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Religion & Spirituality - 10 October 2007

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wat is keeping us captive?? please dont answer in terms of christ

2007-10-10 03:27:59 · 24 answers · asked by Grateful 1

The current dogma says no sex before marriage.Does anybody have any scripture to back it?I am not saying it's not true.Just want to know.The other question is about lust.If you look at a girl(not married),and have thoughts.BUT,it reality you have NO intention to act on it.Is it still lust?
I have read the Bible several times.I have read no sex with same sex,realives,and animals.I need actual scriptures.Not just beliefs.When in doubt.You should trust God and his words.Not peoples dogma.

2007-10-10 03:21:31 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

and if you command the lighting to flash will it come to you and say " at your service" ?

2007-10-10 03:19:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Word of mouth/TV spots/and ads seem to be the traditional methods to get the name out for new members. Anyone have any ideas on new ways to market a church? Our congregation is quite contemporary and I was thinking e-mail pieces might be a good idea. The only thing is I'm not sure how to obtain mailing lists or how to create the graphic design aspects. Any other thoughts? Thanks in advance.

2007-10-10 03:17:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-10 03:15:24 · 17 answers · asked by Meat Bot 3

I have to write a paper about this quote. I'm trying to figure out the full meaning behind it. I think it means you have to have self-esteem and high confidence and the belief that you can do and achieve anything. Any thoughts? Why do people have low self esteem?

2007-10-10 03:14:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

They do not have tax exempt status and they are inc. There bible/book study tactics have been compared to those used by the Chinese on American P.O.W.s in Korean war to turn them against the U.S. They teach that you may have to stop associating with your family, (My parents would not come to my home to see there own grand children because my wife and i were not married at the time!) They work doing "recruiting" for the the "Watch Tower and Awake inc." keep a time card and report the "Elders" and they don't get paid,They give what they can to the W-T &A inc. which is a multi BILLION $ Co. Just would like to hear what you think, any of this sound like your church too?

2007-10-10 03:12:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why does the Catholic Chuch teach that divorce is permitted? Even saying they have the power to give annulments? There is nothing about annulments in the Bible. Are you adding to God's words? Where did this come from? Can you explain?

Doesnt the Bible say that what God has put together, let no MAN take apart?

Read Romans 7:1 Divorce is NOT permitted in the Bible.

Does the Church's dogma out trump God's word? I don't think so?

How many thing annulments is just another way for the Catholic Church to raise money?

How can you have a marriage cerimony where 2 people become one in God's eyes. Then turn around and tear them apart because some man said it was OK?

Do you really trust this organization?

2007-10-10 03:12:14 · 13 answers · asked by brian 2

I've always wondered that. Some people say we're just a set of chemical reactions. So what's the point of morals then?

If you just believe in the physical, then you'd have no reason not to fulfill any physical desires. So why do people hold themselves back?

Why can't we do incest? Why can't we have orgies whenever?

No, I'm not calling anyone who doesn't believe in a soul immoral, I'm just wondering why they'd want to have mental blocks in their brain that prevent them from having every physical pleasure they can before they die.

We are animals, and we have animal instincts, and we know that, we can gauge, and check our emotions, so that makes us self aware and we should able to rise above them. So why can't we?

I've just never understood that.

and people, answer the question. don't say "Is the only reason you have morals, is because you believe in god?" because that's dodging the question.

and don't call me sick either, i don't believe in any of this.

2007-10-10 03:04:24 · 23 answers · asked by David H 3

2007-10-10 03:03:11 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I are in the middle of a custody case over his 5 year old son. Neither my husband nor I go to church, but we do believe in God and Jesus, and try to pass on good faith values to his son, such as the biblical reason for Easter and Christmas, and not just hunting eggs or getting presents. His Ex has done a 180 from Baptist to Jehovah Witness. The child is coming to us talking about Jehovah, about how he made everything, and what Jehovah wants us to do...we feel that we need to get another view across to him about God and Jesus, and that pledging allegiance to the flag is okay, and birthday parties are fine, but we are not wanting to undermine his mother's recent faith change from Baptist to Witness (Which we think is Bogus and a ploy). We also don't want to be hypocrites ourselves by going to church when we think that God lives in our hearts, not a building. Please give specific reasons, should we go, or not? If so where? I was raised Catholic, he was rasied Baptist

2007-10-10 03:02:32 · 26 answers · asked by CaCO3Girl 7

Can't an evil God tell you he's good?

2007-10-10 02:59:53 · 24 answers · asked by Meat Bot 3

Why does the Catholic Chuch state they are in agreement with everything?

If a Jehovas witness say he saved by works, they say they agree with it.

If an athiest says he believes in Evolution, the Catholic Church says they agree with it.

You agree with EVERYTHING, but the problem is your teaching are conflicting with each other. You have so many extra-biblical documents, you have a paper that says you agree on everything.

Is this what the Bible teaches, agree with every doctrine that comes down the line? I think not...

2007-10-10 02:58:09 · 14 answers · asked by brian 2

it's a simple question... should have a simple answer. anything other than god being a sadistic joker wouldn't make much sense to me. i've heard people say everything from aids to tsunamis are works of god to punish those who are unholy. and so what does he do with the unholiest (satan)? he gives him earth to rule over. geez, god really knows how to dish out the punishment.

2007-10-10 02:57:23 · 19 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

world...somebody please help

2007-10-10 02:57:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Convince me GOD exists, and please, don´t tell what the bible says, I already know that, I´ve read it and it´s a very good science fiction novel.

2007-10-10 02:57:10 · 22 answers · asked by Naked Monkey - Bien Divito 3

The Church teaches us that Grace flows from Mary, the New Eve. She was full of grace, sinless, spotless before God. She is are Mediatrix and our Co-Redemtrix. From Her, all Grace flows...

2007-10-10 02:51:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is way to much fighting on here.

What the people need is a way to make them smile.
It aint so hard to do if you know how.

What should we do?

2007-10-10 02:48:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it the pink baseball hat, the rose colored shades, the space helmet, or something else that i'm missing?

2007-10-10 02:46:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-10 02:46:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

What events, past or present, can you name where one group is attempting to, did attempt to, or did succeed in mass murders of another group because of religious differences?

Who tried to or did kill off who, when did it happen, and why exactly?
For example, I am sure everyone can come up with the Holocaust where the Nazis killed Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Roma, along with many others, in World War II, because of the Nazis' belief that these groups were not pure like them and worth life.

I hope this list can open people's eyes to how wrong intolerance is.

2007-10-10 02:44:40 · 10 answers · asked by BlueManticore 6

God will ask you to choose some superpower, what superpower will you choose ?

2007-10-10 02:43:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Much in the same way some Native American groups have protested the Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, Florida State Seminoles, etc.?

2007-10-10 02:43:49 · 10 answers · asked by Deke 5

I want to read the bible, but every time I sit down to do it my brain goes numb. I try to wrestle through it but it really does bore me to tears. Is there a way of doing that might help? For instance, maybe reading it in a different order or using a different version?

2007-10-10 02:43:03 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Allotoyahs or Nicheren Buddhists, who convince people that they are going to be punished if they don't live a certain way and convert others to their religions.

2007-10-10 02:35:38 · 8 answers · asked by Laughing Libra 6

i personally have no problem with Christians,but seriously i hate it when they try to convert me or my other non-Christian friends,cant they just gtfo,stfu?

2007-10-10 02:35:31 · 20 answers · asked by Ryan H 1

Was it a feeling you got when you listened to a preacher or read the bible? Was it a thought you had that you were always taught to believe? That first time you had a new revelation about belief/God/spirituality, etc -- was it a feeling or a thought? If it was a feeling, did it continue unabated, or go away after a while or wax/wane or what?

(Pagans, atheists, wiccans, FSM believers etc. welcome to answer, of course.)

2007-10-10 02:29:58 · 28 answers · asked by Acorn 7

I'm a Pagan but I believe no religion is 100% right or wrong depending on the person. I have studied christian religions but I will not follow them. I'm engaged to an open minded christian who some people call a hypocrite for being with a Pagan priestess.

I believe the christian god may exist but I think he's wrong (my view but as I said he maybe wrong to me but right to others) and too much of a power freak as well as self centered and I will not follow him. My husband to be has no problem with this.

I believe christains shouldn't judge me as I do not judge them, I don't like what they follow but I have christian friends who are open-minded.

So tell me, why do so many people attack me in day to day life and go nuts when they see my penticale? Wearing it is no worse than wearing a cross. Honest answers please, no bashing each other. I really want to understand why people think it is ok to treat me like s**t because I don't share their veiws.

2007-10-10 02:29:13 · 27 answers · asked by Victoria Sparda 5

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