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Religion & Spirituality - 10 October 2007

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Atheists don't believe in Christ but in our society, we couldn't identify a true-blue atheist because most people celeberate the birthday of Jesus Christ.. called Christmas which was originally a pagan holiday.. are some atheists guilty of identifying with the holiday?

2007-10-10 04:50:38 · 35 answers · asked by brixter13 2

I am FACINATED by your beliefs and have tons of questions! But I will only ask 2 or 3 now since space and time is limited: if I decide to follow this path, what do I need to do? Is there a difference between Pagen and Wicca? If I "become" one of these, are any christian beliefs that I "may" still have out the window?? Serious replies please as I am very serious in my questions! Thank you so much!

2007-10-10 04:49:57 · 18 answers · asked by pure&simple 3

Can Christian be cremated our buried?

Job 19:25-26
"For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:"
Clearly Job understood that he would be buried, and that the worms of the earth (not fire) would destroy his body that it return it to the dust from which it came. And yet he intimately ties it to the resurrection, exactly as we see done all throughout scripture. That was/is the normal Godly way to deal with loved ones who die. Again, as attested to by the Biblical records of the purchase of land by Abraham (precisely for this purpose).
So what do you think?

2007-10-10 04:49:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-10 04:49:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

why/why not?
have you ever experienced it?

2007-10-10 04:48:23 · 10 answers · asked by phoenixxgrey 3

Revelation 22:3-4 clearly shows the Lamb and the Father as ONE, when it reference the Lamb & Father as His & Him, not their or they.

Hear O Israel the Lord our God is One Lord!

Thanks for your input & God Bless You!

2007-10-10 04:46:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

One of the most shocking truths that hit me when reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to prove the Bible bunk as an atheist was that Jesus loved, hung out with, and got along with the all the rebels and so-called “sinners” of the world. I mean, His first miracle was at a huge Jewish wedding party where many people were likely sloshed from drinking too much wine. And what does He do? As if winking to His close disciples and to PROVE to them He is who He says He is, He is like “Check this out”. And He goes and has 6 huge stone jars filled with water, and then He turns it all into wine so that all the people at the party can party and drink more!

And the only people He gets “angry” at...are the self-righteous religious LEADERS! You know, the ones that add rule upon rule upon rule upon rule upon rule upon rule as a “religion” to “control” people with “power and authority” – and STIFLE THE VERY LIFE OUT OF YOU - much like many modern-day Church leaders and Churches!


2007-10-10 04:42:36 · 18 answers · asked by yachadhoo 6

i just want to know that is all

2007-10-10 04:40:09 · 45 answers · asked by Stephanie D 2

I just had 3 ladys come to my door and said hello we are just going around and wanted to read to you from the bible in Deuteronomy, which is almost like a Godsend to me (Deuteronomy is the easiest book to quote evil verses...) anyway, they asked if I read from the Bible and I said why yes I certainly do, I know Deuteronomy chapter 13 verses 6-10...And she said oh I am not too familiar with that so she turned to it and began to read it to me...Then she said oh yeah that is very important to keep your family from worshipping other Gods...I replied really? I actually didn't like it because it says to kill them, and turned my back to them and walked inside. True story happened just now and I came inside to write this to ask what you would do?

2007-10-10 04:39:37 · 30 answers · asked by klover_dso 3

Ok, I have been christian all my life, but have been questioning my faith for some time now. I have so many questions about so many different things. But what I want to know is am I allowed to read the Koran? Am I even "allowed" to be Muslim since Im caucasian? Im not saying thats what Ive chosen to follow now, Im just wondering!

2007-10-10 04:39:31 · 28 answers · asked by pure&simple 3

I'm trying to convey the true meaning of Christmas to my non-Christian friends. Any ideas?

2007-10-10 04:39:03 · 17 answers · asked by Rachel A 1

I'm not accusing or assuming anything. But what is more important to you, your Christmas or your Christ? I mean really, If you are so attached to this day and it doesn't matter if God is in it, where are your spiritual standards? You won't give up Christmas, Why?
Do you put this much imphasis on the resorection or on the only rite he told us to celebrate (comunion)?
I'm not attacking you but I am definately bashing Christmas.

No I'm not a JW, SDA or LDS. I'm your average borne again believer who has attended many various churches, celebrated many Christmases W/ family and friends and loved it. Ive played Santa a few times to./ The last time I did it, is when it hit me.
Pull down the mask and behind it all you will not find the face of Christ.
Guess whooooooooo?
If you won't even concider it, then your god is your celebrations
The jews had this problem in the Old Testament. What do you think God told them?

Go find out!

2007-10-10 04:38:52 · 19 answers · asked by Gypsy Priest 4

My sister n law is struggling with her past right now. That if one doesn't go to her childhood church, she is doomed to hell. She had left the Church when she left her home. And now she has returned to Christ, has confessed Jesus Christ her Lord & Savior, & believes He raised from the dead, but she doesn't feel truly forgiven. Because she feels her sins were maybe too much. And she wants acceptence from her mother. But then her mother thinks she has to return to this particular denomination & ask forgiveness there. And only there can she be forgiven.

Even one verse will help. She needs verses from the Holy Bible to claim. A lot of verses will help more.

2007-10-10 04:37:58 · 12 answers · asked by t a m i l 6



Peace and Love

2007-10-10 04:36:15 · 14 answers · asked by digilook 2

Of course you're moral. I'm interested in how you feel an atheist society would fill the void left in society where there are no theistic institutions. In all of the atheist websites I've seen, I haven't seen anyone mention how they feel a society needs to teach the concept of right and wrong.

1 - Is it (morality) something that is relative to the society or the individual?

1a - If it is to society, who teaches it?

1b - If it is to the individual, how do you decide which wrongs need to be enforced?

2007-10-10 04:26:39 · 30 answers · asked by super Bobo 6

The babylonian "Epic of Gilgamesh" tells the story of a flood, a man, a cubic shaped ark, animals being taken on board, sending out a dove and a raven after the flood". This epic poem was written over a thousand years before the plagarized Noah knockoff--so-if you believe in the literal bible how does plagarism (a lie) fit in with all that?

2007-10-10 04:25:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or were the Ten Commandments laws that were abolished at some point?

2007-10-10 04:24:17 · 26 answers · asked by Bruce 7

2007-10-10 04:22:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

After reading the first two pages of this book, any intelligent person must ask the question," Why am I , as a mature adult , reading stories about talking snakes, intelligent fruit, invisible creatures, a sun that roams around a flat earth while attached to a sky dome, and one of the creature's is making a man using dirt for raw material? ".---So why did you not just dismiss these stories as implausible and not credible?

I know this book is popular in many places, but is that enough to make you want to believe it? After all it is based only on hearsay evidence.

When you first read a Superman comic book, you were not inspired to start doing research about Superman's ability to
" leap tall buildings in a single bound, and run faster than a speeding bullet, " were you?
Why did you seek " experts " after reading the Bible ; Yet you needed none to help you understand comic books?

2007-10-10 04:21:55 · 26 answers · asked by big j 5

why didnt he visit the entire world? the bible is quite clear, that is only talks about one portion of the world, the portion that it was written in and was known to them at that time.

If jesus died to forgive the sins of the world, why is no one else, in the entire world mentioned in the bible? Like, the japenese, or south americans, or americans, australian tribes, all the hidden tribes in africa.

All these tribes durring this time would have had no knowledge of him, only the one part of the world exposed thus the only area able to be christian until it was able to expand outword. Why would the god, who created everyone, who created the world, who loves everyone, who died for the sins of everyone, only talk about one part of the world, reveal himself to one part of the world, and his book never talk about any other peoples?

2007-10-10 04:21:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you ever thought about what it would really be like to live beyond 'governing' rule and be free?

It has struck me a few times....(more like every moment that I was here), that we have a great deal of potential to do just that, by showing up 'the world' as we do. OUt beneath of the thumb of religion, spirituality, government, , into just showing up as unique.

My favorite people are the ones you couldn't peg down with a belief of any kind. They just shine light on things.


Cosmic Crew. I love you guys, each and every one of you. Named and unnamed.

People on my contact list,...you were put there for the reasons that I stated above. You are beyond 'conditioning', and that just brings on 'hope', I only wish my list had gotten bigger.

I liked my experience here. I think it would truly be a waste if Y/A contributers never stopped fighting, thereby being distracted from ever realizing the true power.

We have just opened up our world-wide doors

2007-10-10 04:19:41 · 24 answers · asked by shakalahar 4

I've been interested in Pagan beliefs and religions for some time now and would like to learn more about them.

2007-10-10 04:17:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seems that Rational thinking of a scientist or an atheist would be an admirable quality, especially with what we know about religion and it's dwindling likeliness.

Fact.....Jesus has no known writings...ever (although there are excerpts from the Bible where Jesus wrote as in John 8:6, yet he does not have his own journal or book in the Bible) His execution was not recorded by Pontius Pilate (whom kept detailed records of such things.) Furthermore, noone that wrote the Bible had ever actually met Jesus, most of the New Testament comes from the dreams and visions of Paul before Matthew or Mark wrote their Gospels. So with this in mind why is it that our elected officials must be Christian in order to become President?

Whatever happened to the first ammendment bill of rights guarantee of the seperation of the church and state?

Do we want a President that believes and follows what is said in Deuteronomy 13:6-10? Look it up.

2007-10-10 04:16:18 · 29 answers · asked by klover_dso 3

it can get you reported. Of all the things I have posted this is the only violation I have ever recieved. Anyone know how I violated the community guidelines?

Hello bryanccfshr (bryanccfshr)

You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

Question: Paganism majority?

Question Details: Are pagans cults? what's the majority of the people in the world who are and how did it start? Don't they also do these weird spiritual practices?

Deleted Answer: I invite you to explore and learn about pagans. http://www.paganspath.com/index2.htm

2007-10-10 04:14:04 · 13 answers · asked by bryanccfshr 3

I mean in just our beliefs, not about how we respond to society or whatever. If I say I hear the voice of God you think I'm delusional. What about if a Pagan hears the voice of another god?

2007-10-10 04:13:40 · 26 answers · asked by Saved by Grace 3

My last few questions dealt with incest. I said the two people would use protection (i.e: pills, contraceptives) and no one (besides a few who personally thought it was wrong) had anything to say against it. The only other people that said it was sick, were Christians.

I guess it's true that atheists really don't have morals, because no atheist could say anything against it, with the situation I presented (safe sex).

I know you can say you still think it's personally wrong, but what difference does that make with moral relativism? You think it's wrong, someone else doesn't, don't try to stop them.

That's pretty bad.

2007-10-10 04:11:25 · 11 answers · asked by David H 3

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