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Religion & Spirituality - 26 May 2007

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Come on, be honest. Put it as a percentage; for example, 20% of the reason you believe is because of fear of hell and 75% because you want to go to heaven (5% margin for error).

2007-05-26 17:01:45 · 17 answers · asked by Desiree 4

In your own words. Please don't look it up, use a dictionary, encyclopedia, the internet, etc. No cutting and pasting, just what you think it means.


2007-05-26 17:01:07 · 10 answers · asked by Muffie 5

That really was gruesome.

2007-05-26 16:58:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can someone please clarify the defintion of belief as used in the Bible... I always hear "believe in Him" etc etc... is there a place in the Bible where its used to declare that we should believe in God's existence... or is it always the other way to use the word... like "Do you believe in abortion"... I'm looking for verse references, not opinions, Thanks

2007-05-26 16:57:08 · 12 answers · asked by vérité 6

When I was a young teenager a family member abused me & my family all expressed disbelief & made me keep quiet.
It has been over 10 years now since the abuser died, & I have successfully gotten past the abuse - and some of my family members have come around apologetically.
My problem is, my entire family, even the ones who have expressed that they believed me all along, find ways to bring up the abuser in everyday, random conversation with me.
He has been dead for over 10 years & he was not a significant person in my life. Yet, every time I'm talking to any of them, it never fails, they will bring up his name or just randomly relate something to him.
When they speak of him I immediately stop the conversation & let them know I don't want to hear his name anymore. It ruins every family function & holiday for me the moment someone mentions his name. I immediately remember all of the abuse & what everyone else did to me because of it.

2007-05-26 16:56:53 · 14 answers · asked by Fathiya 3

i have a question why cant eveolution and god making the world in six days cant they bith be right im a catholic but i dont see why some of the creatures god made cant have evolved maybe god intended things to happen like this is think ideas from both theroes can be true what do you think. Couldn't Evolution Explain The Answer To How And Not Why. please tell me your thoughs

2007-05-26 16:55:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i can't understand why some people, mostly religious ones, have no respect for Atheism... people have the right to have their own opinions...other people should respect that... why is atheism disliked so much!?

2007-05-26 16:55:10 · 12 answers · asked by ? 4

Jesus' return to earth. Does this mean he has been roaming the earth all this time or that he will be resurrected?

2007-05-26 16:51:52 · 12 answers · asked by Chloe 4

Please include an explanation with some level of detail.(Not an entire essay, but at least offer some reason for your opinion, even if its as simple as "thats how I was raised." Please try to use reasonably good grammar; spell check doesn't take that long, and a quick proofreading for other mistakes isn't going to slow you down that much.

Also, I ask that you avoid using stereotypes, and avoid providing insulting or spammy answers.

I personally believe that the book of Genesis was meant to be read figuratively, and that the stories in it are basically parables, designed to teach humans important lessons about life and sin. I believe this as I find most of the events described to be unlikely and illogical. Despite the fact that the bible is Gods book, it was written by humans, and natural human bias and traditions such as myths have undoubtedly played a part in its creation.

2007-05-26 16:49:56 · 20 answers · asked by Wise_Guy_57 4

I have seen people make claims on either side of this and so I did some looking and got clashing information. Here are some of the finding....what are your thoughts?

*Hitler's private statements are more mixed. There are negative statements about Christianity reported by Hitler's intimates, Goebbels, Speer, and Bormann.[10] Joseph Goebbels, for example, notes in a diary entry in 1939: "The Führer is deeply religious, but deeply anti-Christian. He regards Christianity as a symptom of decay." Albert Speer reports a similar statement: “You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[11]

*On April 29, 1945, Hitler and Eva Braun chose to marry only in front of a civil servant of the city of Berlin and chose not to hold any religious service or blessing ceremony for their marriage.

2007-05-26 16:48:18 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous

Muslims believe in all the Prophets, from Adam, to Noah to Moses.
Do Christians know that Muslims also believe in Jesus? Do you also know that in the Quran, there is an entire chapter dedicated to Virgin Mary and Prophet Jesus?

2007-05-26 16:47:53 · 24 answers · asked by Caribbean_girl 3

2007-05-26 16:47:18 · 16 answers · asked by curious 1

2007-05-26 16:46:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-26 16:44:37 · 7 answers · asked by Silly BaBy505 1

We should start a war on that disease!! Race for the cure!!
BE ONE LESS!! The world needs a vaccine!! Get tested!! All infected should stop talking to stop the spreading!! Its contagious!! Billions have been killed and its getting worse!!

2007-05-26 16:44:18 · 19 answers · asked by God!Man aka:Jason b 3

Your logic fails. An example...

Although there is no evidence for the superstring theory, the many-worlds interpretation, the copenhagen interpretation, etc....it does not mean that I make it seem like all these theories are the samethings....you would never say "I don't believe in the superstring theory because I think the many-worlds interpretation is false" simply because it makes no type of sense at all. The many-worlds interpretation and the superstring theory are two completely different things so you can believe in one and not the other.

Also using the Zeus analogy is also flawed, its like me saying "I don't believe in the geocentric theory, an ancient theory in science and a theory now ridiculed that no one believes in (Zeus) so thats why I don't believe in the superstring theory, another theory in science" The two things have completely different attributes why are you making it seem like they're the same?

2007-05-26 16:43:58 · 23 answers · asked by LIVINGmylife 3

what u think about BAHAI's FAITH......This is purified version of all religons i.e it dunno have its own base wat u think about them

2007-05-26 16:40:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Evolution isn't exactly a magical "snap of the fingers" as you might think it would be. It's only simple logic: DNA strands make slight genetic "errors" that give the subject different traits and characteristics. If these traits give the organism an advantage, the organism will survive, and pass these "good" genes on to the next generation, and so on and so forth.

It's not that complicated, it's just a logical process. So why WOULDN'T it happen as you typically claim?

2007-05-26 16:40:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's the feast of Pentecost, where the apostles - and the rest of humanity, if it chooses to accept it - received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

So for you, who is the Holy Spirit? What does s/he do? And how does s/he act in your life?

No right or wrong answers here; just curious to see what people think.

2007-05-26 16:39:24 · 27 answers · asked by Church Music Girl 6

Then why did god make Scarlett Johannson so attractive, and make me female ...

Okay, I've OBVIOUSLY played the drinking games enough for one evening. Good night.

2007-05-26 16:39:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Many adults today say "Children today have no morals."

The things our children learn are a direct result of what we teach them. If we want them to have morals, maybe we should teach them in school. Surely it would be a better use of time than teaching them to finger paint, play kickball, and sing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" in harmony.

Atheists will acknowledge that morality has nothing to do with religion, so the "seperation of church and state" should not be used as an excuse for keeping such a class out of public schools.

On the other hand, Christians and other theists seem resistant to discussing morality without the involvement of relgion. Is their reluctance to admit that morality can exist outside of religion the true reason morality is not taught in schools?

If Christians want to live in a society with both morality and "the seperation of church and state," then shouldn't they be willing to consider that fact that morality can be based on more than just faith?

2007-05-26 16:39:07 · 40 answers · asked by scifiguy 6

I have asked Allah to reassure me that the "issue" that I am trying to recall was "positive".....as I keep thinking that it possibly wasn't..... (I either had an intention of doing wrong in the past or I didn't REALLY have the intention ) So, the thing is that I did not actually do the "wrong thing" but I want to remember if I either had the ' bad intention" in mind in the first place OR did I really not have a bad intention afterall.

Everytime I prayed & asked Allah, I felt mostly relief. Sometimes the bad thoughts of what might of actually have been the case (negative - bad intention) pops into my head....but yet the couple of times when I asked Allah
for reassurance I became very calm.

I also have an anxiety disorder.....could this be why I have doubt sometimes even asking for Allah to help me remember?

Do you think the feelings of relief are my answer from Allah....that I didn't have the bad intention after all?

Could Istikara be the answer for this type of thing?

2007-05-26 16:35:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

NOTE: Before reading this I just want you to know that i'm not trying to start an arugement, but I am looking for a real answer. Not one filled with opinion and hatred.

Many people who believe in evolution think that we most likely evolved from an organism that lived in the water. Water is such a stable environment with a constant food source. Why would something want to evolve and come onto land. .especailly since the temp. changes a lot and getting food becomes even harder? It doesn't make logical sense to me. .If an organism is suppose to evlove to help it reporoduce or live or whatever . .why would it change its environment in the first place. .Why not adapt to it?

2007-05-26 16:33:02 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you watch and listen closely to how some male atheist such as Charles Dawkins speaks and act, they look and sound very feminine to the point that they might be homosexual. Female atheists such as Madalyn Murray O'Hair speaks and acts very masculine.

I know that Richard Dawkins and Madalyn Murray O'Hair both have children of their own, but is it possibility that these famous atheist turned to atheism because God told them that homosexuality is a sin?

Please help me explain this because I am a homosexual and I feel rejected by God myself and atheism does not discriminate.

2007-05-26 16:33:01 · 23 answers · asked by Go For Broke 3

It's a fact that Romans murdered gruesomely Christians and it was thought to be entertainment by heathens.
also in communist countries millions have been burnt shot etc. for faith in Jesus.
to this day there is country's that kill and persecute Christan's.

why dose no one care about that..?

2007-05-26 16:32:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Wow, I guess he'd have a lot to learn from the atheists who loiter around and berate believers in the Religion and Spirituality room.

2007-05-26 16:32:37 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I should have asked him if he meant Hephaestus, but I didn't think of it at the time.

2007-05-26 16:31:09 · 15 answers · asked by rebekkah hot as the sun 7

2007-05-26 16:29:59 · 6 answers · asked by Ťango 3

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