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Religion & Spirituality - 11 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

help help help!!!!!! everyones freakin out on me and i still dont know what the hell christo facism is!!!!!! and no ones even made a decent web page on it!!!!! help!!!!

2007-10-11 16:11:52 · 10 answers · asked by RC 3

You have to watch this whole skit, I promise it's very good!! Tell me what you think after you watched it...thanks!

2007-10-11 16:07:07 · 5 answers · asked by Lids 5

I was watching something about Satanists on Discovery the other night and learned an alarming fact. The Church leader said that they dont believe in God nor the Devil or life after death. That all of the rituals and stuff they do is too mock Christianity. I wouldn`t liken them to atheist, they`re idiots. The only thing worse than religion is anti-religion. All the rituals and crap they do remind me of the Catholic Church. Since they claim they don`t believe in that crap do you think they are really sheep in wolves clothing?

2007-10-11 16:06:51 · 25 answers · asked by Future 5

is our president christian?
does christianity condone torture of human beings?

thanks for all the answers-enjoy the night

2007-10-11 16:03:58 · 26 answers · asked by lazaruslong138 6

Truth is. Belief is not required.
Gerry Roston
aha do u believe
how without belief can we know the truth?

p.s i asked this question in religion but it sems the answer isnt convicing
so i try asking in philosophy

2007-10-11 15:59:42 · 7 answers · asked by ~electra~ 4

Will the Red indians who were killed in USA by the early settlers about 500 years ago go to hell as they did not Know and had not excepted Christ,will the Aborignes who were subject to Genocide killed about 200years ago in Australia by European settlers go to hell as they were not Christians.Will the many tribal communities of Africa go to hell who do not believe in christ ,will the Victims Of the A bombs of Japan go to hell as most of them were Buddhists.How can you also Expect 70 percent of the non believers to believe in Christ whenever I ask that in this forum the only answer you have his you must have faith or else go to hell ,as if OTHER RELIGIONS ARE FALSE & HAVE NO VALUE
Many tribals can’t even pronounce modern Languages,
And those who haven’t heard the Gospel will be judged by their hearts and others who have refused will go to hell,just because the missionaries cannot prove the Bible to them.

What kind of God do you believe in that instead of punishing man for his folly,he forsaked his countless generations to forces of nature,( would you be able to forgive your parents if they threw you out on the streets as a punishment and in the future if you became a criminal they would come back and say sinner For your crimes we will punish you)
(Your interpretation of such a heartless God amazes me,see other religions where they state that you will be judged only by your good and bad deeds by Higher authorities)

and after that he is going to send billions of human souls who did not believe the words of his supposed son carried out by missionaries throughout the world (what the Bible Glows and the other holy books remain the same ,if you put a cross on a deadbody it comesback to life and if you put other holy symbols they remain dead )

Countless mythologies state that Gods had walked on this planet and had come to help men in Severe crisis’s (all you can say various faiths are work of the Devil
I say if they are ,Then why Did your all mighty God allow them to be created in the first place) How can you prove that many Gods may not exist Except saying Have faith and the bible states so
And the worst part is many of you still believe all have to just except Christian doctrine,
Or they will face damnation.AND another fact to your surprise
People of Spain were neither Christians or Muslims they had a sperate religion first
They were converted to Islam by the Morracan Army.
Next when your Christian armies came they converted them to Christianity By the use of The SPANISH RACK (which was a Torture Device on Which more Than A 100 THOUSAND people were tortured until They Converted to Christianity) Under orders of the Church seeing the Torture Victims many others converted Guess even the Church knew that People would not understand Christianity Without Coercion now would they
And so know 90% of Spain is Christian a miracle isn’t it.

2007-10-11 15:58:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you are someone who has no religion, or has no belief in any god(s), would you consider yourself to be an atheist or an anti-theist?

2007-10-11 15:56:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't there some sort of rule, some might call it commandment, about worshiping graven images?

2007-10-11 15:53:16 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are over 50 countries around the world that are persecuting Christians for their faith. Many of these countires are Muslim, and Communist Countries. Our Brothers and Sisters are imprisoned, fined, tortured and yes, even killed for proclaiming the life changing soul winning Gospel of Jesus Christ; yet they do so gladly. Do you think we could do more, here in America, where we have the (limited) freedom to express our Christian points of view? What are we scared of? Would you be bold for Christ if faced with these same penalties; even death? I have seen many Christians fold under the pressures of Atheist and non-believer mockery here on R & S; I am not a fundie, but a sincere Christian, so...what do you think, can we live the faith we profess? Can we love, unconditionaly, as Christ loved unconditionaly? God bless. Chris

2007-10-11 15:51:48 · 26 answers · asked by Brother Chris 3

If babies that die go to Heaven due to their lack of sin, then didn't Jesus die for only those above the age of reason? Below that age, nobody needs Him, they're already saved.

2007-10-11 15:49:31 · 10 answers · asked by ccrider 7

in a hospital no less! do you think my Atheist ways will get me through the night? I don't know ,I don't count for much as an Atheist , but I do save lives! will you and your God still love me???????????????????????????????????????? I love you but I don't believe in Gods!

2007-10-11 15:46:49 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-11 15:45:31 · 12 answers · asked by SweetGirl 1

My daughter's best friend, Nichole,(who's only 16) has become as of today legally emancipated by the courts.
Long story short:
Nichole had lived with her father most of her life until several months ago when he re-lapsed on heroin. they lost their home and the father put Nichole up in a hotel, paid for two nights, and never came back. Nichole hooked up with another friend who's family took her in. After notifying the mother (who lives about 350 miles from here) about this, the mother said for her to get emancipated and she would sign off on it. Nichole HAS stayed in school, started working and the family that took her in rented her a small studio apt in their basement (for only $120 a month which includes room and board).
She needs prayer, alot of it. If this wonderful child is going to have a chance and not become a "statistic" she is going to need all the supernatural forces in heaven!
Please, pray for this "child" because even though she's emancipated, she's still a child...

2007-10-11 15:44:15 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

would a christian president allow torture of a human beings?
is the president christian?
does christianity allow the torture of human beings?
i ask this questions earlier today and got some good answers-thought i give it another go and see what happens-thanks for all and any answers-keep smiling and enjoy the night

2007-10-11 15:44:05 · 6 answers · asked by lazaruslong138 6

What are you praying for and do you believe that God will answer? I am praying for my mom's salvation and I believe that she will be in heaven when she dies. I will be happy to include your prayer request in my prayer time this evening. God Bless Everyone Tonight!

2007-10-11 15:43:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

that says to accept Jesus as your personal savior?

I cannot seem to find it anywhere. It is very important that I locate it. Any help you can give me will be appreciated

2007-10-11 15:34:51 · 21 answers · asked by Southern Apostolic 6

(I am not referring to the theoretical physics "theory of everything" that scientists have searched for over the last 400 years or so.)

What is your "Theory of Everything" that allows you to better understand and cope with the "quantum entanglements" of your world?

Example: I am 1/4 Cherokee Indian, and they have had a two part "Theory of Everything" for about 200 years or so. ...

rule # 1. "Don't sweat the small stuff".
rule # 2. .. "Everything is small stuff".
I don't agree, but that doesn't discount the value of their theory in coping and understanding their world.

Example: My sister's "Theory of Everything" is .... "You give, and then you get." - She can speak for hours on any subject that you mention that proves (to her) that whatever you do, it falls into her "Theory of Everything"

2007-10-11 15:34:21 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Help! My fiancee claims to not believe that there is a god. I was raised in a very christian home.although in my adult life i have not lived anything close to a christian life, now that we are getting married i want it to be a blessed union. I have always believed to have a truly happy and successful life and marriage you have to walk a righteous path. i also believe that a husband has the responsibiete to lead his family on the righteous path. So my question is how do I be a good christian wife to an atheist?

2007-10-11 15:34:18 · 33 answers · asked by Dennysgurl 1

I'm referring to this in a dating manner. I've had more success with men who are not Christians than I've had with men who are. Does this mean that Christian men are more picky than those who aren't. Now I'm willing to wait for the man God has picked out for me but I do wonder at times what is wrong with me.

2007-10-11 15:34:09 · 18 answers · asked by flashypsw 4

I know some do not believe in the trinity. They believe Jesus is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. One being three names. People like me who believe in the trinity believe in one God that exist simultaneously in three forms. Now if Jesus is all three. One physical form that has all three names. How did Jesus sit at His own right hand? We are told Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father. How could He do that if God does not exist in three forms at once?

1Peter 3:22 Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.

Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 10:12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;
Heb 10:13 From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.

2007-10-11 15:33:09 · 21 answers · asked by Bible warrior 5

Please be honest

2007-10-11 15:32:32 · 15 answers · asked by Moe Hawk 2

(for example: seeing a real person before your eyes perform miracles unexplainable by science while claiming to be the god of another religion, or perhaps undisputed fossil evidence that proved the world was older than your religious book claimed it was)

If no specific evidence could ever convince you that your religious beliefs are wrong, is it accurate to say that your religious beliefs lack a rational basis (they are faith only, not based on facts and evidence)?

2007-10-11 15:25:02 · 23 answers · asked by Cosette 3

hi, does anyone know if pope benedict has at least 1
Phd? and if he does, where and when did he study and in what field. btw, this is a genuine question. please don;t laugh.

2007-10-11 15:21:53 · 5 answers · asked by sevenmoreminutes7 2

Your muse? Do you have one? Do you feel your creative energy comes from God?

2007-10-11 15:20:18 · 31 answers · asked by NONAME 5

If I am open to options, and I believe that there is
a) something in the afterlife, but I'm not sure what and am not going to stress about it until it is revealed, and
b) am also open to the possibility that there may not be an afterlife, and may be nothing out there. Does that make me agnostic, or agnostic and athiest (even though that's not quite possible). (or is it?)

Basically I believe whatever is possible, and I am okay with that. There might be something, or not

(and to any potential frivolous postings, yes God loves me, of course, thank you)

2007-10-11 15:18:24 · 20 answers · asked by Salizler 4

fedest.com, questions and answers