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Religion & Spirituality - 6 September 2007

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Doesn't agnostic mean you're not sure? Are atheists sure?

2007-09-06 09:36:08 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-06 09:31:06 · 46 answers · asked by forerunner7 4

I do not, only God knows when that day will come.

Thank You

2007-09-06 09:30:24 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Nobody knows what a woman feels or experiences but another woman. We are the nurturers and there are times when we need to be nurtured."
~Dana Plato

"Arnold! I'm trying to take a shower!"
~Dana Plato

"Everybody be cool, this is a video store robbery!"
~Dana Plato

2007-09-06 09:29:18 · 11 answers · asked by Tragic Tapas 2

I believe that Bush was elected primarily because he claimed to be a born-again Christian. He therefore shored up the Republican nomination, as the far-right wing, conservative, fundamentalist Christians seem to control the Republican party. In addition, I feel because so much of the country claim to be Christian, and because so much of the country was tired of Clinton's lack of integrity, Bush was elected president....as an anti-Clinton, moral, born-again.

So, have we learned our lesson on what happens when we elect a politician based on his perceived religious.moral status, rather than on his intellect?

So, fundamentalists, in the next election, will you look past the candidates perceived religious status, and focus on his intellect, ideas, and ability to lead?

Would you vote for a candidate that shared all of your governing ideas, etc...even if he were say, an atheist?

2007-09-06 09:28:11 · 6 answers · asked by G.C. 5

How many believe :
Its better to live good honest life believing in God and finding out God doesn´t exist, than to live dangeriouly, on the edge and not believing in God and finding out he does exist?

Personally, because I spent four years as a correctional officer, I would choose the honest life believing in God. Prison life just ain´t for me.

2007-09-06 09:27:26 · 11 answers · asked by FarmerCec 7

All in getting back for feedback is opionons. does the bible say that personal intrepretaion is a no no? then why do you do it?

2007-09-06 09:25:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

For the first bit of the story, see:

I was asked for some sources and additional details though, so here ya go:

And finally, yes, the question of full chimeras or uplifted animals is still hypothetical, (even if the embryonic research IS NOT) but if we can create the embryo, then really, the only thing stopping us from growing a full human-animal hybrid is essentially the law and ethical considerations. So again, what kind of rights should such an individual have, cause if we can do it, sure as nuts somebody, somewhere is going to break the laws around genetic tampering with humans and grow some mutants.

2007-09-06 09:25:16 · 9 answers · asked by dead_elves 3

That abstinence is not the solution, after all, look at what happened to Mary?

2007-09-06 09:22:07 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't think you can trust mere humans with such a sacred institution.

2007-09-06 09:20:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I attended a Christian discussion group last night and they continually argued that without a "moral authority" (i.e. God), there's no standard for "right" or "wrong", and on this personal island where I make my own rules, no one could tell me that "rape" is "wrong".

Regardless of how I responded, I'd like to know how everyone else might retort.

So... who gets to tell me that I can't decide something is "right" on my little island if there's no divine arbitrator? And WHY do they have the authority to step in and declare what I'm doing to be "wrong"?

P.S. Please... don't lecture me on what a horrible person I must be. I'm playing Devil's advocate here... I'm not actually asserting my own views on rape.

2007-09-06 09:20:07 · 88 answers · asked by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7

"And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they [were] naked; and they sewed FIG LEAVES together, and made themselves aprons."
Genesis 3:7

2007-09-06 09:17:34 · 7 answers · asked by Cranberrydude 3

Not only do they fight any legislation that would require an ounce of truth being told to their clients seeking counseling for an unplanned pregnancy (never refer clients to adoption agencies nor tell of financial assistance for having the child, at least in my area anyway) but now they decieve town and city governments about buildings they want built? If they have nothing to hide, why are they so deceptive in their tactics down to having buildings built?


2007-09-06 09:16:11 · 14 answers · asked by G M L 4

Growing up in fundamentalist church, I began to see myself as almost the worst sinner ever created.

I left the church but it took me a long time to get over this.

2007-09-06 09:09:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

what exactly does this part mean?

2007-09-06 09:09:49 · 13 answers · asked by angel 2

LUCY: nearly all experts beleive was an unusual chimpanzee
HEIDELBERG MAN- built from a jaw bone that was conceded by many to be qutie human
NEBRASKA MAN- scientifically built from one tooth later found to be a tooth from an extinct pig
PILTDOWN MAN- jawbone from a modern ape
PEKING MAN- All evidence has disappeared!
NEANDERTHAL Man- Dr. AJE Cave said the skeleton ist hat of an old man with arthritis
NEW GUINEA MAN - dates back to 1970, species in north of AUstralia
CRO-MAGNON MAN- one of the earliest and best established fossils is at least equal in physique and brain capacity to modern man...so what's the difference?

That's every step of your evolutionary chain disporven! We end at modern man, a genius who thinks we came from a monkey.

2007-09-06 09:05:35 · 36 answers · asked by Saved by Grace 3

how could 25 feet of water cover even the highest mountains? Isn't this evidence that the Flood was really just a local event and that the phrase "the world" really means "all the land in this general area"?

2007-09-06 09:05:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think he was crying because he knew that one day he too would die and be placed in a tomb like his friend?

2007-09-06 09:00:42 · 14 answers · asked by Bleu 2

dont you hate when a question get deleted? another question bites the dust.

2007-09-06 08:59:37 · 6 answers · asked by warrior*in*the*making 5

John 15

12My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

So, fundies how often do you truly show Christ's love to others? Would you invite a homosexual, or other person that believes differently than you to your home for dinner? Would you invite them into the life of your church? Would you die for them?

Have you watched the names that supposed 'christians" call homosexuals...have you seen the hate filled rhetoric on this site, or from evangelists? Is this of God?

If you are a Christian, where is your love?

2007-09-06 08:59:26 · 22 answers · asked by G.C. 5


Is there such a thing as a "liberal Morman?"

2007-09-06 08:57:10 · 11 answers · asked by Debi N 3

With British regulators recently giving the go-ahead for research on human-animal hybrid embryos towards replacement organ cloning and research into things like Parkinsons, Alzheimers and the like, this is no longer a sci-fi question. How do you feel about it?

In the longer term, the idea of biological uplift (genetically engineering animals to have intelligence and consciousness at human levels) or full-blown human-animal hybrids are also becoming important. What are your thoughts, and should such individuals be created, what kind of rights, if any should they have?

2007-09-06 08:55:40 · 19 answers · asked by dead_elves 3

Flesh and Bone

D&C 130:22 : "The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as a man's; the Son also...".

Spectral / Invisible

D&C 38:1-7: "I am in your midst and ye cannot see me."

Alma 18:26-28 says God is a spirit, confirming John 4:24 ("God is a Spirit").

This is a hot topic that other Christians drool over to rip you to shreds. Save your long-winded rants Christians, I wanted to know what the passionate Mormon has to say about this.

If you say he is flesh and bone, think about the limits this type of vessel has. If he is modeled after regular human beings, as you claim, then he must eat, drink, excrete wastes, and sleep. If his brain contains as many neurons as a normal human brain, then he could not possibly begin to master time and space.

Do you think he shape-shifts or something?

2007-09-06 08:54:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Although Jesus was a Jew, the religious institutions created in his name proved difficulty for the Jews to embrace but attractive to Greeks. Explain this attraction and its subsequent success among Greek and Roman converts to Christianity. For example, what elements in the nativity and the Passion narratives seem particularly acceptable and culturally familiar to a pagan audience?

2007-09-06 08:52:50 · 13 answers · asked by cetinnovations 1

Hi I am a Non-Muslim and I have no inclination to ever become a Muslim. I am happy with my religion and I am proud of it.

The reason I am asking you this question is that I just saw a documentary called "Muslim in the family" in which 4 Non Muslims converetd to Islam for various reasons and they all seem to be more religius than many Muslims that I know. I was just wondering if there are any more people like them? What is their motivation of giving up their own heritage? So on and so forth.

So what do you think -
Would you ever consider of becoming a Muslim?

If yes then how far would you go to be known as a Muslim, like would you start wearing traditional Muslim dress, think of emigrating to a Muslim country, give up music etc.?

If no, then why would you not choose to convert to Islam?

Please accept my thanks in advance and I hope I haven't offended any one. I am just trying to look at it from a Non-Muslim's point of view.


2007-09-06 08:49:37 · 40 answers · asked by ZZZZZZZZ 4

Let us not forget our humble origens. All of this 'special creation' talk I hear has me feeling that some people are just unable to appreciate what they have. Let's not forget where we came from.

2007-09-06 08:49:10 · 20 answers · asked by Shawn B 7

( I'm referring to the God of the Bible. )

2007-09-06 08:46:44 · 36 answers · asked by 5

If so what do you think about it?

2007-09-06 08:46:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just search the word rozabal.

Im not a christian, but I find this very interesting.

2007-09-06 08:46:00 · 8 answers · asked by andy b 2

2Cor:13:5 "Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know your selves, that Jesus Christ is in you?"

How do we determine if we are actually in the true faith if all we look at is the material produced by our own religions?

Plus, for the Witnesses...If Jesus is the Angel Michael, how is he in you?

Cont'd ..."unless you are indeed disqualified," very important!

2007-09-06 08:42:23 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

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