the vatican has made some radical changes in the priesthood now they allow woman, i feel the vatican are changing the catholic religion ; what would jesus think of that? i thought the faith was as solid as a rock, whats going to be next,maybe marraige , why not, religion keeps you poor and afraid to question, the new testiment was written 100yrs after the old one and it was then that mark mentioned crusifixion jesus on the cross, why didnt he ever mention it before? the news at the minute is the murder of a young woman at the hands of "father jerry" how many more priests are doing the things that they shouldnt do, such as alcohol issues, sex issues, dealing with very vulnarable people, as bono said "how can we rid the world of hunger "? the catholic church have vast riches in many things paintings gold, diamonds, the jews have the same and the hindu etc, all have great riches, jesus said where there are 3 or more people gather in my name i will be there, he didnt have a church?
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