Why, if there really is a God, do believers think He is such a jerk? What I mean is:
- Why do we imagine He would ever have anything CLOSE to the weak, over-emotional characteristics of man?
- Why do we think, if He could make a Universe, that He would be such a dunce as to get jealous, wrathful, vengeful or ticked off for stupid reasons?
- Why do we imagine He would be silly enough to play "head games" just to "test" us?
- Why do we think He was in EVERYBODY'S face all the time over 2000 years ago, but now, He's nowhere to be seen, EVER?
- Why do humans give Him ANY human emotions at all? Why would we not think He was way above all the petty, childish, reactionary behaviour of humans?
- Why do we think He'd be so insecure as to NEED our unending worship & praise, day in & day out?
- Why do we not respect Him enough to think Him far superior to us in every way imaginable?
The God of Abraham is painted in a very poor light, according to humans.
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