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Religion & Spirituality - 12 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

If the Sixth Sense is controlled by the brain, just like the other senses, and if we can call a person who uses sixth sense a psychic or medium, would you agree that the gift of premonition and healing with hands, just to mention two examples, might come from the brain? Therefore we all can be psychic and mediums to a certain degree, all we need to do is practice!

2007-09-12 04:29:20 · 30 answers · asked by Janet Reincarnated 5

2007-09-12 04:29:04 · 22 answers · asked by trinity 5

2007-09-12 04:28:39 · 8 answers · asked by Aspurtaime Dog Sneeze 6

Do you have a MySpace because I want to start something that will help people before and after Christ's return. Are you willing to help?

2007-09-12 04:28:11 · 8 answers · asked by ayamerayne 1

I'll repent then I go back to my old ways and I try not to and feel guilty straight afterwards, would you say if i repented again I would be frogived even though ill probey do it all over again the next day? how can i push sin away from me? im only human I cant help being jealous over my friends chanel bag or wanting sex with some hot dude down the road.
Im not taking the micky by the way I just want to know?

2007-09-12 04:26:19 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

... that they didn't claim to kill in the name of removing religion to make the world Atheist, they killed in the name of power (and admitted it), right?

Unlike the people of the Inquisition, the Crusades, the 30 Year War, etc, who killed in the name of Christianity?

Please tell me you learned something in high school at least.

You cannot compare politics and religion, for your convenience. It does not work.

So how about you stop using "Stalin and Mao" were Atheists as an excuse to point out the terrible things that Atheists have done in the past when those things were not done for Atheism?

Being Communist by no means making you Atheist, any more than being Communist makes you Christian.

You do realize that, right?

2007-09-12 04:24:44 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

They say that scientists have proven that on December 21, 2012 the world will melt because of Global Warming and everyone will die. Some of the signs that God gave us about the Day of Judgement (in Islam) is that it will be a Friday. If you look on the calender it will be a Friday.

But if you read about other signs, some things STILL didn't happen. There is a person called 'Al-Mahdi' that will come and make peace on earth and everything, and him alone will stay 40 years. And he still didn't come and there is still no peace on earth.

After him comes another person called 'Jeses the liar' that claims he is Jesus and really isn't. Some people will believe in him, but if you are a true Muslim you can see 'liar' written on his forehead.

Then after he stays for a bit and some people believe in him, the true Jesus will come and kill him and stay on earth and encourage people to believe in him and Islam. So as you can see, I think this is crap. What do you think?

2007-09-12 04:23:39 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

im doing a paper about religions and birth control. i cant seem to find anything on wiccan or pagen beliefs. so if anyone knows their veiwpoints on it, it would be helpful. also if you could give me some links to websites about the subject would be helpful.

2007-09-12 04:22:38 · 24 answers · asked by sup shelby 2

1 Corinthians 12:31, "But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way."
Have you ever noticed that God DOES NOT endorse a "spirit of perfectionism"? This often drives, torments and harasses a person to feel inadequate and worthless.
The scriptural concept behind this is that God expects our best--a spirit of EXCELLENCE but not perfection.

Look at the Strong's Concordance:
"Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God." 2 Samuel 22:33
tamiym 08549
1) complete, whole, entire, sound
a) complete, whole, entire
b) whole, sound, healthful
c) complete, entire (of time)
d) sound, wholesome, unimpaired, innocent, having integrity
e) what is complete or entirely in accord with truth and fact (neuter adj/subst)

Today, we can ask God to forgive us of our spirit of perfectionism and cleanse us from all our unrighteousness in this area and replace every spirit of perfection with a spirit of Excellence to always do our best for the glory of God alone.

2007-09-12 04:22:13 · 15 answers · asked by steinbeck11 6

My sister married a great guy 9 years ago when they were both fresh out of Law School and after having dated for 3 years. Everyone thought they were a match made in heaven. She was crazy about him and he worshipped her. A few years into their marriage birth control failed them and she fell pregnant. The day she found out was the day she made an appointment at an abortion clinic because her career was just starting to take off and she didn’t want to let anything get in the way of that. Her husband and both families begged her not to abort promising her she’d feel differently once the baby was born and she continued the pregnancy being incredibly resentful towards everyone. Three weeks after their beautiful baby girl was born she was ready to walk out on them but once again he begged her to stay promising to get a live a live-in nanny and suggesting individual and couples counseling which she took him up on. She simply found it intolerable to be around her daughter even though the girl adored her and after 4.5 years of therapy called it quits and filed for divorce leaving her husband and daughter devastated. She’s now got a great job and boyfriend, acting like her kid and ex-husband never existed. She’s not suffering from post-partum depression as she went to see a doctor about the possibility before they started therapy and she got a clean bill of health. I spend as much time as I can with my niece but it’s so heartbreaking to have that sweet little angel ask me why her mommy doesn’t love her anymore and if she did something to make her leave, whenever I come see her. I have no idea what to tell her so I usually just change the topic but eventually she’s going to need answers. How do you explain to a 5 yr old that her mom just doesn’t want to be part of her life?

2007-09-12 04:20:51 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

You know, they are the same thing.

2007-09-12 04:20:31 · 12 answers · asked by Janet Reincarnated 5

I love God, and want to spend eternity with him, but i'm at the end. Can't take much more of this pain. Will god forgive me? I have no one, nothing and i'm very sad. Why does God make some of us suffer and others so happy? I love and praise him all day everyday. I do my best to be a great person. Why has he taken my family with him... and left me here to suffer? Why does he not hear my screams for guidance..help...food...shelter? Please pray for me.

2007-09-12 04:19:59 · 20 answers · asked by hopeless 1

Whenever someone comes out with some Chick tract unbiblical untruth about the Catholic Church they seem to get a full, thoughtout and respectful answer.

All I hear from the fundie regulars is a load of things that they were thought by some uneducated pastor with poor biblical interpretation skills.

All we hear is "where in the bible" related to some topics and when you show them they say "that doesnt mean that" Most relates to actual commands that Jesus made to people.

Jesus used words like "unless you do a,b,c," and then these guys come back and say he was being symbolic.

Its my understanding that they created a different Gospel, different that the first century christians, dont you think so.

I just have found the catholic answers to be far more solid and just plain true.

I would think that if a person looking to explore Christianity compared Catholic and Protestant belieft it would be clear that the Catholic faith was around 200 years and protestant 400yrs

2007-09-12 04:17:57 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-12 04:17:09 · 16 answers · asked by Janet Reincarnated 5

Been told but only seven came. Would that infact change the way it was later to be looked at, or would it simply imply that only what had come before had infact been there to begin with? I'm sure there is a side that would say that neither are true if there is a cause to its affect. What about the time in which it is spoken of and in the sight of whom it maybe challanged. I think there maybe still some that can comment on how it was likley to have been before a simple time when the day was not even at its place. What do you think?

2007-09-12 04:14:40 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why does the Catholic Church consider pre-marital sex wrong? How do you make a decision whether or not to have sex in a relationship? My boyfriend and I have been together for two years. We have not had sex. We are both very attracted to one another and have very strong sexual feelings for one another. I am very tempted to have sex with him, but my Catholic upbringing seems to come into play and makes me feel guilty about my feelings for my boyfriend and about wanting to have sex with him. I feel very conflicted because I love my boyfriend very much and he feels the same way about me. I hope our relationship will grow serious and that we could get married. I wish we could get married now so that we could act on our feelings within the sacrament of marriage. Getting married just to have sex and not feel guilty is not a reason to get married. I'm not looking to justify having sex, but rather trying to understand what is the right way to act and feel about this issue. Thanks!

2007-09-12 04:14:22 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I say this because when they ask you to join, they ask you to convert your family members. If you do not convert them you cannot have constant/daily contact with your family members? I only ask because I had a family friend say that this caused a problem with him and a brother who converted. The brother got their mother to convert. Well the mother got sick and died. Because she was not in contact with him, he did not get to say good-bye before she passed on. What do you think/know?

2007-09-12 04:12:24 · 11 answers · asked by Maggirl 4

Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslim brothers and sisters
A Ramadan checklist
1- Ask Allah to enable you to reach Ramadan and to get the most out of it .
2- Intend to fast every day with Iman and pure intention seeking the reward from Allah alone
3- Read the whole Qur'an at least once
4. Have Suhoor as the Prophet peace be upon him said, "Have Suhoor because it is blessed".
5- the Prophet peace be upon him said that three people's supplication is not rejected one of them is the fasting person.
6-Give Sadaqah
7- Avoid anything that diminishes the fast such as, lying, backbiting, cheating, getting angry. The Prophet peace be upon him said "Whoever does not give up false statements (i.e. telling lies), and evil deeds, and speaking bad words to others, Allah is not in need of his (fasting) leaving his food and drink."...http://english.islamway.com/bindex.php?section=article&id=241
can you add more to the list and answer before seeing the above link?
Thank You

2007-09-12 04:10:43 · 8 answers · asked by raYah 2

If so, I'd like to hear about the vision, and what you think the interpretation may be. Also, are you willing to discuss possible meanings?


2007-09-12 04:09:39 · 2 answers · asked by kim 1

Depending on the stage in life, people have to "perform", make the grades to get into this school and advanced studies, learn skills, learn this and that, do the dishes and make appts, pass major examinations, etc.

Anyone have any insight into balancing the longing/desire to just contemplate and meditate on Godly vs. this hectic and sleep-depriving life?

2007-09-12 04:09:10 · 9 answers · asked by Pansy 4

We all know they were in there for the free trip.not something else....
Unless they were getting ready for the" rapture".....

2007-09-12 04:08:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-12 04:08:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If God is all mighty, why didn't he just destroy all the old testaments that cause confusion among religious studies? Since many of the things recorded are no longer believed (such as stoning an adultorer), why didn't he just start over from scratch with a new book? I mean.. if he created life, burning a few hundred books shoudln't have been too hard...

2007-09-12 04:06:02 · 21 answers · asked by Glitter Berry 3

Iron maiden? Bed of nails? The pearl?

2007-09-12 04:05:22 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many of you think there is heaven and a hell? I know that there is. What do you think of when you hear heaven and what do you think of when you hear hell?

2007-09-12 04:05:15 · 18 answers · asked by prettyting 4

surely what they mean to say is thet THINK god exists, as there is no physical evidence it is completely impossible to know for sure weather he exists or not, dont you agree

please dont preach or say something ridiculas like our existance is proof cause it isnt until every other possibility is ruled out, think about what the englush language actually means before you use it

2007-09-12 03:59:59 · 28 answers · asked by Kruger, Freddy Kruger 6

all i have to say is look at the big bang theory. Used with math, what is the probability that the earth would land in the exact spot as to where its capable of containing living organisms. Its not too hot and not too cold. Also, for all that matter to be in existance, where'd it come from?

Also, the theory of evolution. Where'd the matter come from?

EVEN if it was all just POOF! and we were here, where'd we come from? If you say that we just appeared, or any form of matter in this case, you are denying science. Everything came from something. You have to start with something to have something. Seeing as God is not a form of matter, he did not have to be created.

what do you think?

2007-09-12 03:57:47 · 20 answers · asked by karate_grl4227 1

Did you know that practioners of ancient pagan religions used to eat food and drink water? They did this in order to sustain life!! Clearly Jesus stole this idea whenever he said we had to eat his flesh and drink his blood in order to have eternal life!!

Also, pagans that pre-dated Christianity used to go to bed at night and RISE in the morning. Again, Jesus was crucified and then ROSE from the dead. Coincidence....I think not.

Futhermore, ancient pagans used to have conversations....this is exactly what Christians do during confession...yet another copy.

How can you maintain your Christian faith in the face of all of this glaring plagarism!!!

2007-09-12 03:56:34 · 12 answers · asked by Thom 5

fedest.com, questions and answers