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Religion & Spirituality - 10 August 2007

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If not, don't you think you might be being close minded.

As an atheist I could give you a list of things that would disprove most everything I believe.

Can you do that?

2007-08-10 05:27:31 · 10 answers · asked by The Dog Abides 3

How do you honestly think that is going to work? Where is the money going to come from to support all of these kids?

2007-08-10 05:25:46 · 22 answers · asked by I.J. Riley 3

Can it be that he is not omniscient?

or knowing how to evolve, he already evolves?

But if he is evolving, why all idiots say that he doesnt change...

Can it be that he knows how to evolve but doesnt have the capacity to evolve...????

But then it cant be a god by definition..... hııımmmmmm...



2007-08-10 05:25:29 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday I ran an errand with my youngest. We went to the store to buy candy for his classmates. He loves candy, not to eat but to share. His favorite game is to share out any candy he gets, taking one piece, and then another to each person in the room. If we don't stop him he will give it all away and have none for himself. He is the most beautiful person I know.

One day, maybe soon, maybe long years away, he will be cold and still. Everything I have, I only have for a short while. All that I care about will be lost and forgotten. It's a simple fact.

Things are what they are, it is how I chose to feel about them that gives me sorrow or joy. I broke an old piece of family china. I was sad, but china breaks. Knowing that mades its loss easy to accept. People die. Knowing that make my death easy to except.

What does that leave me? I have today. Best that it isn't drowned in sad memories, or lost in dreaming hopes for tomorrow. I have a chance to live fully in what time I have.

2007-08-10 05:23:22 · 14 answers · asked by Herodotus 7

Do they exclude Catholics and other Christians in whom they feel will go to Heaven?

2007-08-10 05:21:55 · 21 answers · asked by Tiffany R 2

1)"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

2) James 2: 14

"My friends, what good is it to say you have faith, when you don't do anything to show that you really do have faith? Can that kind of faith save you? If you know someone who doesn't have any clothes or food, you shouldn't just say, "I hope all goes well for you. I hope you will be warm and have plenty to eat." What good is it to say this, unless you do something to help? Faith that doesn't lead us to do good deeds is all alone and dead"

My Questions to my christian friends If the State of Mind becomes weak to follow Saying no 2 about good deeds, does Saying No 1 even matter. Thanks in Advance for your answers.

2007-08-10 05:21:44 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

How would you feel about having the above statement replace the current religious figure on our printed currency?

Please, no "christian nation" statements. I'm arguing freedom of religion, not freedom of christianity.

2007-08-10 05:20:19 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-08-10 05:17:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

is the best to use? I have been told American Standerd Version.

2007-08-10 05:17:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

..required NOW ! Can you see the it ?

2007-08-10 05:14:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-08-10 05:13:00 · 2 answers · asked by aspie_goth_girl 1

If you really are convinced that we Christians in R &S section are full of mythological falsehoods. Why is it that you who don't believe feel the need to defend your unbelief?

It seems to me if I said "the boogie man is gonna get ya" and you don't believe the boggie man, your best argument would be to ignore me, as you should have no fear of the boogie man. right?

However I have noticed many of you that say you have no faith, go out of your way to attack that which you do not believe. Are you fearful?

If you really don't believe in God, why debate? You see I do believe, and I must speak of such things as God would have me. But what is your obligation to your unblief?, do you really think that after we that have tasted the Heavenly Gift, can be swayed to unbelief? That you will change our minds?... we that have experienced the Majesty of God Almighty, by the quickening of The Holy Spirit?

I wonder why do you fear God that you don't believe?

any thoughts?

2007-08-10 05:11:48 · 54 answers · asked by ImJstBob 4

A friend of mind asked me because her brother has joined them.
He is a professional man, and is not short of a few pennies, and she is really worried.

2007-08-10 05:11:33 · 17 answers · asked by ? 5

I'm not talking about, "God, please let me win the lottery" types of prayer. I'm talking about, "God, please heal my infant child of the terminal disease she was born with so that she might have a chance to love and serve you?" prayer.

2007-08-10 05:11:23 · 9 answers · asked by Deke 5

Is it 18 or are there no restrictions?

2007-08-10 05:10:36 · 10 answers · asked by Jomo 1

Prov 26:4-5
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.

2007-08-10 05:09:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

then yours. Would it change how you see them?
Me personally no. To be honest I have no idea what most people in my life's religion is nor do I care. I was just wondering. I admit to being afraid that some of my "Friends" wouldn't be my friends if they new I was Pagan

2007-08-10 05:07:34 · 15 answers · asked by ~Heathen Princess~ 7

bloodline: http://www.fantasykat.com/ch/mp/pebbles.html

There were disnoaurs on the ark! Here's the proof!

2007-08-10 05:06:57 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

My song, "Dont Push Your 'belief"

1. If you dont believe in me, I'll make sure you burn to death

2. I'll forgive my children for murder, but if they dont believe in me, I'll let them burn. I give them the ultimate pain

3. Dont even ask me to show myself visually because I wont but you better believe I exist. I'll show up after you all die.

4, If you worship anyone other than me, I will be very upset with you

2007-08-10 05:05:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yes, I am specifically speaking to Islamists and fundamental Christians. I'm just curious, if women were the ones who were the "heads of the household" and the ones who forced you to wear drapes while they wore climate appropriate wear, how'd you feel? Suppose women restricted your participation in worship activities and in the church/mosque, ie...say, you have to worship in the rear of the facility.

Suppose your mere presence nullified a woman's prayer. The water you wash your twig and berries with is considered so unclean that women can't even use the same vessel or sink as you.

Women reserve the right to beat you when you start messing up, and if she needs help, she just calls her mother, sisters, aunts, friends...etc and they stomp you into a NDE just because your wife suspected you looked at another woman.

Hmmmm, I could go on, but you get the pic. Would you still be in your religion if women ruled it?

2007-08-10 05:04:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do you believe their is no God? I just think that is really foolish to believe. I dont get it. Yeah i must be ready to get attacked. Go easy please. Hold back your gun fire and all that crap.

2007-08-10 05:02:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I realize the whole point of faith is to believe without proof. But why would God choose faith as the way to him, when he already knows that isn't going to be good enough for so many people (atheists, for example, are usually intelligent, good-hearted folks who simply refuse to believe in something that can't be proven)? Does God have a certain standard of people he wants in Heaven? Is this his own survival of the fittest for Heaven? Is it so the only ones who make it are the ones who have enough strength of character to have faith in something that reveals itself to none of our physical senses?

I believe in God, but I have so many questions about his methods.

2007-08-10 05:01:26 · 22 answers · asked by Linz ♥ VT 4

i dont know why ,, everyone typed it in capital letters so it came naturally i suppose, but why should i ? anyway what is GOD ?

2007-08-10 05:00:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I personally think that it is the person reporting. You see, there is this danger lurking around Yahoo Answers sections like this one. People are banding together and reporting questions/answers for "fun." They report everything the don't like or that they disagree with. This must stop. Are you a concerned Yahoo Answers member? Then you should join in trying to stop the fight by joining: groups.yahoo.com/group/concerned_y_members If you do not want to help make Yahoo Answers a better place, simply do the opposite by abusing the report abuse button by clicking below this question.

2007-08-10 04:58:40 · 14 answers · asked by Nijg 6

I know the basics of the story: the fruit, the serpent, etc. but not the details.

But which of the two sinned by taking the fruit? or both? Were their sins different? Did the sin of one carry over to the other?

This question is motivated by an answer to one of my other questions: "It was Adam that carried the seed of sin...to be passed from generation to generation."

which can be found here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070810084431AAZGdaB&r=w

I always thought Eve was the one who sinned by taking the fruit and Adam sinned by partaking of it so now I question my understanding of this basic element of the Bible.

2007-08-10 04:58:27 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

So does that apply to marriage as well? I know the Bile says that no one will be given in marriage in Heaven, but what about those who were "bound" in marriage on earth? Will they remain married in Heaven? And what about those who have been married more than once or were married to more than one person?

Also, what about all of our other relationships on earth? (friends, family, et.). As for all of those in Heaven, will we still even know the same people, or will we know anyone anymore?

And can you back the answer(s) with scripture?

2007-08-10 04:57:44 · 10 answers · asked by Consuming Fire 7

Sure would prevent a lot of abortions if you did.

Abstinence is good but extremely unrealistic.

2007-08-10 04:57:12 · 34 answers · asked by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7

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