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I choose to believe. You choose not to believe. I don't bother you. Why do you come here and try to straighten us out? What difference does it make to you what we Choose to believe in? How would it make your life better if you were to turn a Christian away from God?

2007-08-10 03:54:40 · 26 answers · asked by Pamela V 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

My dear friend, Atheists come here because they are searching for truth. Truth you and I can give them.

May the Lord bless us with the wisdom and love to do so.

2007-08-10 04:05:41 · answer #1 · answered by ccc4jesus 4 · 3 4

No, of course they don't.

But they don't want your faith to be legislated. For example:

1. Many Christians would outlaw a woman's right to choose whether or not to have a child based upon their sexual mores ("She should have kept her legs together if she didn't want a baby") and their belief that "God has a plan for you before you are even born" and that "God knit you in your mother's womb."

2. Many Christians object to same-sex unions because their Holy Book says that such unions are an "abomination unto the Lord."

3. Many Christians are willing in some instances to interfere with end-of life decisions such as the the Schaivo case. Atheists - and I'm sure many Christians and others - would like churches and congressmen to stay out of it.

4. Despite what you may have read here on R&S, evolution exists. It *does* happen and *has* happened. The Theory of evolution is just our best effort at understanding HOW it happens. many Christians would have us pretend that Creation is documented equally as well, and it simply isn't. Science is how America became a strong nation... we cannot allow anyone's faith to make us deny our children their right to a proper and complete education.

5. Many Christians would deny the hope of a cure to the millions suffering from cancer, ALS, alzheimers, MS, etc. simply becase they think their God disapproved of stem cell research.

2007-08-10 03:58:39 · answer #2 · answered by ZombieTrix 2012 6 · 4 2

We don't want to "ROB" you of your faith, we just want you to take an honest look at what "faith" really is. When you break it down it is really just the act of 'taking leave of one's senses', or the abandoning of reason and logic, the ignoring of real data and observable events, and simply believing something someone says just because they say it. That is not a healthy or intelligent thing for human beings to do. Keep looking and you will eventually see that this is what faith actually is. Question everything. Prove things out for yourself. Don't blindly accept things that religious leaders say or that are written in ancient religious texts. Examine your beliefs and use reason and logic to figure out what is true in this world. If that causes you to turn away from god, then I say, so much the better for the human race.

2007-08-10 04:02:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

This is a free forum, where all are able to discuss their views. Just because my views differ from yours does not mean I am taking away your right to believe. The only problem that Atheists have with religious believers is that some of them would like to see their personal beliefs legislated on the populace. This concept is un-American. The Bill of Rights gaurantees freedom of religion for ALL citizens, not just Christians. If you don't want problems with Atheists, stop trying to run our lives, by your beliefs.

2007-08-10 04:00:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I am a gay man....so, let me turn the question.

Why do fundamentalists want to rob us our faith? I am told over and over again, that I cannot be Christian and be gay.

However, I know my heart, and there is no doubt in my mind that when I die, that I will go to heaven.

I am not welcomed in the religion that I was raised...because I am an unrepentant homosexual....so fundamentalists stole my religion from me....but, know what? No matter how hard they try they cannot steal God from my heart.

2007-08-10 04:03:09 · answer #5 · answered by G.C. 5 · 3 1

It's not that Atheists want to rob you of your faith — it's simply that we won't accept anymore the murderous beliefs the less progressive amongst you are trying to impose politically on the rest of us. We will not remain silent as fundies poison the minds of the most vulnerable amongst us (the children) while the same fundies benefit from the silent approval of the "christian majority".

2007-08-10 04:17:54 · answer #6 · answered by par1138 • FCD 4 · 0 2

I don't. I want you to butt out of other peoples lives. Don't believe me that Christians are doing that? Go read a newspaper or watch the news and see them opposing gay marriage, abortion, and stem cell research. Go watch as they try to get Christian prayer included in schools (but ONLY Christian prayer. They don't want any other prayer so the others have to stay silent or do it in private). Go watch as they try to get ID taught in the science classroom. How about you be on the other side of the door when some salesman (regardless of what they're selling, those religious people are still selling something) that you don't want to hear about, and gets very insistant by putting their foot in the door to stop you from closing it, and see how nice you want to be?

You want to know why we want you to butt out? Watch the news.

2007-08-10 04:06:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Many people say that religious intolerance is the root of most of today's problems. I disagree. I argue that religious intolerance is merely an intermediary symptom - somewhere between unenlightened violence on the one side, and the real culprit on the other: abrahamic religion itself.

I view each soul corrupted from "righteousness" as bringing the whole of mankind one tiny step closer to a deeper understanding of ourselves as human beings, as fleeting beasts in a world of rapid change, as the custodians of the future of intelligent life, as selfish monsters that demand biological satisfaction despite our intellectual depth. Each of these tiny steps of progress through corruption brings me intense personal satisfaction- a kind of spiritual satisfaction, really.

If I could fullfill my ultimate goal, it would mean the complete dissolution of even the _memory_ of the Abrahamic traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Then perhaps we could move on as humans without the Great Lie (god) to hold us back.

BTW- your statement "I don't bother you" proves itself wrong. You misconduct yourself by telling me what _bothers_ me and what doesn't- you have no basis for such assumptions. The suggestion is itself bothersome.

2007-08-10 04:15:24 · answer #8 · answered by B SIDE 6 · 2 2

I don't have a problem with Christians believing...I have a problem with Christians assuming I am a Christian or that I want to hear about how great god is. I'm in a new conservative workplace and people just seem to feel that they need to mention god or church at every lunch. It's really irritating to those of us who are not Christian.

2007-08-10 04:00:56 · answer #9 · answered by blinky 3 · 4 3

By addressing your accusation to the atheists, do you really think that's not "bothering" them? You egg it on when you tell an atheist they are a bad person for not agreeing with you. Christians egg it on when they insist on posting the 10 commandments out side of court houses or forcing prayer in public schools. Christian leaders egg it on when they justify starting wars in the name of god. I don't want to turn you from your god...I just want you to keep your god to yourself.

2007-08-10 03:59:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

You have it the other way around my friend, it is you who comes here saying things like Atheist you will go to hell for not believing in god/jesus.
Also we do not support prayer in public schools and in politics, it goes against the 1st Amendment

2007-08-10 03:59:59 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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