Why do those who attack Islam ignore the Quran but follow hadith? The number one rule when reading ANY hadith is if it goes with the Quran. The following hadith is weak (first disqualifier), but also goes against the Quran. The Quran in many places commands muslims to leave those who apostasize alone to enjoy this earth for they will get what they earned in the end. It also says to live in peace with those who have not fought you and all of that. Can those who attack please explain why you ignore what the Quran says in preference of hadith? I know the terrorists do the same, but the majority of us (muslims) are ticked off that they're ruining our image and using our name to commit acts of cowardice. Oh, yeah, and if you condemn terrorism, give a shout out :)
"Whoever changes his religion, kill him." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 3017).
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