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Religion & Spirituality - 4 April 2007

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As you do not believe God created the universe, I was wondering if all athiest believe in evolution or do some have another explaination, or simply do not know?

2007-04-04 05:05:23 · 29 answers · asked by tim 6

Why don't verifiable miracles happen today? What better way is there to convince people of the Christian message, and isn't that the commission given to the church by Jesus?

2007-04-04 05:05:14 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous


Why aren't Christians doing greater works than Jesus did, since he himself said they would (John 14:12)? The context is clearly referring to miracles.

2007-04-04 05:04:17 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

This should not offend of Jewish person, if they really know there Judaism they will agree.

Even Adam and Eve were not Jewish. If you read the Old Testament. There were nothing but pagan nations on the Earth. God choose a people that did not have a home land or had any culture at all. If you recall he choose Abraham to start a new people, a new nation. Abraham was the First Jew, but not by blood, but called by God. He was not a originally a Jew. Abraham was from the city of Ur, land of the Chaldeans.
God called Abraham (than Abram) and told him to leave his homeland and follow him, and he will give him a new family and land of promise. That was his covenant that began a new people of God.

What are your thoughts on this?

2007-04-04 05:03:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I laugh at Buddha, Buddhists laugh along. Why is that?

2007-04-04 05:01:07 · 8 answers · asked by 2 5

Why does the evangelical church say there are no contradictions in the Bible when they are plainly there for anyone to see? (These are too numerous even to list a representative sample here. There are many books and monographs on this topic in the skeptical literature.1)

2007-04-04 04:59:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-04 04:57:36 · 16 answers · asked by NONAME 4

2007-04-04 04:56:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that you claim that judge not for you will be judge first or however it goes,YETsome of you criticize and look down and judge the homosexual community. Can you explain how you tell them that they are going to hell and they are this and that. Do you listen to yourself? Do you REALLY think you're heaven material? What happened to love thy neighbor? in your religion we came from adam and eve which makes all of us just their generation. I am your sister. If you have a sister or brother that is gay; would you curse them for what they are? and would you stand up for them when they are being harrassed about their sexuality?

2007-04-04 04:56:03 · 30 answers · asked by Xspensive 2

I have quite a bit already but I feel that there is so much I'm missing because I've only gotten the Wiccan side - and only bits of it. I would really love some history on when Chrisianity came into being and how and also what happened to the Old Religion when it did, not just from America but also countries around the world.

As such, please don't tell me that I'm going to hell or any of your nonsense about bad religion blah blah blah. If you say anything along the lines of religion offense, I will not hesitate to report your answer. I'm here for information to expand my mind and understand better those whom I love - not to experience the hopeless attempts at you trying to convert me.

***Blessed Be and May You Find Eternal Happiness***

2007-04-04 04:55:01 · 13 answers · asked by Sar 2

Just curious. All perspectives appreciated.

2007-04-04 04:53:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe it's important to be humble . My brother is very proud, and I know he should be humble . How can I pray for him to be more humble ?

2007-04-04 04:52:31 · 18 answers · asked by Prissy 1

2007-04-04 04:51:41 · 20 answers · asked by Atheist Eye Candy 4

(I figured it was better to ask here than get people sidetracked and angry at Auto Racing.)

I know my friends and I aren't the only ones who get drinks or go to the bathroom during the pre-race prayer.

I know I'm not the only one who groaned at the news that Jerry Falwell's college is sponsoring one of its students' racecars.


I'd just kinda like to see others come out of the woodwork. :-)

2007-04-04 04:49:40 · 13 answers · asked by GreenEyedLilo 7

2007-04-04 04:49:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a big organization in India. We are protestant christians and convert hindus to being christians. Its not to harm anyone, but we help them realise that God and Jesus is up in the sky, in the heavens, to do the work of Jesus and make our country know that Christ is the real and true god. Here they worship idols and have concubines in the temples. This is not the work of god. Now we have 200 people in all the remote villages preaching the work of god, have built many churches and many have become so great and blessed, earning better, have happy homes and love praying to Jesus. This maybe a blind faith but now there are so many missionaries changing the people to follow Jesus. Is that not something great? I feel so happy that we have so many more children for the Lord. Its what we believe that we come out great and after helping them and making them to believe on their OWN, I have witnessed great miracles in India. I have also been blessed. Please share with me your positive views

2007-04-04 04:46:15 · 21 answers · asked by MafiaGal 4

Satanic bear.

2007-04-04 04:44:35 · 21 answers · asked by satanic bear 1

that's difficult for me to believe...and you ?

2007-04-04 04:43:34 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

I always wondered. If the majority of succesful people (rich/famous) are intelligent, why do they believe in little kiddy cults like scientology, christianity, Islam or so. Or are this people not really more intelligent then the average. Does this mean, they just got to their succes by a accident?

2007-04-04 04:43:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a collection of various Hindu prayers which I've obtained from the Temple and online.

But I don't know the proper order of the prayers, or if there are some that are regularly said which I am missing from my collection.

Is there such a thing as a standard set of prayers said by Vaishnava Hindus? If so, where can I find them and how can I learn them?

Thank you for any help you can offer.

2007-04-04 04:43:18 · 4 answers · asked by Heron By The Sea 7

Unless you're Hindu or Zoroastrian, you most likely are. And even then, you're still heretical and atheistic toward the other two or three.

2007-04-04 04:40:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

when I first saw this section I thought it would be a cool place for people to discuss what they believed. But I see nothing but anger and malcontemp from everyside. I think all you guys and gals should go find an island somewhere and go to war. and let the peaceful here have this section for what it was meant for. there are enough problems in the world. this is just flat out petty.

2007-04-04 04:40:30 · 21 answers · asked by clown(s) around 6

This bizarre answer was just given to an equally bizarre request for names of people to pray for:

Very kind of you.

However, people do need to learn to pray for themselves, and The Lord's Prayer can be used as a model.

Atheists need to pray too! I know they think it's not required but a devout atheist is anathema and a conundrum.

You might like to pray for atheists, for they really do need the Lord's assistance!

So I'd like to know just who or what atheists are supposed to pray to...

Is "a devout atheist is [an] anathema and a conundrum" saying "once you start praying you won't/can't remain an atheist?" Is there any way that isn't hypocritical, insulting and putting the cart a tad before the horse?


2007-04-04 04:39:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it true that if you are married to a non Jehovah Witness that your first loyalties are elders first before your spouse, i read that somewhere and i can't beileve this can be true, and if it is it sounds just wrong.

2007-04-04 04:37:54 · 10 answers · asked by h g 1

Catholics follow Roman ideals and even took out most of his teachings from the bible. Church is another sin as you are meant to find God in your heart. I used to hate christianity until I looked into it and found the real message and understood it was nothing like the nonsense I had been taught

2007-04-04 04:35:42 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

You act like God is not in charge of the sin punishment process and has no choice. If he runs the show, he can change any of it at any time.

2007-04-04 04:31:47 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a Christian mother and have previously been very against spanking. Now, after revisiting some scriptures about spanking in an article by John MacArthur (a VERY good source), I'm not sure.

I'm still leaning toward not spanking, thinking that "the rod" is not in reference to actual spanking, but more a representation of firm-handed discipline. What do you think?

here's the article: http://www.sfpulpit.com/2007/04/02/parenting-in-an-anti-spanking-culture/

2007-04-04 04:28:31 · 44 answers · asked by G is for Grover 3

Man was tempted by Satan to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, and gave in to that temptation of his own free will and commited the first act of evil, a sin, and as such condemned himself to Hell.

Who created Satan? Who created Man? Who created the Tree of Knowledge? Who created the free will Man exercised in eating from the Tree of Knowledge? Who created the possibility for man to sin? Who created Hell?

If I created a semi-intelligent robot that accepted some bad inputs and went on a killing spree, would I not be responsible, at least in part, for not putting proper safety mechanisms in place, for testing the robot in public around people who could be hurt or killed by such a malfunction, etc...?

Every aspect of Man's fall was created by an allegedly omniscient deity who knew that Man would fall if he created the universe the way it was created.

How then do you absolve God of his share of culpability by, "But man had free will! We CHOOSE Hell!"

2007-04-04 04:28:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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