Why do Catholics always have to catagorize us Bible followers.
They always say to me "Your Organization", and "Your Church"
Who said I belonged to any organization? Who said I belong to any Church?
I just follow the Bible, and I am not any denomination, so don't claim I am in 15,000 denominations. I a also not a protestant, I was never part of your Corrupt Church, and never will be.
I am not in any denomination, but you Catholics, not only are you in a denomination, you are in a totally seprate Religion, Just like Islam is different then the Bible itself.
God is not a Catholic, He is not Baptist, He is not Lutheran. These are all organizations founded by who? That's right. Man.
I am sorry I do not fit into your story telling sessions.
Denominations, including yours are not from God.
10 answers
asked by
Rudy P