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Religion & Spirituality - 10 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I was driving to the office this morning and noticed that a new Lutheran church is under construction, directly across the street from a huge Baptist church.

This got me thinking, what some religion-centric TV network creates a game show, a cross between American Gladiator and The 700 Club?

Contestants representing various schools of religious thought would be pit against others in mock combat. Crowds would roar like the Roman arenas of old as one religion battles the other for points and ca$h prizes. Special guests like the Pope, the Dalai Lama or others might appear to give their blessings or offer some seeds of philosophy to mellow the combative atmosphere.

Maybe spice things up by making it one general category of religions vs another, like Christians vs Jews, Muslims vs Unitarian Universalists.

The shows would always close with each group perhaps kneeling and giving their blessings to their Lord on high.

Plus each sect could earn money for their church.

Whatcha think?

2007-10-10 02:28:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-10 02:28:12 · 16 answers · asked by Seth W 1

and whats your religion and does that come into play? i have a friend whose parents are christians and they named all their kids after bible characters

2007-10-10 02:24:58 · 31 answers · asked by Smee 1

It's not because I have something against God, it's because Hell for me would be being surrounded by you Christians.

2007-10-10 02:24:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

If catholics would just study in an unbiased way the true history of their church, wouldn't they see that it has not been a "holy" church, but an organization littered with immoral popes whose lust for power and influence new no bounds. They have controlled their "flock" with superstition and fear.

2007-10-10 02:23:04 · 19 answers · asked by YellowRoseO'Texas 2

2007-10-10 02:22:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Atheists, Agnostics, and others, this is you chance to stop the war in this section, I have asked for only Bible Believers to answer this and have communicated nicely with several of you about not bashing each other, So let us all stop bashing each other and just answer what is asked OK ?
Bible believers do you thinkour God is a consuming fire.
and how might you explain this so He doesn't sound just mean ? As if you were explaining it to a child ...

2007-10-10 02:18:11 · 7 answers · asked by I Love Jesus 5

When I say God, I mean the God that is defined in the Bible. I am trying to understand exactly how it is that many of you know that God as explained in the Bible is real. When I read the Bible I read a lot of ideas as to what God is, but I can not grasp it as there is no way to observe his properties there is nothing to compare this God to. There is nothing that is specific to this God that could not be equally explained away with any other idea.

When I see my daughter I know she is real, not only can I observe properties of her existence but I know she is my daughter because of very specific objective evidence that shows tha she is definetely my child.

When I see my Bible, I know it is real.. But the ideas of God contained within have no such value.

So show me, what are the specific properties of your God that could not likewise be explained with almost any other idea to explain our existence.

2007-10-10 02:18:02 · 13 answers · asked by Green 7

Whatever happened to the original tablets upon which the Ten Commandments were written? Do they still exist, and if so, where are they?

2007-10-10 02:17:39 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I understand this is a way to get people off of their backs for a usually disgusting act or way of life, but obviously they are acknowledging God. Do they realize what his judgement will be? I'd take all of the judgement of world before I'd want to challenge God's judgement, because it's forever.

2007-10-10 02:15:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hate when people say the only proof of God I have is the bible. Don't tell me what I know. There are things that prove God's existence that an atheist would not understand. Why do people need physical evidence, doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of faith. Could it be that If your stuck in sin, your the weak one, but it takes a special strength to go against the worldly ways and stick to your faith? Like walking away from a fight doesn't make you weak, anyone can pick a fight but it takes strength to go against your emotions. It's the same thing.
Is it a coincidence that if I talk about Jesus, i get insulted?
In the Bible, Jesus said, as he was persecuted in body, we will be persecuted in his name. How do people use science against God if he created science in the first place? That's like if I give you a gun as a gift, and you shoot me with it. God could look at us as we look at ants, not important, but he doesn't. Everybody wants to be somebody but we forget, we're human.

2007-10-10 02:13:48 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've heard a few Christians say that atheists could not have genuinely searched for God, because if they had, they would have found him.

Is it equally fair to say Christians have not honestly applied rational thought to their beliefs, otherwise they'd be an atheist?

2007-10-10 02:11:55 · 20 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

Why do Catholics insist on calling me Protestant? How about we start calling them Protestant because they are not teaching the True Bible, instead Man-made doctrines?

2007-10-10 02:10:56 · 15 answers · asked by Rudy P 2

2007-10-10 02:09:35 · 41 answers · asked by D.W 6

I am writing a chreia, and i need information about the person who said this, (tertullian), and what to write about it. I am more leaning towards the fact that though a church can really work out great during a persecution, and that martyrs are really a seed of the church, but during freedom, a church can be just as prosperous. as long as they really are dedicated anyway. I think a person's faith really comes out during persecution though.... So post what you think please, I love a good debate. I do not have a strong opinion to this matter, so if you present a strong enough case, I may decide to agree.

2007-10-10 02:05:50 · 6 answers · asked by josef h 2

questions such as why did god create Lucifer if he knew that eventually he would become evil or if we are given "free will" surely this is just the illusion of free will as god already knows the outcome....

2007-10-10 02:03:23 · 36 answers · asked by Cotton Wool Ninja 6

some ppl say its to convert ppl by preaching the gospel. other ppl say its to love all ppl. what do you think it is?

2007-10-10 02:00:43 · 14 answers · asked by WhiteDove 2

Do you think and say us Atheists are on the Highway to Hell and in a Hand Basket?

If you do, I thought you were supposed to not judge people?

2007-10-10 01:56:48 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do Catholics always have to catagorize us Bible followers.

They always say to me "Your Organization", and "Your Church"

Who said I belonged to any organization? Who said I belong to any Church?

I just follow the Bible, and I am not any denomination, so don't claim I am in 15,000 denominations. I a also not a protestant, I was never part of your Corrupt Church, and never will be.

I am not in any denomination, but you Catholics, not only are you in a denomination, you are in a totally seprate Religion, Just like Islam is different then the Bible itself.

God is not a Catholic, He is not Baptist, He is not Lutheran. These are all organizations founded by who? That's right. Man.

I am sorry I do not fit into your story telling sessions.

Denominations, including yours are not from God.

2007-10-10 01:54:14 · 10 answers · asked by Rudy P 2

Have you actually read what they both said? Can they be interpreted as having the same message?

I don't think Christians step outside of the bible much to explore other religions or philosophies because that could be viewed as blasphemous by some in the church, unfortunately. If you sit down and listen to both, they are pretty much talking the same language.

2007-10-10 01:52:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


The Christians have the Bible, the Jews have the Torah, the Muslims have the Qu'ran... what is the name of the the Hindi/Sanskrit holy book?
If I have phrased it wrong, I apologise.

2007-10-10 01:50:37 · 10 answers · asked by Kat 2


The Christians have the Bible, the Jews have the Torah, the Muslims have the Qu'ran... what is the name of the the Hindi/Sanskrit holy book?
If I have phrased it wrong, I apologise.

2007-10-10 01:50:08 · 6 answers · asked by Kat 2

In raising my children I only want to do what's right for them.

When it comes to meals how should I go about it?

When it come time to eat should I set the table with a varity of food vegtables, meats, juices, ice cream, soda, candy, cake, pie, pudding and etc?

Then should I not tell them what to eat should I just let them choose from everything that is in front of them which they want?

Wouldn't it be better for them if I let them choose what they want for themselves instead of "forceing" my on ideas on them?

They were born with a natural desire to eat sweets and junk food should I try to change what comes to them naturally?

Just because I see they should eat one way what most would consider "right" would it be wrong to let them go with the desire they born with?

2007-10-10 01:48:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

The pressure has already started for me at work to dress for Halloween, decorate my work station for the holidays, attend parties for Christmas and New Year etc... I have repeatedly said (kindly) that I simply don't do the holidays. I don't discuss religion at work, but they all know what I believe and practice. Many feel, however, that I should do as society dictates and I should participate. When I refuse I get funny looks and even more pressure. I will stand strong in my beliefs, but it makes me wonder: how do others handle this situation?

2007-10-10 01:46:01 · 22 answers · asked by ♥ terry g ♥ 7

I got thumbs downs for this answer to the question "what religion are you?"

"I'm Pagan, I believe in many gods and godesses and believe that no one religion is 100% correct for everyone."

Christian religions, don't you know your own bible frowns upon judgeing another? Oh, but that's ok if the person you are judgeing is different than you, isn't it?

2007-10-10 01:43:39 · 28 answers · asked by Victoria Sparda 5

In raising my children I only want to do what's right for them.

When it comes to meals how should I go about it?

When it come time to eat should I set the table with a varity of food vegtables, meats, juices, ice cream, soda, candy, cake, pie, pudding and etc?

Then should I not tell them what to eat should I just let them choose from everything that is in front of them which they want?

Wouldn't it be better for them if I let them choose what they want for themselves instead of "forceing" my on ideas on them?

2007-10-10 01:42:08 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Biologists always assumed that life at the molecular and cellular level must be quite simple in its structure and function, therefore supporting evolutionary theory. That was until capable scientific instruments proved otherwise in recent decades. These "simple" cells were found to be incredibly complex, baffling scientists alike as to how such complexity could arise as the result of random mutations. This has led many to believe that there must have been some design element to all living organisms, divine or not.

Also, this is not my only basis for my belief in intelligent design. This is just one body of evidence in an ever mounting pile that is being quietly swept under the rug by those who don't want this information known to the masses. Even one of the world's most famous athiests, Sir Anthony Flew, had to renounce his atheism after more than 50 years of research led him to the conclusion that life was created.

What do you think?

2007-10-10 01:41:30 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

If God gave us free will...then why is it that you cant want what you want.

2007-10-10 01:39:42 · 11 answers · asked by Slick Digby 2

but i thought that they killed us?

2007-10-10 01:37:57 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

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