We have spilled our blood for our beliefs; we have crossed into enemy territory to give bibles to people who were risking their lives to read those mere “books”. We have taken persecution, prosecution, hatred, misunderstanding, misconception, doubt, to stand by what we believe in! I hear people spouting their venom towards Christians but let me ask you would you risk getting your head chopped off to take someone a book on evolution? Would you risk being shot by a Nazi firing squad to take them Darwin’s book? Would you take others lives into your hands, risk your life, to defend that we came from apes? We have defended our beliefs for thousands of years; died willingly. Since 1859 (When Darwin published 'On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection) you have had to defend you beliefs, we have defended ours for thousands of years! Why would so many shed their blood for something not worth defending? Why would something of little relevance last so very long through so many attempts to kill it out? You say we have no back bones? You say we have our heads in the sand? Why because we are open minded enough to see something beyond our noses? Christians are imperfect, yes, because we are human. We can be hypocritical, judgmental, prejudice, and hurtful. And no it is not right. But how dare anyone who sits behind a computer with the purpose of starting conflict in a religious forum dare call any Christian spineless. Every single Muslim, Hindu, Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal, has had to defend their faith. Be it on the computer, on the street, in their work place, school, where ever we have had to fight. And that makes us spineless? The ones who do the attacking here claim to follow science. Have you conducted the experiments yourself? Have you? Or did you read a text book or news paper article? For every belief I have I have solid PROOF. And not the kind found in a text book or class room, but from first hand experience. No one has the right to belittle the blood shed for my Father and by my Father. God loves even the people that attack Christians, but that does not in any way make it ok to keep attacking us or any religion for that matter. It is fine to believe different, it takes all kinds to make the world go around. But it seems some of us really are still apes.
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