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Religion & Spirituality - 20 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I know there was a similar question to this, but i wanted to check something and it is a bit different.

As far as i am concerned, Good and Evil are man made terms. For something to be considered as good or evil, it has to be either for, or against someone's morals.

Now, what i don't understand is, people claim that certain things are evil. What if the fact of it is, there is no good or evil, the 2 things were only created in the first place, because someone far back along the time line decided he wanted things done by his own personal set of morals.

A view on this is the assassin. A person stolen from birth and trained as a killer, he is taught it is right to kill, does this make him evil? No i say because his morals state he is in the right.

Has any one else got any views on this?

2007-06-20 10:28:16 · 8 answers · asked by Xzar 6

In Quran God says "And nearest among them(Muslims) in love to the believers wilt
thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men
devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not
arrogant" {Quran 5:82}

Both Muslims and Chirstians believe in the Second coming of the Christ, both are instructed to follow him word by word on his second coming. What will take for these two not to judge the world and each other but organize with each other for common good and leave the judgement of there actions solely to God!

Another Surah from the Quran says
"Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allah(God) and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve"

Jesus Christ also asked not to Judge.

So what are Muslims and Christians waiting for???

2007-06-20 10:28:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Over the last few months I’ve had the opportunity to hang out with a diverse set of “spiritual” individuals. All of them had an underlying quality that I can’t quite put my finger on but they all processed a mixture of intensity, focus, connectedness and tranquility. The mix included Neo-Pagan, Christian, Buddhist, and a woman who describes herself as a mystical agnostic.

The common thread was that rather than these people being devoted to a given religion/god/goddess they were all devoted to introspection, mediation and development of their own spirituality. Their spiritual exercises took a very high priority in their life.

So it seems to me that religious/spiritual enlightenment/maturity has everything to do with the dedication of the individual and very little to do with the path the individual is on.

2007-06-20 10:27:03 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is it that you feel about having sex before marriage...and tell me, why do you feel this way, what influenced your thought?

2007-06-20 10:23:13 · 28 answers · asked by jamlynne 3

2007-06-20 10:22:32 · 16 answers · asked by sallybowles 4

2007-06-20 10:21:30 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

The people of the U.S. are the least healthy that they have ever been...obesity is a major problem, and a drain on our medical care and expenses...most eat fast food on a regular basis and do not exercise.

So, aren't obese people, pushing their "sin" of gluttony to the forefront? Why don't the fundamentalists strike out at gluttons as much as homosexuals...

Homosexuals are only 10% of the population...but a good 60% of the population is obese...I want to hear some good ol fire and brimstone sermons about the fat.

Of course the fundies say one can turn from their sin and find salvation...However, with all of the obese people out there...most are not turning from their sin...look at Jerry Falwell...he died fat..so, never turned from sin...

And please don't tell me people are born with a fat gene...if people are not born gay, they are not born fat...can't have it both ways folks.

2007-06-20 10:21:14 · 14 answers · asked by G.C. 5

What page in the bible can I find this picture:


What type is it? Would you call it a Veloci-"rapture"?

What do you think he named it?

2007-06-20 10:17:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-20 10:17:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-20 10:11:23 · 52 answers · asked by ♥ inkythecutie ♥ 2

2007-06-20 10:09:59 · 12 answers · asked by Don't Fear the Reaper 3

if you people preach faith...why do you spout PROOF? has anyone read "the god questions?" it was pathetic...if you are going to talk about proof...talk about something better than the banana. seriously....

2007-06-20 10:09:23 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have asked about one side of the argument, now to the other side: why should we have prayer in public schools? I would like to hear complete and thought out answers, because I am trying to figure out my stance on the issue.
P.S. If you do not support school prayer, please do no flame this question, leave the spaces open for people who want to give helpful answers to their cause...

2007-06-20 10:06:52 · 12 answers · asked by Big Macs R Heaven 1

Life on earth appeared abruptly and in great diversity. This fact definitely refutes the claim that living things emerged in an evolutionary process.

When we look at the fossil record, we see that the oldest stratum of earth that contains fossils is that of the Cambrian. A great number of invertebrates appear in the Cambrian age, which is estimated to date back 500 million years. The interesting thing however, is that not a fossil has ever been found belonging to the pre-Cambrian Ages. This means that the living things that lived in the Cambrian Age emerged "abruptly".

The situation definitely debunks the theory of evolution, which maintains that living things evolved progressively. The abrupt appearance of living things without any ancestor means that they were created. The living beings that emerged in this period called the "Cambrian Explosion" are invertebrates like jellyfish, sponges, snails, and trilobites. These living things have very complex organisms. For example, trilobites have very complex eyes. Since such complex structures could not have been instantaneously evolved, they constitute strong evidence for creation. All these demonstrate that the Cambrian Explosion points to the "outset of creation".

Could this be a blow To The Claim Of The Evolution?

2007-06-20 10:05:38 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

Quote from another post.

"God's Word, the Holy Bible says that homosexuality is a sin, and we are ALL BORN IN SIN." I would be simply telling you what God's word says"

Do you fundamentalists not see the error in the above statement?

You are not telling me what "God's word says"...you are simply telling me your opinion of interpretation of the scripture.

Remember there are many religions in the world...and among them even, many fundamentalist, protestant religions. Each one of these religions will look at one exact same scripture and interpret it differently...come to completely different conclusions.

How, then can one use the phraseology..."I'm telling you what God's word says"... If even the studied theologians who know the original texts cannot agree on the interpretation of what eactly, God's word says.

I remind you...there is only one ultimate authority on scripture..that is not you...it is God...

Your thoughts?

2007-06-20 10:05:04 · 15 answers · asked by G.C. 5

I'm not sure if this is allowed, but I am very p*ssed off right now so I really don't care! Someone was asking about paganism beliefs and (no names, but I'm sure you can figure it out) someone else had the audacity to say that paganism is turning their back against God! I then saw a little "quote" that they had put: "If we DO NOT JUDGE - we lose the ability to decide what is good and what is evil." I'm sorry, but WTF! If you're so religious then you would know that in the Bible it says: "Judge not lest ye be judged!" The only person that can judge others is God!

I'm somewhat a religious person, my dad is a pastor so I grew up in church. So don't think that I'm against God or illiterate about the Bible! I just HATE it when people judge other people. Jesus, who is God, didn't even judge others while He was on this earth. He rescued a WHORE from judgment! Read the Bible more often! Perhaps you could learn something!

Done ranting. I appreciate your reading this. ;)

2007-06-20 10:03:21 · 15 answers · asked by Angela 3

...take things too seriously? The world won't stop spinning if you take a moment and laugh.

2007-06-20 10:00:56 · 15 answers · asked by ? 3

Are there any other historical references of Jesus besides the bible because when reading some answers to an old question someone stated that as fact

2007-06-20 09:58:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I beleive that once you have been saved, that you can not lose your salvation. But I have heard that some denominations don't believe this way. What do you believe and what denomination are you.

2007-06-20 09:57:52 · 31 answers · asked by Melissa V 2

Namaste ~
An article I was reading caught my imagination ....that (something) was a direct reflection of the Atma Shakti ... but I lost the quote ......however, still lingering on is the wish to know about the Atma and its functions ...

Does it have an effulgence that it may reflect something .....?

Thank you

2007-06-20 09:57:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please tell me it annoys other non-muslims too...

2007-06-20 09:57:18 · 9 answers · asked by Jeteon B 3

When did sliced bread come into existence? Was it pre or post Jesus?

2007-06-20 09:56:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

and is not now, accepted by the Hebrews as the Messiah. His 'adoption' by Joseph, if in fact that happened, was not what the Hebrew scriptures called for. That would not have made him a direct descendant. When Mary, according to later writers, claimed she was a Virgin, there was not proof of her lineage to King David either. It appears that the stories in the New Testament were twisted to try to meet the Messianic requirements of the Old Testament. Also, did Paul in all his wisdom, ever put it in writing that Mary was a Virgin?

2007-06-20 09:55:45 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-20 09:55:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have no problem with people having absoulte certainity in their belief. Having conviction is a good thing, "what would be without passion?" I agree to disagree, and have no problem with people saying I`m destined for eternal damnation b/c I dont believe what they believe.....but its the ones that say.
" I`m going to pray for you, and ask God that u be saved! "

(Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!) I wish they would just say I`m going to burn hell for all eternity. When I come across people like this I usually put up my indexes fingers in the form of a cross and say,

" I Rebuke thee Satan, I rebuke the Satan! "

2007-06-20 09:55:01 · 12 answers · asked by Future 5

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