More and more each day, I realize that many aspects our lives are dictated by nothing other than human instinct and it's will to perserve or perfect the species. Beauty, love, hate, lust, and the concept of "good" and "bad" are just a few of the infinite examples of human instinct. Something considered "good" is almost always something that helps to perserve the species. Giving to the poor and helping people are considered good because they help to improve the health of other humans so they prosper and reproduce. Something considered "bad" is almost always something that helps to blight the speicies. Killing seems bad because it decreases the human population and prevents it from prospering. Emotions, in any shape or form, are mental messages that let us know if something is "bad" or "good" for us and the species. Emotions are nothing but human instinct. If you learn to detach yourself from emotions and human ways of thinking, people brand you as "cold hearted", "sociopathic", "crazy", or even "evil". If people were to take time and look at humanity from a purely animalistic point of view, they could see why they do the things they do and have a greater understanding of their own way of life. Every feeling, thought, and action we do are geared towards preserving the species. When we stray from these instincts, we tend to commit acts that are considered "bad" by other humans because they can't understand the pointlessness of their own humanity. In the end, we're just animals that are really great at being able to preserve ourselves. Too bad for the humans that don't appreciate humanity. They'll just get beleaugered and ostricized until they do what's right; commit suicide.
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