May GOD bless you sis for asking such a question in such a time as this.I was thinking just this week about how much the Lord has brought me through and how much he means to me.Some times we only seek GOD face when situations get to tough to handle.But as the sister said above,we need to seek Him even for the things we consider trivial.
Where shall I begin..I know for a fact that you didnt ask this question on your own will but it is GOD working through you.Thank you for obeying.
My dad was in an accident 2 years ago.At first my family was horrified when we got the news.I had blamed myself for the accident as I had asked him to take me to my place and it was on his way home that he got into the accident.
But you know through it all GOD works in a way to make his glory shown.After he was thoroughly examined the doctors informed us that nothing was wrong with him as a result of the accident, but they found something that they wanted to examine.
To make a long story short,they found that my dad's kidney had an infection and that his arteries had developed plaque.I realized right there and then,that GOD used the accident to show us that although my dad has a healthy lifestyle,something was wrong with him.
My dad got treatment for his cholesterol and started treatment for his kidneys.He had to take two biopsy in three weeks,as something went wrong with the first one
Believe me sister,because what happened next is truly a miracle of GOD.
After months of monitorng him the doctors told him two weeks ago that "the infection vanished".They could no longer.He was given a clean bill of health and left the doctors to decide what had happened.
GOD used this situation,my fathers miraculous healing,to bring me back to him.I had gone so far away from GOD that life had no meaning anymore.I was constantly depressed and thinking sad thoughts.But thank GOD I got back to him before it was to late.
I know you wanted our valley situations but I was led to share my fathers experience.I pray that this question and answers blesses someone and I just want you all to know that NOTHING is to hard for GOD.
GOD bless you all have a good night
2007-10-01 16:42:20
answer #1
answered by Chara 3
i love your q/a's!
most of my valley experiences have been endured while not being a christian.
i came home from church to find out my girfriend had died.its the exact moment I TURNED AWAY from god.i never gave him a chance to comfort dysfunctional home life,being surrounded by drugs and alcohol.the physical and emotional abuses ive witnessed are just a couple of things i dealt with.also seeing two different people die right in front of me has left an lasting impression that never seems to fade.i had lived quite a crazy drug/alcohol fueled life for 20 years,doing all sorts of things which should have gotten me killed.i often thought that only a miracle could have brought me through some of my crazy escapades.
when i finally did fall to my knees to ask forgivness,and to give my life to was instantaneous.the healing was immediate and overwhelming.the joy that flooded me cannot be desribed with words.the past two years have been the best in my life.the lord has done so much more for me than i ever expected.anyone who thinks its easy being a christian is mistaken.with my background,living for god now,is a challenge everyday trust me.fortunatley for me,the lord is there every step of the way,strengthening my faith and winning the battle.
ephesians 6:10-18..full armor of god.
i would like to ask everyone to read romans 5:1-11.
i hope and pray it will touch your heart.the wisdom and comfort found in just these few passages,is an example of how great the love of god is for his children.
god bless!
2007-10-01 21:43:31
answer #2
answered by just a christian 6
Our God is an awesome God and capable beyond imagination. We however tend to think in terms that He is only to go to for the important big things, but there is the faith of children that calls on God for even the smallest things. We were in church and the Pastor asked if anyone had a prayer request. Our 10yr old daughter poked her Dad and asked if she could ask the church to pray for her dog, Maggie. Maggie had been stolen some 3 weeks prior and we had put up notices, gone door to door driven up and down streets to no avail. Dad told her to ask the Pastor to have the congregation pray for Maggie's return, this was on Sunday. On Monday I drove our daughter to school and on the way home I turned onto a dirt road totally not in the direction of my house. Now picture this a dirt road with one car and a dirty red dog going toward each other. Maggie was as surprised to see me as I was to see her but Mariah (my daughter) was not surprised she said I knew God would bring her back. Today that dog, Maggie, is deaf and has no teeth but she still has a twinkle in her eye and can run with the youngsters even at the ripe old doggie age of 18. Your valley does not have to be very deep God will still help you through don't wait for the big one to call on Him.
2007-10-01 20:25:17
answer #3
answered by Nancy B 5
In my 50 + yrs on this old earth I have been up and down, mostly down.. would you know it from my answers? The reason is that GOD is closet to us when we are down, and HE is faithful to us when we are not to HIM. take for example the following tragedies....I was born and un cared for till I was 6 mths old..and from then on I was cared for by a wonderful christian woman, she was supposed to be my babysitter, until I was left there for 3 to 6 weeks at a time..w/out pay. so she raised me as her own, and I had the benefit of her guidance.. Finally she put her foot down with my mother, and told her to be my mom. I started school about that time. jump ahead to my 10 yr old life when my mom found out that all her drinking resulted in Cancer, and the hard reality of me, and whop would raise me..well, I was a mess and no one wanted me , so my mom faced the choice of having me go to a private orphanage like the Texas Boys Choir, or stay with my sister, who had 3 young kids and was living in Venezuela at the time. so finally, when m y mom was in the hospital for the last time, my uncle said he would raise me..and that nightmare started..while he cared for me well there was no love, and he didn't know how to relate to me at all, because he had grown up in a similar parents in the depression at someonelse's home. well, I was eventually a teenager, looking for the type of affection children need, and never did I find it, until my first girlfriend came along..married her, divorced her 2 yrs later.joined the military and found a man who was deep into the WORD OF GOD, and helped me to understand THE BIBLE..but my dysfunctional past was yet to be make a long story short, I have had a rough life, been to jail and exonerated by GOD, after 2 1/2 wks of humility and witnessing..I was the only one w/ a BIBLE, and I read it to the men in the cell I was in every night.. after the first time they asked me to read to them and I did.. do you think I will meet one of those guys in Heaven? I do...and now I have been stricken with 6th cranial nerve palsey, and it hampers me from getting a health insurance, no money.. so tell me where I am? I am in the hand of GOD... How great is HE? HE IS MIGHTIER THAN THE MIGHTIEST, GREATER THAN THE GREAT. NOW ONE WILL EVER TAKE HIS CROWN AWAY.. HE IS HIGHER THAN THE HIGHEST, HE REIGNS FROM ABOVE, HE IS THE ALL TIME UNDISPUTED UNDEFEATED CHAMPION OF LOVE..
I did not tell you about the time our dear sweet cat Duke disappeared for 10 days, and then in 2004 disappeared for good along with our other beloved cat JAKE THE RAKE. we think predators got them. so now I don't like the coyotes in our area.. that is still 2 losses that are hard to bear..and I was a truck driver, until a crane hit my truck and tore the cab off with me in it.. I walked away..I still hurt today from it but I am alive to show the picture of the money yet from Dawes Crane co. they are arguing the case.. got a great job at a nuclear power plant, that was a short term outage type job.. and was hoping to get another, but it has not panned now I am here, writing about how wonderful GOD is, because you asked..
2007-10-02 13:43:23
answer #4
answered by spotlite 5
2007-10-01 20:07:55
answer #5
answered by Bill 1
helps build faith.
2007-10-02 02:14:29
answer #6
answered by robert p 7