This was taken from A Wolf Raised By Boys. I pretty much feel the same way.
"I'm not religious, but I am curious as to what belief I would fall into based on what I believe. Don't bother trying to convert me, or lying to me, I'm going to stay not-too-religious either way. here are my beliefs:
-I believe in one God as a force.
-Jesus was the son of Mary & Joesph
-The universe was created in billions of years, but that's not to say that God wasn't a part of it.
-After death, humans are judged and place into heaven or hell.
-There is no reason for wrong doing in the world other than humans can be crazy.
-Satan's presence causes suffering
-Worship just God, no holy trinity
-Baptism important
-Confession shouldn't be necessary
-Doing good deeds is important
-Abortion, homosexuality, equality between sexes accepted
-Divorce should not be prohibited
-War, under some circumstances, may be necessary
-Medicine is preferred over prayer as a way to heal
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