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Religion & Spirituality - 4 October 2007

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I wasreading some articles on some clerics in Australia and it seems some do believe this. Is it true?

not the comments at this site, only to substanciate my question.

2007-10-04 15:35:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was wondering if you have problems with all the other religions besides christianity. Virtually every question here is in regards to god and Jesus and none really seem to go towards other religions. So yeah, do you have problems with other religions too? Or do you wanna tackle the main ones first and then move on to the smaller ones?

(Im being serious and not sarcastic. Im not trying to be offensive or anything.)

2007-10-04 15:34:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

At least with the UFO's it makes Total sense. ANOTHER life form in the massive space. and then there are news reports that are being covered up by the government with obviously lame excuses a WEATHER BALLOON CRASHED AND MADE A MILE LONG crevice in the dirt!. retarded. and then people Confess to their own Wives on their death bed it's real. and yet people go' "No thats stupid" and believe in a being they've never seen before that hates gays. what the hell!?!?!

2007-10-04 15:34:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is assuming you somehow have a choice. =P
And also that you get to into heaven in spite of your disbelief.

I'm atheist too, so nobody there's no pressure. Be honest.

2007-10-04 15:34:23 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-04 15:33:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

If we could manipulate atoms to our will and create rocks and gases and life forms as we wished. and Managed to master Cell regeneration and space travel, won't we nearly be Gods. We could create anything, and live forever. and spread throughout the universe as we please, creating and living for eternity. where would the boundary be?

2007-10-04 15:31:13 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

How does someone become Born Again?? What do you crawl back on Moms womb and have her go through labor all over again so your born anew again? Really I don't get the concept, it sounds to me like fanaticism that even the average Christian tends to shy away from. I'm not bashing if it sounds it I truly am curious as to what you mean when you say you are Born again? How did you die in the first place?

Would it not make more sense to say i have converted to or changed my faith to rather than born again? just sounds so odd. My MOM at 68 would NEVER birth me a second time at her age!!!

So tell me please how do you do it honestly it is a ritual or prayer or party or just say it and its done or do you fill out paperwork at a special church?

I know I cracked a couple jokes above but I'm not joking about the question. My sister is one and her son and I have tried to ask them but they cannot explain it to me in any way that makes sense to me. All I hear about is this odd Rapture.

2007-10-04 15:30:35 · 16 answers · asked by Legend Gates Shotokan Karate 7

2007-10-04 15:29:04 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

List some please

2007-10-04 15:29:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

From the looks of some answers here tonight, it seems as though that would be the case. Is there something in the water?

2007-10-04 15:28:11 · 38 answers · asked by Uliju 4

can any body tell me???

2007-10-04 15:27:23 · 12 answers · asked by vella006 1


Okay, riddle time.

What is my religion?

I believe in a super miraculous origin for life.
I have no scientific evidence to back up my belief, but I militantly storm around declaring that I do.
Others like me lie to me about this evidence existing because they want to believe it as much as I do.
My whole universe and belief system would crumble and fall to pieces if my faith were threatened.
I believe others who disagree with me should have no place in the debate and should never be listened to.
I verbally abuse and ridicule anyone who believes differently and tries to show I am wrong scientifically.
I think all children should be indoctrinated with my religion by the government.

Who am I?

Hint: The answer is "An Evolutionist"

2007-10-04 15:25:37 · 10 answers · asked by Wiseacre 2

The English translation of John 14.6 may have not been what Jesus said? He spoke Aramaic, not English. That it is a translation of a Greek manuscript, not an Aramaic original. In the Greek, the English word “the” doesn’t appear.

So does the text says, “I am way, I am truth, I am life.” ?
While the word “the” would “change everything.

Is this a translator’s convention, not an exact rendering of what Jesus said?

2007-10-04 15:25:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay i just went through a phase where i was asking myself is God real.i came to a conmclusion and i still beileve because in my heart i know he's real and i kno that that is what is right and now im not scared of evil or anyhing like i was before.but now i have a question i dont know why or where this came from but now i cant sleep because something in my mine keeps asking me am i evil and i cant fight it.am i evil because at first i was scared that because i doubted God that i was going to go to hell but something is telling me that im not going to hell so im not afriad anymore.i try to do right in my life and do my parents right.(btw im a teenager)i dont like seeing others hurting or in pain or anything.so im not evil?

2007-10-04 15:23:58 · 24 answers · asked by Mrs.Pepita ^_^ 1

Do we Christians believe we can live an ungodly life and still reap the rewards of heaven? I seen a question on homosexuality (there are more examples, I am not trying to single out this sin) and the answers were manipulative on Scripture.
Look, we all fall short of the glory of God. We all have sinned. But does God truly desire to still live in that sinful nature, or do we desire to live our lives as a living sacrifice for Him?
Holiness and obedience pleases God. This draws us nearer to Him, which enables us a deeper relationship with Him. We are forgiven, but only if we are truly sorry for our wrongs against Him.
Our love would be to do His will, not to do our will and live our lives according to our selfish desire. We are to take up our cross, deny ourselves, and follow Christ. This is to be Christlike, and Christ was sinless. Never lusted, never was a homosexual, never stole, He showed us the way.
Can we live this way, pleasing God instead of ourselves?

2007-10-04 15:23:48 · 12 answers · asked by n9wff 6

It is there for a reason.

2007-10-04 15:20:27 · 13 answers · asked by ML 2

Some people believe that everyone does not cross over to the next life, immediately after their death. It takes some people longer, to cross over to the next life. What do you think of that? I kind of have mixed feelings on that issue.

2007-10-04 15:18:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

"He that is without sin may cast the first stone."

Although we do not stone anoyone literally with stones anymore(some do sadly), your words act the same. Who are you to judge a home wrecker, homosexual, liar, theif, murderer, someone not obeying parents, adulterer, rapist, pagan, etc.?

I'm sure that you have done one of those in your life time...

So think about what Jesus said when the men of His time wanted to stone that adulterer..."He who is without sin may cast the first stone"...that next time you start spewing on about promiscuity, homosexuality, abortion...

Jesus was a man far beyond His years and His morals and actions STILL permeate through the world today: love thy neighbor, bless thy enemy, turn the other cheek...but why can't we follow His words?

Shape up brethren...for it's a fine line between being moral and being a sinner...

2007-10-04 15:18:52 · 26 answers · asked by Love Yahoo!!! is a prince 3

Why do you think you are smart?
Is it because you believe in the philosophical assumption that everything in the universe is made out of strings?
Is it because you believe that the universe will collapse on itself?
Is it because some of you are ignorant?
I wonder why!

2007-10-04 15:18:23 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

If he really did write the first few books of the Bible. How did he write about his own death?

2007-10-04 15:17:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

did your parents raise you to believe it, or did you accept it on your own?
and a follow up question: how do you treat others who have a different belief than you?
ive seen some really bad christians like coughcadisneygirlcough
but ive also seen good ones like k for him, and lady phoenix
please feel free to elaborate

2007-10-04 15:15:07 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ahem... something brought this question to mind...

2007-10-04 15:13:43 · 16 answers · asked by Orpheus Rising 5

I feel that confession should be to God himself through prayer and repentance...but my church believes that you should confess to the head of the church...does God disapprove of this??

2007-10-04 15:11:48 · 16 answers · asked by *ladybug* 3

2007-10-04 15:11:37 · 30 answers · asked by roses 3

Original Question: Question for Jehovahs Witnesses....
Would it be ok for one of you guys (or actually girls) to go to a sperm bank, and get pregnant w/out first being married? what about adoption w/out being married?

MY Deleted violation Answer:

Heiss: Thank you for posting the WT article. Many interesting issues were raised in the article, some of which mainstream Christianity takes issue with as well. Due to time constraints, I looked it over kind of quickly. I didn't see where it said anything about being considered as actual "fornication", though, unless i overlooked that.

2007-10-04 15:11:28 · 18 answers · asked by Simon Peter 5

If I hate someone ( I know I'm not supposed to hate, but I am human) I try to stay away from them. Unless it is something like a doctor if I hate it I stay away from it. Why do you come to clearly Christian questions to force your opinion on us? It seems to me like you are trying to force your anti-faith on us.
If you think forcing your faith is wrong why are you doing it to us?

2007-10-04 15:07:57 · 36 answers · asked by Mad Maxine 4

If he's so real he should just come down and be like TA DAAA. in the bible he apparently had all sorts of Contact and things with people, now, with Even MORE people on the planet, he is seen no where. and nothing Biblical and unexplainable happens anymore. he really needs to just stroll over here for a second and do something like...SHOW UP. it's not like it'd matter, there are no excuses for not doing so. if he Loves you so much you'd think he'd Visit once and awhile.

2007-10-04 15:07:33 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a cousin; four years old. Last time I said the word "God" in front of her, she hid under the table, crying. I know several young children that have excercized fear when confronted with the subject of "God." And quite frankly, that's what they're teaching, anymore. I used to hear countless students admit to be "afraid" of God, while discussing religions in school. Now, after thinking about my cousin's reaction; hiding under the table, I'm wondering:

If God's so good, and God's so great, then why does "God" make kids afraid??

2007-10-04 15:07:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

bible says why? Most often its a good feeling religion they are spewing out,youre okay i'm okay God loves you relax & accept His grace & lets go to heaven & not the absolute truth of the word of God of the examples that are given in His holy word.. Are these people demons apperaring as angels of light as spoken of in the bible??

2007-10-04 15:05:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe the purpose of life is to become more spiritually developed and closer to the Creator. Through all your experiences in each life the soul becomes more developed and you are able to make better decisions in life. Depending on how developed your soul is, you will be reincarnated on a different level planet when you die. Level 1 is the least developed and 9 is the highest. On a level 9 planet sickness and death and evil and materialism no longer exists. After you have become so spiritually developed that you pass level 9, you will join the Creator for infinity.
We live on a level 1 planet, obviously,
and we think we have a good civilization
with violence and materialism and nuclear war.
I hope that someday I can get off this planet
but I probably won't, I don't know why.
I have adapted this idea from
the book Thiaoouba Prophecy.
What do you think the purpose of life is?
Do you know any good books to read?

2007-10-04 15:03:15 · 23 answers · asked by Zonified 2

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