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I realize the whole point of faith is to believe without proof. But why would God choose faith as the way to him, when he already knows that isn't going to be good enough for so many people (atheists, for example, are usually intelligent, good-hearted folks who simply refuse to believe in something that can't be proven)? Does God have a certain standard of people he wants in Heaven? Is this his own survival of the fittest for Heaven? Is it so the only ones who make it are the ones who have enough strength of character to have faith in something that reveals itself to none of our physical senses?

I believe in God, but I have so many questions about his methods.

2007-08-10 05:01:26 · 22 answers · asked by Linz ♥ VT 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Interesting question and one that I can't answer with certainty because I'm not God. As such, I can't presume to say why he emphasizes faith or if he wants a "certain standard of people". However, I can speculate a bit...*smile*...

Perhaps the five "physical senses" you mentioned aren't the only ones human beings have the ability to use...and perhaps God does want to have fellowship with people that can use more than their physical senses to view the world and make decisions??? After all, if we are removed from the limitations of the physical body when we die, then people that can't operate outside the physical senses would be quite unable to function!

If man is wholly defined by his physical body, then God would know that and if he desired a relationship with his creation, then it makes sense that he would reveale himself to people in a way that could be perceived by the five senses. If man is more than his physical body, then perhaps faith is the "sense" of the part of us that God most wants to reach.

It is also possible that choosing to exercise that faith could be the trigger that allows man to perceive God with his physical senses. That faith provides the necessary calibration to allow the physical senses to perceive the presence of God!

...and don't forget that the physical senses can LIE to us...if you've ever seen a mirage in the desert you know what I mean. I'm not discounting the value of our physical senses but I've lived long enough to know that if those senses are the only tool I have for perceiving the universe, then I'm going to make a lot of mistakes. I'm going to eat things that "taste good" but are bad for me (even poisionous)!

One final observation is that God HAS tried the "physical senses" strategy at many different times throughout history. For example, in the Old Testament, the Isrealites had physical proof of the existence of God through his actions in delivering them from slavery in Egypt. They certainly saw the boils and insects and all the plaguest...they heard the cries of the suffering, they felt the dry land as they crossed the sea and they saw the pillars of fire...and within days of seeing and hearing and smelling (et cetera) all this "physical proof", they still choose to melt down their jewlery and build a golden calf to worship!

2007-08-10 05:57:06 · answer #1 · answered by KAL 7 · 0 0

Excellent question:)

To imply though that faith is God's version of survival of the fittest implies that some people aren't capable of having faith. We are all capable of having faith.

Proving that God exists is like trying to prove that air exists. Air doesn't reveal itself (via the physical senses) to humanity until we are depribed of it. The proof that God exists is everywhere, some people just look at that proof and come to a different conclusion (or reject the conclusion).

I don't see faith as God's method of "weeding us out" I see faith as our mean of seeing a God that cannot be seen (x-ray spects if you will).

A good question to ask God when you pray and read your scripture is not "why are so few people going to heaven?" but "why is He not sending ALL of us to hell?"

A great way to get and understanding of God and his methods is to get plugged into a group of Christians (outside of cyberspace). I attend Saint Matthew's Episcopal Church in Westerville at 11:00am every Sunday (a contemporary service). I also hang out with a great Bible Study group. If you're ever in that part of Columbus feel free to stop by.

God Bless

2007-08-10 06:46:22 · answer #2 · answered by Mandy43110 4 · 0 0


While God did expect a few guys in the Old Testament to believe Him without evidence, such as Adam, Noah and Abraham, God was talking to them face to face.

Today and ever since the Children of Israel were miraculously rescued out of Egypt, God has given us ample proof that He is Who He says He is.

God gave us over 300 prophesies about Jesus so we would know who He was when He arrived. Jesus raised three people who were dead back to live and then after Jesus was crucified, He rose from the dead under His own power.

We who look back on these historical events which we learn about not only from the Bible but from lots of secular historians, aren't asked to take a blind leap of faith.

Over 500 witnesses obvserved the resurrected Lord Jesus and that's one of the main proofs that Jesus is who He claimed to be.

We, who are Christians today, have faith about what God will do in the future, because we have seen what God has done in the past.

Evolution has been proven false over and over again.

Yet some continue to believe in it without any evidence whatsoever.

There is more evidence that God is real than not.

And I've only scratched the surface of how I could have answered this question if I had more time and if I could type faster.

Look at the history of the questions I've already answered.

Look at the links below and if you still have questions, let me know.

Pastor Art

2007-08-10 05:20:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Your first statement indicates you have been negatively influenced by Christendom.
Do not confuse Christendom with Christianity.
Christendom is the worst representative Christianity ever had.
Christendom has spread the lie that faith is believing without proof.
Faith is not like that.
Christianity, on the other hand, wants questions.
Please note Romans 10:17
"faith follows the thing heard."
Faith does not come first. It follows. It follows the thing heard, that is: explanations.
Faith is built on knowledge, not ignorance.
Notice the little Bible book of Habakkuk.
In chapter 1, verses 1,2 & 3, Habakkuk is asking questions.
Did God tell him to be quiet and just believe?
No. God answered his questions.
God wants us to ask questions and He will provide answers.
But it won't happen through Christendom!
She has no answers to give.

2007-08-10 05:15:05 · answer #4 · answered by Uncle Thesis 7 · 0 0

I'd guess the reason you believe in God is different than the reason I believe, which is different than the reason my wife believes in God.

Different people, different reasons, with different types of relationships with God. In any person wrong, or is each simply different?

You said, "Is it so the only ones who make it are the ones who have enough strength of character to have faith in something that reveals itself to none of our physical senses"

God did reveal Creation to me, through my physical senses, which is different than you. So what worked for me, is worthless to you.

I've found that most atheists in the US, aren't "intelligent, good-hearted folks who simply refuse to believe in something that can't be proven," as you say, I think they are people who grew up in churches and are angry about something that happened -- perhaps they realized God didn't fit into the 5th grade Sunday School pattern God was supposed to fit. So they got angry with God, rather than keep searching.

God communicates to each of us, in our own way. But we let our own biases, and expectations, and frustrations get in the way, so we are often very lucky if we hear God at all.

Faith isn't the "way to God," as you say, for everyone. It works fine for some, and not for others.

You can fly over the country in a plane, and look out the window and marvel at the view, you can be afraid the plane will crash, or you can simply ignore the ride, and look forward to your arrival in the next place. Does it mean that each person responds wrongly, and that there's only ONE way to ride a plane?

God will affect us, God will give us the miracle of flight, and the wonder of incredible views. It's up to us to respond to God in the way God contacts us, rather than assume it's a coincidence or luck, or chance.

2007-08-10 05:17:09 · answer #5 · answered by jimmeisnerjr 6 · 0 0

Good questions - I especially liked the irony in the 'survival of the fittest'.

The Apostle Paul taught that "faith is the substance [assurance] of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). Alma made a similar statement: "If ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true" (Alma 32:21). Faith is a principle of action and power. Whenever we work toward a worthy goal, we exercise faith. We show our hope for something that we cannot yet see.

Our beliefs systems and our 'faith' shape our actions and choices and that's what this life is mostly about anyway - choice.

2007-08-10 05:10:48 · answer #6 · answered by phrog 7 · 2 0

You say you believe in God. Have you ever just simply asked God to help you with your unbelief? Nothing wrong with doing that. Most people will go through periods where they question their faith. Faith is not always believing in an unknown. It is also a confidence in something. As explained earlier in this question by others, faith can be expressed in many forms. You already have faith in many things in this life. Things we do every day that we take for granted. Your faith is always strengthened by Gods word and prayer. If those lack in your walk, you're doomed to failure and frustration.

Now here is where you should put your faith...in Jesus. There is no doubt that he walked the earth. It doesn't matter what others say. Look at the evidence, it's overwhelming. Our history is broken up based on Christ's existence. Many men and women saw Jesus and witnessed his power. He was a man who claimed to be God in human form. No other man in history has done that. Jesus has had an influence on history like no other. In other words, God manifested himself in our midst. He lived as an example for us, hand picked certain men to propagate his message and then fulfilled the law and redeemed us. Again, no other man has ever done what Christ said and did. Look for answers for yourself about Jesus rather than believing hearsay from anyone in this forum. Jesus, who is God, came here just to prove himself to you. Do you have faith that Jesus is who he said he was? He asked Peter the same. Who do you say that I am?

2007-08-10 05:37:58 · answer #7 · answered by JohnFromNC 7 · 2 0

If I adopted your definition of 'faith', I wouldn't know what to do with it. I would have to ignore almost everything I learned about God.

I want to help you. I think I can. The first thing I'll do is give you another definition of the word 'Faith'.

"Faith is an action, based upon belief, sustained by confidence."

The point of a Christian's faith is to trust God for what He said. You indicated that you already believe in Him, but have 'so many questions about his methods'. Fine. Ask away, not only us, but to Him. If you want to know the source for my answers, check the Bible, I try to keep within it's words on this subject. God didn't give you a brain just to turn it off. Your questions are valid and you want the answers, of that I am convinced.

Now to answer your questions:

"But why would God choose faith as the way to him, when he already knows that isn't going to be good enough for so many people (atheists, for example, are usually intelligent, good-hearted folks who simply refuse to believe in something that can't be proven)?"

1) There is proof, it's just that Atheists don't have it. God chooses who He gives proof to. He keeps His proof a mystery so that some people would not believe. He said so.
( Matthew 13: 10 -17 )

2) None of us are 'good'. We might think that at times we are good, but I am writing about God's standard. He views us all as deserving of His wrath, and only those who trust Him through His Son are going to escape His wrath.
( John 3: 17 - 18)

"Does God have a certain standard of people he wants in Heaven?"
Yes. It is as I have stated which is sourced from the Bible. Jesus said that those He wants are those who are believing in him. (compare to John 4: 19-26)

"Is this his own survival of the fittest for Heaven?"
Not as I see it. Have you ever read,"There is strength in weakness"? And "Blessed are the poor in spirit" ? All through the Bible God makes people better especially when they are broken in pride. When they submit to Him.
(Matthew 5)

"Is it so the only ones who make it are the ones who have enough strength of character to have faith in something that reveals itself to none of our physical senses?"
NO. Some of us are the worst in character. Have you noticed? It's our inability to be 'right' that we recognize in ourselves, and God gives the ability to change. He changes us through His Spirit. Jesus said that the Spirit would come after He left Earth. And He promised some things that the Holy Spirit would do. It's through the Holy Spirit that I had my proof of God. And hopefully when you begin to trust God, He will do a similar thing for you.

Here is what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit coming when He left Earth:
(John 16:5-16)

Peace to you. And I hope all this helps you. ( :

2007-08-10 05:37:58 · answer #8 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 0 0

I think the lat line shows so much....strength of character to have faith in something that reveals itself to none of our physical senses."

See....how hard would it be to believe if God sat in His throne, and just floated above us? Or if we all continued to die as we age, but for 100s and 1,000s years, He just sat there in the throne?

Would any of that take faith?

But worse...would we love Him because we have no choice but to believe Him? Were would the free will and choice be then?

Salvation is the MOST important gift He gives us.... Free will is THE second.

2007-08-10 05:08:53 · answer #9 · answered by Last Stand 2010 4 · 2 0

Well let me see, do you have a Bible? To know God you must read Jesus teachings read them and know that he is God understand that you are listening to God teach, then read Bhagavat Gita (Hindu Bible) and see if you can understand why God had to teach Jews one way and Hindu's another. After you have done this 2 things remain Know God as the source of all things as the Tao is described and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself practice charity and goodwill and you will enter the kingdom.

2007-08-10 05:14:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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