They think "love the sinner, hate the sin" is not a judgement, when logically it is, and a sinister one at that. It thinly veils dislike, the pope still calls the LGBT community intrinsically disordered, and would deny a whole population of people LOVE because they don't approve of what "kind" of love it is.
It's not a "choice", it's not a "lifestyle"... it is something you're born to and realize at some point that you are, then you realize you're worse off than a side-show freak at a circus. WHO chooses THAT I wonder? Risking life and limb just because you happen to love someone of the same sex?
They slippery-slide argue that being LGBT is somehow a next step to actions that cause harm (bestiality, pedophilia, etc.) which it is not any more so than heteros are to do the same.
They think it's "icky" so therefore they believe they have the right to judge and tell others how to act based on their ignorant perceptions of what LGBTs do or do not do, in bed. Added to that the way ignorant perception that LGBTs are ONLY about what they do in bed, as if they're not capable of fidelity and altruistic love.
They refuse to accept LGBTs are human and use everything in their means, including using religion, to demonize us/them and make it easier to target us for various forms of "destruction" and hate. Same thing the Marines do to TRY to desensitize people to go off and kill the enemy, so therefore the derisive, divisive name-calling, demonizing ("ungodly commies") and name calling, and so on.
It's all in the psychology... it's a fascinating study.
2007-04-04 05:16:15
answer #1
answered by vinslave 7
This is always such a hard question for me.
I don't like anyone to be harassed or bashed. That's just wrong. And I don't believe it's my place to tell people they are going to hell. That's not my call, and I don't want it.
While I cannot be judgmental toward people, I do have an obligation to discern right from wrong. I do believe that there will be a judgement and that there is a hell. I don't want anyone to go there, and I believe that both the Old and New Testaments teach that homosexual acts are sinful.
Taking all of that into consideration, if I love someone who is homosexual, what should I do?
I also believe the teaching that sex is reserved for marriage, and that when people divorce they cannot remarry unless their spouse died or committed adultery. I feel the same about people who violate those commands as I do about those engaged in homosexual activities. My heart goes out to them in what has to be a very difficult decision. Being right with God, as I understand it, would mean that they sacrifice their sexuality.
So do people who are married and their spouses are not able to be sexually active because of injury or illness. That can be a heavy burden.
I don't want to add to their predicament by being judgmental or hateful toward them. That's just wrong. I would never threaten them with hell or anything else.
While I would step in and intervene in the event that they were being persecuted, I cannot advocate homosexuality. It's a matter of conscience. I cannot encourage people to do anything that I believe God says would put them at odds with Him.
2007-04-04 05:10:45
answer #2
answered by Contemplative Chanteuse IDK TIRH 7
Vinslave says it well. Basically, one or two or all Christians saying "oh, it's really okay, we don't think like that any more" or "love the sinner, hate the sin" means NOTHING when the scripture says in no uncertain terms that it is a sin.
I suspect a homosexual has as much chance of "choosing" to be hetero (or more hetero, as Kinsey would maybe say) as I have of starting to play tennis and signing my name with my right hand.
And to those who say "I don't think they should be harassed" - how about we stop harassing car thieves? There's just no way to call it a sin without watering down what you mean by sin and frankly, in my world, there are crimes against the community or other individuals that matter and homosexuality just isn't among them.
2007-04-04 05:42:26
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Man will always be man. The problem with most men is that they think their sin is less than everyone elses. The bible teaches that sin is the same across the board and all will be held accountable for their actions. The other thing is the convicts of your actions. What was in your heart when you did it?? was there love, hate, greed?? That is why so many pastors are going to hell, and some church goers too. God is not a hobby people.
2007-04-04 05:05:43
answer #4
answered by atlazdrama 3
2 Peter 3:9 "God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
Christians are commanded by Christ to go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone. We are also told to speak the truth, in love. So we hold forth the Word of Life to all. Some will accept it and will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Others will refuse to, and continue in their sin and will be judged accordingly by God.
On this earth, God is calling out a people for Himself and giving them the gift of eternal life. The Lord Jesus Christ will return to this earth at an appointed time to claim His own.
You and others have the opportunity to repent and receive Christ, while there is still time. I hope you do that.
2007-04-04 05:16:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
A few people will ALWAYS get the message wrong. We are not to judge. But we are to warn others of the consequences of sin which God has decreed. To do less than that would be to hide the facts from you, which would truly be an act of hate. Am I Heaven material? Not really. I had to be saved, too. I never curse homosexuals, and in fact have had friends who had chosen that lifestyle. They knew my beliefs, but they also knew that I had no hate for them. And yes, I have defended them from unwarranted hateful attacks.
2007-04-04 05:14:11
answer #6
answered by Michelle C 4
Those in the Christian community who are the most vocal about homosexuality seem to be homophobic. More so it seems that many of them may be struggling with homosexuality as part of themselves. This could explain why they believe it is a choice people make, and not something you're born with. They were born with it and yet the believe it to be an evil choice that they must deny. You need only look as far as Ted Haggard for evidence.
2007-04-04 05:02:04
answer #7
answered by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6
You are right, cursing and insulting someone because they are homosexual is wrong. We should pray for them.
Loving you neighbor does not mean accepting everything they do and saying it's all good. It's not. Homosexuality is a sin. If you truly love others, then you do not want them to live blindly in their sin.
This is not judging another...we are all sinners and we are all called to stop sinning. Pornography, fornication, pedophilia, stealing, murder, selfishness, etc. are all sins...non of use should settle into a sinful lifestyle as if it's okay. It's not.
Jesus loved us...he died for us while we were still sinners...but he also said "go and sin no more."
2007-04-04 05:13:27
answer #8
answered by Misty 7
I don't judge them...homosexuality is a sin, however just the same as any sin - lying, stealing, murder,'s all the same. I know alot of fellow Christian that are too busy pointing their fingers at people to notice though. It's like that proverb in the bible verse in Matthew that says it's easier to see the speck in your brother's eye than the plank in your own eye. Instead of judging people, I think we need to pray for people. If Christians judge or hate homosexuals for being different then that's a sin too because we're supposed to love eachother as ourselves. Many Christians ruin it for all of us and make us seem like we're all judgemental and hateful but we're not all like that...
2007-04-04 05:06:50
answer #9
answered by -- 1
I am a christian who believes homosexuality is NOT a choice! I do not judge anyone. I don't think its anyone's business to tell 2 people how they can love each other. And you're absolutely right! Alot of christians do judge the homosexual community. And that is wrong on so many levels. However, I have alot of opinions and beliefs that wouldn't be very "popular" among many christians.
2007-04-04 05:02:45
answer #10
answered by pure&simple 3