I am told over and over again, that I cannot be gay and be Christian. However, there is no doubt in my mind that when I die, that I will go to heaven. Regardless of what you or your church says. God is the ultimate authority on not only scripture, but on one's heart...so why do you pretend to be all-knowing?
I am not welcomed in the religion I was raised, because I am a non-repentant gay man...so, you were able to steal my religion from me....but know, there is nothing you can do that will steal God from my heart.
Famine, persecution, peril, sword nor even the fundamentalist Christian can separate me from the love of God.
So, why do you try to condemn homosexuals?
Your opinion of interpretation of scripture may lead you to believe it to be sin... But, for the homosexual that feels led to worship with you, work with you, praise with you...why wouldn't you welcome him with no judgement as you do so many other people with perceived sins?
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