does God Exist" is a stupid question isn't it? It's like asking "does x exist?" - it doesn't mean anything unless you define x. If x = an abstract entity as reported in a book, then the answer can only ever be "maybe". But there are other definitions of x - The Gospel of Thomas, the Tao Te Ching, the writings or teachings of Meister Eckhart, Sri Ramana Maharshi, B. Long and E. Tolle. For them x = a miraculous yet simple direct experience of reality now, unaffected and unconditioned by thought (i.e. all belief, hope, memory and idea) and emotion (i.e. all desire, anxiety, depression and excitement). Naturally x cannot exist if you are identified with your thoughts and emotions, as is most of the world; unlikely then you've sought or found the writings and teachings mentioned above, instead sidetracked by the tiresome science vs religion distraction. But if, by some sweet silent impulse, you know that there is something more to life than worldly living, perhaps you know if x exists?
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