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Religion & Spirituality - 18 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

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When the revelations of the Quran began, the Most Noble Messenger clearly proclaimed the Quran to be the word of God, and said it was impossible for any human being to duplicate it. If anyone disagreed, he ought to make an attempt to copy it, and should feel free to seek help from any source in doing so. None was able to take up this challenge and produce even a short surah similar to the Quran.

The Qur'an remains a book of inimitable quality, not only from a linguistic, but also from and intellectual, point of view. When Muhammad was challenged by his fellow countrymen to present a miracle, in keeping with the tradition of other prophets, he presented the Qur'an to them. The inimitability of the Qur'an is repeatedly emphasized in the Holy Book itself.

The Quran issued a challenge not only to the contemporaries of the Prophet but also to men in all ages. In order to demonstrate the incapacity and impotence of people to imitate it, it issued the following universal proclamation: “Were all mankind to come together and wish to produce the like of the Quran, they would never succeed, however much they aided each other”. (17:88)

It then modifies the challenge and reduces its scope by saying: “Do people imagine that this Quran is not from Us, and that you, O Prophet are falsely attributing to us? Tell them that if they are speaking truly they should produce ten surahs resembling the Quran, and that they are free to call on the aid of anyone but God in so doing.” (11:13)

Then, at the third stage, the scope of the challenge is reduced still further: the deniers are called on to produce only a single surah resembling the Quran: “Oh people, if you doubt the heavenly origin of this Book which We have sent down to Our servant, the Prophet, produce one surah like it.” (2:23)

A yet stronger challenge occurs in another chapter:

“Or do they say: 'He forged it'? Say: 'Bring then a sura like unto it and call [to your aid] anyone you can”. (10:38)

Since we know that some of the shorter surahs consist only of a few brief sentences, this final challenge constituted a definitive proof of the human being’s inability to imitate the Quran. Can the person of today take up the challenge of the Quran and produce a Surah like it, thereby conquering the stronghold of Islam and invalidating the claim of its Prophet?

Let us not forget that this challenge was issued to a people whose leaders were threatened by the devastating attacks of the Quran - their lives, their property, their ancient customs, their ancestors, their whole social position. If it had been at all possible for the Arabs to respond to the challenge of the Quran, they would have taken it up immediately, with the unstinting aid of the masters of eloquence that were by no means rare in that age. Thus they would have invalidated the proofs of the Quran and won an everlasting victory.

Quran has proposed a very simple challenge to those who oppose it. Why do then the deniers of prophethood choose roundabout ways, avoiding this direct method of confronting and defeating Islam? Is not because the door is firmly closed on meeting the challenge posed by the Quran?

It is not that they did not try to mute the challenge. Infact, they called into play all their resources in an effort to meet the challenge of the Quran, but all their efforts came to naught. They were unable to point even to a single error or defect in the Quran, and were obliged to admit that its words were situated on a higher plane than the thought and speech of the human being.

2007-06-18 03:23:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-18 03:21:41 · 16 answers · asked by socmum16 ♪ 5

Don't you think that there should be a special place in Purgatory for people (especially those on T.V. and radio) who pronounce it "WimbleTON" ???

I do.

2007-06-18 03:20:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just moved to a new area and I want to start attending church again. I'm a Christian and I used to go to a Christian church, but their are none around here. My friend goes to a local Baptist church, and my neighbor told me about a Methodist church she goes to.

I just converted to Christianity last year, and I'm still getting familiar with it. What kind of churches do Christians go to?

2007-06-18 03:17:20 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard there's a guy in Brazil claiming to be Christ returned.

2007-06-18 03:11:11 · 11 answers · asked by Bad DNA 1

People who dont believe in God really do say mean and hurtfull things, but dont worry, GOD and his only begotten son, JESUS still love you and cant wait to hopefully see us all! I am not saying non-believers are bad people because we all fall short of the glory of GOD, but the vibe is definetly negative. Does any non-believer still hate me?

2007-06-18 03:10:20 · 31 answers · asked by monti h 2

As for me, I can not wait to be raptured and spend all entenity with Jesus and all my Brothers and Sisters.

2007-06-18 03:09:17 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

does this have any meaning?

2007-06-18 03:08:31 · 10 answers · asked by mrs O 6

Well I havent been to church in a while and last night I had this weird dream. It started off first as a mother and daughter being attacked and mom the mom prays to god to send help. Then Im walking down a dark alley way and I get jumped and beat to death. As Im dieing I see a church bilboard and just start laughing and ask god if there was any way I could redeem my life I have lived. My soul lifts from my body and now Im looking at myself dieing. Then I feel a force like pull me and I end up by the mother and child and I save them. Only the little girl and the attackers saw me and they got scared and ran away. I stayed with the family for a while helping the little girl. Then one day I went back to the house and felt a evil presence. The mother felt it too and had a physic come. She said that she sensed an evil spirt and a good one. Then I saw the spirt trying to get the little girl so I stood in her doorway and fought the spirt off but Im starting to lose. What does this mean?

2007-06-18 03:03:41 · 15 answers · asked by Fissure 2

Why is God's life creating ability in the current time depenent on our sexual intercourse?

Considering God hasn't created a being since Adam and Eve why did he give up on his original method of bringing life to Earth? Was it flawed? Did he not have the time?

2007-06-18 02:59:36 · 29 answers · asked by BOB 4

As people sit behind their computer screens, they have the opportunity to be honest. I find that this forum is very enlightening to me concerning how people really think...

It may not be pretty but it sure is educational...

2007-06-18 02:59:26 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-18 02:56:44 · 8 answers · asked by bunu 2

read to koran to see what is in it? To understand it not to be blessed by reading.

2007-06-18 02:54:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."-Lev 20:13

Homosexuals must be killed????? Please clarify.
[Curse those who removed my question!]

2007-06-18 02:53:11 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

"I'll create these things called humans. Give them the ability to love, but for most that will turn into the biggest grieving process ever. I'll give them the abiblty to feel pain, sorrow, hate, jealousy. I'll tweak a few brains out there, we'll call those people 'murderers' and 'rapists' so that the innocent can suffer long painful deaths. I'll make sex a sin, unless you're married ..... but give them the urge to do it before then. I'll make homosexuals happy, then send them to hell! I'll make some of them born with too few or too many chromosomes, so they can go through life being made fun of, and make life hard as hell for them. I'll give women the ability to have children at such a young age, but they'll catch hell for it if they do! etc, etc, etc, etc, " "Wahahahaha!!!"

Are these 'tests'?? ... 'plans'??? What is the plan for such 'victims'? to teach others? why make it possible in the first place?

Im wondering, how in the world can one pray to such a being?

2007-06-18 02:52:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it a form of christianity like baptist, mormans and methodist

2007-06-18 02:52:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I call the Bible the Bubble, because the people tha believe it are kinda living in a bubble!

2007-06-18 02:51:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just read this answer on another question: God created life, therefore, God has the right to take it. If you create a work of art, you have the right to destroy it any time you wish - even if it is regarded as the Mona Lisa.

Isn't that a pro abortion and post birth abortion stance? As a parent according to this idea (and the bible) I should be able to take my childs life since I created it.

The justifications are sometimes astonishing.

2007-06-18 02:50:53 · 14 answers · asked by BOB 4

The Old and New Testaments predicted several supernatural events would take place prior to the end of the world. How could the biblical writers be so sure of these things hundreds of years before the event happened?

Daniel 2 and 7 depicts the coming rise and fall of nations before they happened. The prophesy was exact in its fulfillment with only event to be fulfilled. That is the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to establish his eternal kingdom. (Daniel 2:27, 36-45).

Special note: Babylon, Medo-persia, Greece, Rome were all world ruling empires that once ruled the world but they all fell as Daniel the prophet of God predicted would happen. How could Daniel have accurately predicted such an accurate account of the rise and fall of nations? The next major event according to the prophesy is the coming of Christ(Daniel 2:45).

No fairytale here. It all happened in history exactly as God revealed it to his servant. The prophet Daniel.

God exists. Make no mistake about this.

2007-06-18 02:48:53 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

i hope so, cause i can't get the new sticker on it if she doesn't pass. then i can't drive her, and summer is short up here in ontario. should i convert? what if i do and the car still doesn't pass?

2007-06-18 02:44:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

In Ancient Egypt (approx. 3000 BC) - The Sun God, Horus was:

Born on Dec. 25th.
Born of a Virgin.
Signalled by a star in the East.
Adorned by 3 Kings.
Had 12 Disciples.
Performed Miracles (including walking on water)
Was crucified.
Buried for 3 days, and then ressurected.

This is the same for Attis (Ancient Greece - 1200 BC).
This is the same for Krishna (India - 900 BC).
This is the same for Dionysus (Greece - 200 BC).
This is the same for Mithra (Persia - 1200 BC)

This is the same for literally dozens more characters through history, including Jesus.

Why are these fundamentals constant through entirely seperate religions and belief systems?

2007-06-18 02:44:08 · 7 answers · asked by Adam L 5

As science improves, most people now understand that things we observe like planetary motion, disease, weather patterns, etc., all have scientific explanations and don't require the belief in a divine being. Why hold out for a divine explanation on "creation?" Is it because these are harder issues to explain/understand scientifically, or is it that humans need to have a reason for being?

Understand, I personally am not an atheist, because I allow for the possibility of a divine presence, I just doubt there is one. If you answer this question by saying that God's presence can be ascertained by the big questions of creation, do you also believe that God is "responsible" for a tsunami that kills thousands, or a horrible disease that effects children?

2007-06-18 02:40:59 · 7 answers · asked by Stephen L 6

I've heard this several places and also on an episode of the simpsons. I'm really curious as to how people could possibly believe a guy who says he found god in his hat?? (if it's true)

2007-06-18 02:39:01 · 19 answers · asked by jamus 4

He's the author for a book I keep hearing about called the Case for Christ. If you've read the book, what did you think?


2007-06-18 02:37:37 · 4 answers · asked by Kathy M 3

They're the peopl ewho are protesting at soldiers' funerals and whose website is godhatesfags.com. Is there ANYONE who agrees with these people? I think we may have found some common ground here on R&S.

2007-06-18 02:31:02 · 16 answers · asked by ZombieTrix 2012 6

I have been a christian for a long time, growing up in a unsteady home i always knew that God was going to take care of me. I married a man I met at church after I got pregnant with him in highschool. I felt ashamed but I still believed there was a God and I put sooo much work into trying to better myself. Things started to get hard though, my children started to get sick, medicaid was giving me a hard time and my prayers were not being answered. I could not afford there medicines and it killed me to hear them crying when there ears started to hurt. They both need surgery still and i've still had no solutions to my problems. I've tried everything. I guess its been a few months since everything started happening so i just started to give up hope that there was a God. I still went to church but found myself , tapping my foot, falling asleep..just not wanting to be there. I told my husband about this and I how I had denounced God. Can any one help me? How can I regain my faith.

2007-06-18 02:30:47 · 21 answers · asked by Brandy 2

Tomorrow Morning at 3:30AM im going to cure a Man who have a diabetic.. by Casting a Magic Spells on a Water.. for him to be Cure.. I do this for free.. Thank You & Allah Bless You For Your Kindness Effort...

2007-06-18 02:23:55 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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