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Religion & Spirituality - 20 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Jesus said :
Matt 12:30-31

30 "He who is not with me is against me , and he who does not gather with me scatters.
If your not for Jesus then your for Satan

2007-06-20 09:53:04 · 8 answers · asked by e 2

Sex changes are not reversable but neither is murder.

2007-06-20 09:52:31 · 15 answers · asked by Melissa Y 1

To be both Christian and Muslim?

2007-06-20 09:52:26 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

...and then took a nap on the 7th day....why hasn't he slept since then?

2007-06-20 09:52:21 · 28 answers · asked by ? 3

Some insect species undergo various transformations in different phases of their lives. For instance, this small caterpillar will soon draw back to its cocoon after deriving energy feeding on leaves, and undergo a series of transformations. When it gets out of its cocoon, it will be a bright colored butterfly able to fly. This process called metamorphosis is an example of design which evolution can never explain. This is because such a progressive and complex process can in no way be explained by coincidences.

Even a single mistake in a single stage of
metamorphosis would cause the animal to die. This perfectly designed process is an apparent evidence of creation.

2007-06-20 09:49:53 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

This question is asking do you believe that it is right for humans to put evoloution in their own hands? With I.V.F treatment and cloning are we trying to evolve to soon?

2007-06-20 09:49:35 · 13 answers · asked by jemmyxjellyxbean 1

But isnt Atheism "man made?" if they have this big thing about man made religion, arent they being hypocritical?

2007-06-20 09:49:00 · 8 answers · asked by pooey 2

God does not want me to hate anyone but it is soooooooooooo hard!!
For when you hate someone you are commiting murder in God's eyes but sometimes I truly just cant stand this man
I need a verse to help me not feel this way!!!
My father is an achloic and comes home eveyday drunk and screams and yells calls me a ***** and the I'm doub went through this my whole life well what I rember im 20 now I need to get ou of this house. How am I supposed to Honner thy FATHER and thy mother....I could never honnor him let alone love him I ask God all the time to help me not hate him and just forgive but ITS HARD when it happend OVER AND OVER again..... what aresome verses I can look at for hlep??

2007-06-20 09:48:29 · 35 answers · asked by Christian 2

just as i'm trying to give an answer and click to send it,

many times i found it to be gone,

people should give at least a couple days before deleting it,

we actually have 3 days for questions and getting responses,

so why do people delete it so fast ?

2007-06-20 09:47:26 · 9 answers · asked by k 3

What was the defining moment that made you turn away?



If your answer is going to be "because I realised it was stupid" or "didn't make sense" or something like that, explain what made you change your mind. Thanks.

2007-06-20 09:46:19 · 18 answers · asked by sonfai81 5

I don't know why is the obsession of bringing verses from the bible trying to misinterpret it!

Please use your time reading others books if you don't think is God's word!

If I were Atheist, I would not pay attention to the bible!

However, I believe that the Bible is the word of God!

ah let me *drink* auhh thanks

2007-06-20 09:45:13 · 30 answers · asked by Not of This World Returns 3

In America, churches must take donations from parishioners, and have bake sales, and things like that. I was told that Europeans didn't understand why we had to do that in America, and that in Europe, the government gives money to the churches.

One of my professors who visited Europe said the churches were big and expensive, but there may only be a handful of people go! Whereas here, if there were only a handful of people going to the church, the church would have to be small and simple, because they couldn't afford a big church.

Is this true?

2007-06-20 09:44:36 · 6 answers · asked by Heron By The Sea 7

Why do people who aren't interested in the occult, ALWAYS assume that witchcraft has shades of only black and white?

Seeing as this is the case in nothing including witchcraft, it always annoys me. Seeing that to be purely white, it would have to be completely selfless, and to do whats known as black magick is something as simple as it being selfish. To me it shows there is no white magick, only varying shades of Gray to black.

Any other views on this?

2007-06-20 09:43:13 · 12 answers · asked by Xzar 6

2007-06-20 09:43:00 · 11 answers · asked by stick it to my heart 1

I was recently hurt by this guy and I am really angry. I am a christian and I am battling heavily with the devil because I want this guy to pay for what he did. He slept with me under the pretense that we were together and then in the middle of the act hhe got really rough (sexually) and I told him to stop. When he did he was like I have to go. and then he said he and the mother of his child are really trying to work things out and he has no feelings for me and its not his fault I have feelings for him. He said he bet if he ask me to go at it again I would because I'm weak when it comes to him. Then he was like lets do it again and I was like hell no and he was like wow you stronger than I thought. After that night I sat down and plotted his murder. I was going to kill him. I walked with my weapon every day but I never saw him. Meanwhile I was praying for deliverance because I didn't want to go to jail (I am a single mother so my child would have suffered the most). Finally STAY TUNED!

2007-06-20 09:40:29 · 19 answers · asked by nessa913 4

Don't say "life after death;" the phrase is oxymoronic and meaningless as well as non-biblical.

"Immortal soul" is not biblical. Egyptian religions, on which Judaism and Christianity are largely based, taught that the afterlife required food and drink buried with the mummy, since body and soul were transcended by the "khu," which had characteristics of both body and soul but had potential to transform into an Osiris (c.f. "the likeness of Christ").

Are there theologians who emphasize the adjective "eternal" while conceding that "life" refers to life in the here and now of reality? In that reading of the phrase, the point may be that the life you are living right now is to have the characteristics implied by the adjective "eternal." Who are the theologians who are putting this concept forward?

The phrase "post mortem" survival of the ego" is more precise than "eternal life" etc., however it seems regrettable to have to lean on Latin etc. instead of clear English.

2007-06-20 09:40:19 · 15 answers · asked by fra59e 4

Serious question. Their opinion of interpretation of scripture may be that homosexuality is a sin.

However, do they not realize that the only ultimate authority on scripture is God. Do they believe themselves to be God when pronouncing judgement on others', based on their opinion of interpretation?

And why do they single out homosexuality when pretending to be God, and interpreting the Bible literally? The literal interpretation of the Bible also states that the divorced (adulterers) are going to hell...along with the obese, (gluttons), those that are bankrupt, (stealing), those that drink to much coffee or pop, (excesses).

Why do they give all of their attention to the homosexuals? Could it be, this is a temptation for many more people, than actually will admit it...(Ted Haggard, Jim Bakker, Jim Mcgrevy, etc..).

So, why are fundamentalists so obsessed with the homosexual? Why are they concerned with the actions of two consenting adults in privacy?

2007-06-20 09:40:08 · 15 answers · asked by G.C. 5

Genesis 4:3-5
3And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD.
4And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:
5But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. (KJV)

2007-06-20 09:39:39 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

...before visiting the burning bush....would it have been an explosive conversation?

2007-06-20 09:37:48 · 9 answers · asked by ? 3

What PHYSICAL evidence do you have that God does not exist?

2007-06-20 09:36:26 · 26 answers · asked by pooey 2

Priest from Planet Russet and start the Church of the Divine Scallop....would you attend the first service?

2007-06-20 09:34:35 · 15 answers · asked by ? 3

I have not. I use Charmin.

2007-06-20 09:33:27 · 37 answers · asked by Do not delete. 1

2007-06-20 09:32:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-20 09:30:14 · 26 answers · asked by NIHIL VERUM NISI MORS 2

what are they and dont gimme some wiseguy response

2007-06-20 09:29:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been studying a little bit of the culture of Lebanon, and I found out that in the northern part of the country live the Maronite, which is a division of the catholic religion that exist only in Lebanon. But there's also another group with a different religion. This other group is a very closed community, and no one knows what exactly they believe in. I was wondering if anyone knows or has an idea what it's they're religion about. The've been around for longer than any other religious group in Lebanon and are still around.

2007-06-20 09:29:29 · 5 answers · asked by juliortiz18 2

If yes, what experiments can be done to support your hypothesis? This means a simple experiment that anyone can replicate and get the same results plus it must follow the scientific method. No psuedoscience please.

2007-06-20 09:29:14 · 11 answers · asked by Synaptix 2

2007-06-20 09:26:31 · 16 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

What is it why is it so important like what led to it being important? (looking more in the satanic sense)

2007-06-20 09:26:13 · 5 answers · asked by aprilrossen2000 1

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