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Religion & Spirituality - 2 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Mark Uhl, a student at Liberty University, was in possession of homemade bombs when he was arrested at Falwell's funeral. He reportedly planned to use them against any protesters who might disrupt the festivities.

A Pew poll indicated that a small number of American Muslims, a minority of only 8 percent, considered suicide bombing acceptable under certain circumstances. The vast majority, 78 percent, said suicide bombing against civilian targets was never acceptable.

Most Christians, 65 percent of Protestants and 72 percent of Catholics, believe that torture is justifiable under certain circumstances. Nearly half of Americans, 46 percent, believe that it may be acceptable to deliberately target civilian populations in war time. An average of 75 percent of Muslims in Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia and Morocco believe that such attacks are never acceptable.
Christians perpetrated the crusades, the inquisition, the slave trade and imperial adventures too numerous to mention.

2007-06-02 09:49:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

see us chirstians belive we are in God's image. We look to God for guidence and rightousness. The evolutionists belive thay are in the beasts image. And search the beast for answers. Why do you look down at your selfs?I didn't come from no animal. Animals are our food, clothing and slaves. They work for food.

2007-06-02 09:49:01 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

it has to be true. because how would people jump in front of bulllets for each other. i dont see animals jumping in fron of cars for their young! and I think people who are evil have souls but just have a cemical imbalance in their brains. so what do you think about all of that?

2007-06-02 09:48:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


I was looking at a bug today as it obeyed it's survival instinct and burried itself to get away...

I couldn't help but think even if evolution is true Evolution had to start somehow... That somehow is God.

I personally think that Gad created everything... how he did it? I dodn't know.

What do you think?

2007-06-02 09:48:27 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-02 09:46:06 · 17 answers · asked by Melissa Y 1

A little american joke there.

2007-06-02 09:45:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Wouldn't it be rated NC-17 or even NR? It would be probably the most violent movie ever made and the shear amount of nudity,rape and incest would make it the most controversial film ever made in the history of film! Don't you agree?

2007-06-02 09:43:30 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anyone who has seen my postings knows that Jack is one big-time atheist. I'm curious, however, if the religious believers have any point of view on what special type of hell might be reserved for me. After all, a man so charming and witty--not to mention devilishly handsome--as I am certainly can't be expected to settle for some run-of-the-mill Hades, now can I?

So what do you think? Where will this blasphemous boy from Australia end up? ;)

P.S.- My eye is much better today and I appreciate the solicitous expressions from everyone, especially from Cat, the nicest Christian I've spoken to on here thus far. Thank you.

2007-06-02 09:41:06 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

1.) Pascal's Wager.
2.) Why we don't have morals.
3.) At our death bed will we accept Jesus.

Due to the nature of these topics we must all bring a designated driver.

Please bring a casserole (No Hamburger Helper please.) I will supply pie and cake.

Thank you.

2007-06-02 09:40:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are we, the piddly little Christians on Y!A, being accused of trying to change the religious/political landscape of USA when 'they' have taken every hint of God out of schools and are moving into public/government areas? Who's changing what?

What do all the wars that have ever been fought over religion thousands of years ago have to do w/ us now? Have you fought a religious war lately?

Do you ever read the answer "Stop trying to shove God down my throat" when you are just honestly asking a question? Do you feel you are "shoving"?

How many of you are hypocrites and bigots? According to many responders, we - as christians - are all bigots and hypocrites. I had one guy say that EVERY christian he had ever met were hypocrites and bigots.

Is there any other Christians out there who are getting sick of these answers or do you think these answers are justified?
How do you respond?

2007-06-02 09:37:59 · 33 answers · asked by Kaliko 6

I believe that everything was made from evolution but god did make the first thinkgs that changed to what they are now. I believe that god made everything then evolution happened. is that wrong? am i not being a rue believer of god?

2007-06-02 09:36:00 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here's how I see it:

The Saints who wrote the bible still sinned.

So...why is it we accept everything they said as truth?

I mean, people say it's because they wrote what God told them to.

Which is partially true. But on the other hand, God can do anything, so he could've written it himself. But he didn't. I'm sure he had a reason for that...but that's besides the point. What I mean is, obviously they weren't perfect, so they wrote the bible in their own interpretation.

Now. Homosexuality is labeled as sinful by Paul.

Not by Jesus, but by Paul.

Nowhere in the bible does Jesus or God say anything against homosexuality.

Yes, it is unnatural, but not sinful.

Dying our hair is unnatural, in fact so is cutting it.

which says something else. Paul also said it was sinful for women to cut their hair.

So isn't it a little outdated for todays Christians to claim the bible says homosexuality is a sin?

I don't think it is sinful.

2007-06-02 09:32:22 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

i actually dont have many friends on right now...
im usually more active at night.

well, its summer.

could anyone recommend me some good books to read?
(im open to most books)

2007-06-02 09:29:44 · 15 answers · asked by uhohspaghettiohohs 5

please...if the answer in "Yes"..give me where.

2007-06-02 09:29:18 · 16 answers · asked by yacob 1

and is Hollywood's version of what might happen during tribulation. Somebody says that the name of it is "The Omega Syndrome" but I don't think it is because I have searched it everywhere and it's coming up saying that it's a movie about an Asian gang kidnapping a girl or something. Does anybody know what movie I am looking for??!

2007-06-02 09:28:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mine is Jonah and the whale, that gives me a good laugh, great fiction

2007-06-02 09:24:13 · 14 answers · asked by Jason Bourne 5

Why have four books , why not just one!

2007-06-02 09:18:54 · 21 answers · asked by tatinurwidjaya 2

NOAH IN 2007

In the year 2007, the Lord came unto Noah, who was now living in
Canada , and said, "Once again, the earth has become wicked
and over-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me.

Build another Ark and save 2 of every living thing
along with a few good humans."

He gave Noah the blueprints, saying, "You have 6
months to build the Ark before I will start the
unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights."

Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in
his yard - but no Ark.

"Noah!" He roared , "I'm about to start the rain!
Where is the Ark ?"

"Forgive me, Lord," begged Noah, "but things have changed. I
needed a building permit. I've been arguing with the inspector
about the need for a sprinkler system. My neighbors claim that
I've violated the neighborhood zoning laws by building the Ark
in my yard and exceeding the height limitations. We had to go
to the Development Appeal Board for a decision.

2007-06-02 09:18:38 · 5 answers · asked by Shinigami 7

Do you think that sabrina the teenage witch deserve to be burned at the stake for witchcraft?

2007-06-02 09:15:16 · 18 answers · asked by omegared 2

2007-06-02 09:14:36 · 41 answers · asked by JesusFan 1

I want to also point out that Jesus made no distinction between himself and God and expected no less from anyone else. The great confuser is the illusion of seperation. It is the perspective of seperation that allows the injustices of objectifacation, responsible for all ill that man subjects fellow man to. The tree of knowledge of good and evil represents judgment, the very judgment that God cannot pass on himself and thus seperates what is intrinsically one and complete into peices in compitition. Adam and Eve are at this very moment halucinating Gods judgment, when in reality it is their own judgment that projected on to the God which they are but instead see as seperate and external.

2007-06-02 09:14:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok i'm a christian but muslim men are aloud to have more than 1 wife right but isnt that adultery i'm confused?

2007-06-02 09:13:38 · 12 answers · asked by simplypeachy06 2

Catholics and Orthodox believe in faith with works. Protestants believe in faith alone. One of the thiefs who was dying with Jesus on the cross said: Jesus remember me when you come into your Kingdom, and Jesus assured him he would be with him in paradise. The thief was a SINNER, yet he believed that Jesus was the Christ and was assured he was going to heaven. So, salvation MUST be by faith alone.

2007-06-02 09:11:21 · 13 answers · asked by Daniel C 1

i'm going through a tough time right now, which is really testing my faith. i'm a convert of almost 5 yrs now. have not had an "islamic" environment (which is beautiful, i've experienced it at other's homes etc) i just feel kinda lost.

i know i am muslim at heart....

i believe everything Islam teaches...

but i am going through a divorce right now, and i find myself
wanting to go away from islam (astagfirAllah)
(i was not Muslim before marriage, and didn't learn about islam until after marriage, so have not really learned a whole lot, not had a good teacher for a husband)

how do i get back to where i'm supposed to be??
should i "start over"? and if so, where should i even begin??

2007-06-02 09:09:39 · 10 answers · asked by this_sucks2007 1

What would you do?....you make the choice. Don't look for a punch line, there isn't one. Read it anyway. My question is: Would you have made the same choice?

At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves learning-disabled children, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question: "When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does is done with perfection. Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do. Where is the natural order of things in my son?"

The audience was stilled by the query.

The father continued. "I believe that when a child like Shay, physically and mentally handicapped comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child."

Then he told the following story:

2007-06-02 09:06:47 · 10 answers · asked by Shinigami 7

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