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A same-sex couple in a community has been cohabitating in a community for 20 years. Then, one day, there no longer is any law prohibiting same-sex marriage, so they get legally married.


Presumably, all those so-called "defense of marriage acts" up until then were for the purpose of defending so-called "traditional" (i.e., opposite-sex) marriage against SOMETHING. So tell me this: Just HOW will the marriage of ANY opposite-sex married couple in that community be harmed in ANY way by that formerly-cohabitating gay couple's having gotten legally married?

(I have yet to find ANY anti-gay-rights bigot who has been able to answer that.)

2007-08-10 04:02:39 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

To "BaseballGrrl" -- How interesting that you should call me an "anti-Christian bigot" -- since I AM an actual Christian, and thus could hardly be bigoted toward other Christians, unless they were to provide me with some compelling reason other than their professed Christianity to do so. You clearly have us who are Christians confused with the PSEUDO-Christians (and low-IQ deluded questions who've been conned by hate-propaganda) of the RRR Cult -- the "Religious" Radical Right.

The RRR Cult comprises a mere (but noisy, noxious, and noisome!) 6% of the USA's *professing* Christians (and thus, 5% of the total U.S. population), vis-a-vis the 94% of Christians who are your quiet, sensible, fairly-intelligent, UNobtrusive, NON-obnoxious, work-a-day, ordinary, and usually tolerant next-door neighbors. Who DON'T run around supporting mindless hate-agendas against gays, and against girls and women (regarding their right to safe and legal abortion.)

2007-08-10 04:44:44 · update #1

To "BaseballGrrl" -- How interesting that you should call me an "anti-Christian bigot" -- since I AM an actual Christian, and thus could hardly be bigoted toward other Christians, unless they were to provide me with some compelling reason other than their professed Christianity to do so. You clearly have us who are Christians confused with the PSEUDO-Christians (and low-IQ deluded questions who've been conned by hate-propaganda) of the RRR Cult -- the "Religious" Radical Right.

The RRR Cult comprises a mere (but noisy, noxious, and noisome!) 6% of the USA's *professing* Christians (and thus, 5% of the total U.S. population), vis-a-vis the 94% of Christians who are your quiet, sensible, fairly-intelligent, UNobtrusive, NON-obnoxious, work-a-day, ordinary, and usually tolerant next-door neighbors. Who DON'T run around supporting mindless hate-agendas against gays, and against girls and women (regarding their right to safe and legal abortion.)

2007-08-10 04:44:45 · update #2

Society -- including you -- REALLY needs to learn the critical DIFFERENCE between those two groups!

RRR Cult : Society :: 5% arsenic solution : glass of drinking water.

2007-08-10 04:46:19 · update #3

To "primoa1970" -- WHAT passage in your Bible (and mine) authorizes or appoints ANY person or group of people to act as ENFORCERS of its precepts (or worse, its dogmatically *supposed* precepts.

CLUE: The Bible apponted NO such GESTAPO. So if you think the Bible happens to disagree with something, that gives you NO right to seek to **deprive** society of it. None, whatsoever. In fact, there even is a passage that *prohibits* Christians from trying to do that: II Chron. 5:12, NIV.

God is 100% capable of doing whatever He wants, *without* the "help" of any "holier-than-thou" busybodies.

2007-08-10 05:09:13 · update #4

31 answers

i have nothing against gay marriage, i like to see those people who were put through so much insulting and discrimination, finally happy and accepted as they are

2007-08-10 04:08:11 · answer #1 · answered by larissa 6 · 8 1

I'm not sure how to answer your question, but I'm not sure exactly WHY an "anti-gay bigot" (I'm not one!) would need to. Although motives are able to be deduced in obvious situations, they mustn't be exaggerated. What I MEAN to say is that the "defense of marriage acts" by name are inevitably protecting marriage against "something" (like you said) The 'defense of marriage' legislators as far as legal matters go (cuz we can't say their heart's motives), are defending (traditional) marriage as an Opposite-sex union against non-tradional marriage. Thats it. They are NOT protecting it from gay relationships, Love (of the more open sense), nor from some abstract, unnameable force. Also defending the INSTITUTION of opposite-sex marriage, not the little couples that are a part of it. Therefore, it is not the marriages of the opposite-sex couples that the laws are worried about. Of course the marriage of a same-sex couple or any couple cannot hurt other ppl; moment's of silence, which are just gaps of soundless time, have been fought , even though THEY don't hurt others either. Anyway, the scenario with the cohabitating gay couple seems to suggest that the government is fighting gays themselves and the gay "agenda." When in fact, all that we can assume from their stance on the "protection of marriage"is that they wish to keep marriage as a man-woman institution. Heck, the gov't may very well have it out for us... but that can't really be said with matters of the courtroom and legislation. :( So the question is unanswerable, in ways, but for different reasons than would be expected. Rather, it's almost as if they wouldn't need to answer the question. The gov't is fight to protect marriage from being redefined. Contrarily, they are not fighting to protect each straight couple's marriage from the dreaded Attack of the ever-so-DREADFUL gay couples.

2016-05-18 22:31:04 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Same sex marriage was found in Sodom and that is in fact the origin of the term Sodomy, and they thrived right? Oh wait they were destroyed by God. Hmmm seems that God is a Fundie. And the Bible condemns the practice of Homosexuality. Lets take a more likely scenario, one that has no Biblical precedent lets say the Government made it legal to produce Meth for sale on the street would they then have to pay back the money they took in from fines and prison sentences they issued to those that had done such things? I think not. and to be honest I would not be long in the US if they allow Gay marriage, God created Adam and Eve with the ability for procreation, when Adam and Steve can procreate then I might rethink my stand.

2007-08-16 14:32:30 · answer #3 · answered by cowboy_christian_fellowship 4 · 1 0

That's a simple one. If gay marriage is legalized, then the married men will no longer be able to cruise punlic restrooms trying to have secret meetings with gay men. Gay people will be able to totally come out of the closet and the married "straight" men will leave their wives for gay men! A total break down in the married culture of America!

Women will have to get medical assistance to conceive because no man in America will want them anymore. Thay will all be too busy decorating their new appartments and cooking French food!

LOL! I HOPE that you know I am only kidding! I do not believethis at all. I do not think that gay marriage will harm straight married couples. However, what kind of damage will it do to children who are so impressionable? I do not know if it will or not? Only time will tell.

2007-08-18 00:17:14 · answer #4 · answered by tempest_twilight2003 3 · 0 0

No true bonified Christian will ever not see the harm of same sex marrying. Because there is harm. HIV did not come from "straight" sex relationships. It came from man man/female female relationships. Do we need anymore to be spread around? For a so-called Christian to question the matter, you need to go back and "Study the Word of God", not just read it. As for being a bigot, call me what you like. I'm still on God's side no matter what the topic is. God is against same sex realtionships and so am I. You might win an argument with man but you won't with God.

2007-08-18 02:57:20 · answer #5 · answered by airlines charge for the seat. 5 · 1 0

Dude, it sounds like you are really angry about this subject.

Regardless of whether or not gay peoples "right" to be married is legal or not, no community should place any "harm" on them simply because they are people first and human rights in general apply.

However, please do not expect to force a Christian pastor to conduct such a wedding in a church when:
1. This pastor would be involved in a sin according to God.
For the bible says, "If a man also lie with mankind as he does with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination, they should be put to death, their blood shall be upon them."
(Leviticus 20:13)
2. This is why some pastors would rather face jail instead of sinning before God.
Also, would gay people expect that their marriage would be blessed by God when God considers this union to be "an abomination"?

No wonder gays look down at the bible and Christians.
They look at it as intolerance, but it is God who we follow.
So they really need to look at God as intollerant, and he is.
He is intollerant to SIN in ANY form.

However, we are not to hate gay people at all. Jesus tells us that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves.
In essence, we are to love the people, and hate the "sin" to be true believers. This is God's word, and God's opinion, and we (Christians)are to support this.

2007-08-17 18:29:49 · answer #6 · answered by blogdog123 4 · 0 0

Before I answer, let me assure you that I am not an anti-gay bigot. My sister is a lesbian, and I love her dearly. I have had friends and colleagues who are gay over the years and I've always found much to appreciate and love about them, and all I want for each of them is their total happiness and peace.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's not that the people of the community are harmed or that the community itself that is harmed by such a scenario. It's the definition of "marriage" that winds up being "harmed."

In every single culture that has ever existed, there has been marriage, and marriage has always meant the union of a man and a woman and the creation of children. In other words, the marriage is of the two bloodlines of two different families becoming one family.

Like it or not, two men cannot marry their bloodlines. Two women cannot marry their bloodlines. The only way for two men to create a new biological child is for one of them to have his sperm implanted in a woman who isn't part of the core relationship. Likewise, the only way for two women to create a new biological child is for one of them to become pregnant by donated sperm from a man who isn't part of the core relationship.

I know, I know -- infertile male/female couples can't create their own offspring, either, but at least they have/had a chance to do so. Two men never will be able to, and neither will two women. You can't beat the biology of it.

Now, the creation of children may seem no big deal in this day and age. People marry and remain childless by choice through the use of artificial contraception or forced sterilization. That, too, is actually a compromise of the definition of marriage. And really, ever since that approach was "okayed" by society, the definition of marriage has continued to erode. Which is why people think that any two people can be married, even if they aren't actually capable of marrying in the original and biological meaning of the word "marriage."

To me, that doesn't mean that a same-sex couple should be denied the opportunity to have a legalized union that protects both of them and enables the usual transfer of benefits, power of attorney, and so forth. It's just different than marriage. And I don't think different is bad. From my observation, gay couples are different than heterosexual couples in a number of ways, and that's okay. We don't all have to be exactly alike.

2007-08-10 04:30:17 · answer #7 · answered by sparki777 7 · 1 3

Their marriage would in no way probably offend a male/female married couple of unbelievers, but as a Christian father and youth minister I feel that it is offensive for us to have our families subjected to such a display. In Leviticus it says for a man to lay with a man as he would a woman is an abomination against God. God seems to feel strongly on the subject and as a follower of God i share his feeling. I don't hate gay people or any other people. I love all people and have no prejudice in my heart. But marriage was Created by God for a man and a woman. Who are we to change God's rules. " God made Adam and Eve NOT Adam and Steve"

2007-08-17 18:01:20 · answer #8 · answered by ray_722 1 · 1 0

Did you REALLYwant some feedback??? Because you have come to the wrong club to be at tonight.

Even most of the Atheists here puke at the thought of you.

I have had enough of you Gay people parading on R&S like you have a free meal ticket to "The Feast".

I would truely pray for you if you asked, and sometimes do anyway, but it's that 'UM Gauy Pride" that helps to keep you so discustinly immoral and Filthy!
And you won't ask for prayer,

Hey you can't stand there and tell me with no wince of doubt or convictions in your almost God forsaken voices that you don't have any doubts what you do could be just a tad wrong - or Big time wrong?

Don't worry I was once as red as scarlet. But Praise the One True Savior Jesus, I am as white as snow.

I was born on the Land and continued to work it, as I became a a Primary Producer etc
And not once did I see any Gay animals.
Bulls are Bulls and they know exactly what their job is,
Stallions Rams and Boars Dogs are the same.

What is wrong with you homosexuals?
Do you honestly believe you were born to be this way?

It is sick and wrong ,
And not only is it Abhorrent to The Lord, it is an Abomination unto Him as well...

Lev 20:13
"'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads

Romans 1:
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.
29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,
30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;
31 they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
32 Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

I am a hetrosexual woman with a 19 year old son and I swear it God help you and me if I ever were to find ...

You are nothing but filth and scum of the earth and I knew a bloke who liked little boys once who liked little kids...

He's not now.
And I swear it you would beg God for mercy and in No sick way, as you will do to Him, if you don't repent before you recieve what God Almighty has coming to you already.

Dear Lord have Mercy Please

2007-08-15 09:20:16 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 2 0

I hate it when people use religion as an excuse to abolish things like this off the face of the earth.

I am a Christian and still believe in same sex marriage. as far as i am concerned love is love. they should have the same rights as anyone else!

Now, there is a law going through about unmarried heterosexual couples getting the same rights as married couples if they have been together for a certain amount of time and one of them dies. what makes them so different to gay couples who live together? surely both parties are "living in sin" so to speak, so what gives?

Mardi Gras is coming up and I intend to go again (3rd yr running) to support the gay rights festivities and just have fun with my mates. Might even see a gay marriage or 2 as well! i hope so anyway!

What annoys me though is these bigots who come to Mardi Gras and preach at gays telling them that they are sinners.

Wasn't it God that created us? Knowing our whole lives before we are even conceived. surely he made them/us this way and this is His wish. So why do so many Christians condemn other huiman beings (children of God) made by our creators fair hands?

It's beyond my understanding.

I'm all for Gay Marriage and Civil Ceremonies. Anyone can be a Christian no matter who/what you are. We are all God's children and He made us in His likeness. ALL of us!

Also, in reply to all those commenting saying that homosexuality is unnatural because the whole point of sex is to generate new life.... what about those people who are infertile through no fault of their own? Should they be stopped from marrying? Perhaps there should be a fertility test performed before each marriage that takes place!!! Same principle as 2 gay men or 2 gay women!

Besides, it must be more sinful to be continuing sexual relations without even thinking about marriage to seal the commitment in the future than to have sexual relations as a couple then get married.

Many gay couples are very religious, i know many of my gay friends are and do wish that they were not born this way but it is how they were created. There's nothing they can do to change it other than abstaining for the rest of their lives (kind of makes you wonder where all the gay priests come from in the Catholic Church doesn't it!). All they want to do is lead a normal life like any other human being, but many are not allowed by other members of society to do things that others do. Gay couples can adopt, live together, work, love, bleed, cry, talk, be scared, get stressed, etc just like the rest of us so why cant they marry?

2007-08-10 04:57:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

People often choose to ignore what they find offensive. Even though every adult knows the true nature the relationship between those two nice ladies, they would be referred to as roommates, spinsters, or some other euphemism and the community can pretend that the phenomenon of lesbianism doesn't exist at all. To allow a same-sex couple to be legally married would infer a legitimacy to their relationship that would render such blissful ignorance impossible.

2007-08-10 04:55:47 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

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