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Religion & Spirituality - 23 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-03-23 04:29:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-23 04:28:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

The husband of a friend of mine had suffered all his life with terrible clinicial depression. during these times he was completely unresponsive, would not eat, wash or shave, and his entire life was torment. Two weeks ago he hung himself. He left a wife and grown-up children.

Was it better for him to end his torment by taking his own life? Or should he have continued to suffer in this way?

2007-03-23 04:27:50 · 26 answers · asked by Wild About Harry 4

First hand?
I'm curious as to what your personal experiences have been with the supernatural:
Have you ever seen or heard a demon's voice, have you been touched by a demon or seen Satan?
Ghosts? spirits? objects moving by themselves?

Can you give an eyewitness account of anything supernatural occurring at all?

And why haven't any atheists experienced this?

2007-03-23 04:26:49 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Pre-emptive penance makes everything alright. Right?

How do religios really square the idea of regret and being truly remorseful for committing wilful and specific sin in the future?

Suicide bombing is the obvious example, but, among others, it also applies to Protestant and Catholic terrorist murderers in Ireland and the assassins of doctors and other medical staff who perform abortions in America.

If you want to be a criminal, but have a clear conscience, the first step is to get serious about religion. When are people going to realise, that what religion is really for? Legitimising crime, of all kinds. From everyday dishonesty, to mass murder.

2007-03-23 04:26:37 · 7 answers · asked by Frog Five 5

This atheist with an ear infection walked two miles (there and back) in the pouring rain to see the doc (I could drive but parking is impossible there so it's just as easy to do it on foot). Anyway, I get to the clinic, and it's closed today. It's always open on Fridays! Now I'm cold, soaked through clear to my shoes and feel even worse.

Am I being punished or is it just not my day?

Wah...somebody willing to fetch me chicken noodle soup? Pretty please?

2007-03-23 04:24:07 · 14 answers · asked by glitterkittyy 7

, it doesn't make any sense to me at all. Please someone help me understand...

2007-03-23 04:23:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why did he tell them that angels came to him and told him that God wanted them to enter into plural marriage with him? Why did he marry women who already had husbands? What was that whole thing about coveting a neighbor's wife?

2007-03-23 04:23:15 · 16 answers · asked by Cabbage Kicker 2

They tell me I have no sense of humor.
Well maybe try say something funny, if you're not funny how am I supposed to laugh?

So far none of you people are funny, so don't tell me I don't have a sense of humor, okay.

Oh and by the way, say "Hallelujah" to Jesus. This is the Religion and mythology section, dammit -- so say it or pray it.

2007-03-23 04:21:38 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

Pious accusations and unspeakable torture abound.
how many examples can you give?

2007-03-23 04:20:40 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-23 04:20:01 · 7 answers · asked by rick JAMES 4


i found the answers interesting on this question about why the christian god took over where zeus had been http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=An5pgdtEzYy7EpmbbzCajaPd7BR.?qid=20070323080618AAhogPG
people are saying things like "because people realized zeus wasn't real"
well the greeks had just the same amount of evidence to proove their god was real as the christians did. - word of mouth!
there were many stories of the greek gods to explain the world, just like christianity. if you believe in the christian god, then how can you so easily dismiss the greek god zeus (or any other god for that matter)
please provide real answers, not "because our god tells us he's real" (cause the greek gods said the same thing)
or "because we know the truth in our hearts" (because the greeks knew that too)
and don't use bible quotes that are easily misinterpreted please.

2007-03-23 04:19:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone have a short story of their life of adversity and hardship, which was turned around by some single event, and now you are prosperous and fulfilled? I don't care if it was due to a lottery, and inheritance, or what have you. Let's hear it, please? Thanks.

2007-03-23 04:19:40 · 8 answers · asked by joshnya68 4

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch procejt at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe!


2007-03-23 04:18:51 · 30 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6

2007-03-23 04:15:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

You are a space explorer cataloging two newly discovered planets. The majority of the inhabitants of each planet believe in a deity, but they are two different deities. Deity "X" is said to be not only all-powerful, all-loving, and all-knowing, but the designer of a marvelously complex and ordered world. Deity "Y" is said to be indifferent, absent, unconcerned with the affairs of his planet, and some even say evil. Which god rules over which planet?

Planet A: Has achieved a state of advanced benign equilibrium where there are no viruses or diseases, and only a very small number of natural disasters, which, when they do strike, always eliminate only the sinful and evil. The inhabitants, both plant and animal, have learned to maintain their existence through photosynthesis, and thus do not have to kill and eat each other in order to survive. There are no "birth defects;" every inhabitant comes into existence perfectly formed and equipped for a long and productive life.
Deity X?
Deity Y?

2007-03-23 04:15:40 · 11 answers · asked by KryptonOne 5

I believed in evolution theory. The late Carl sagan was my hero

When he said touching trees " trees are not our direct relatives" He looked like a messiah who knows the secret of universe . Truly fascinated my innocent heart.

But now I dont give as much credit on the evolution theory as I did before.

From the first life form to the complicated human being ,evolution explains the progress so poorly.

each connection was supported by the imagination of the scientists themselves.(Its my view)

the theory tells The birth of first life form was happened

when cosmic chemical ooze met with freaky lightenings.

So our father was the cosmic chemical ooze.

When I was a boy it looked wonderful , now sounds like the fairy tale of connan
.For the theory to be perfect ,our virtue of soul including the never ending quest for truth of scientists must be explained by the paradigm of the theory.But theory says we only deal with physical aspect. Its disappointing cause our doubt comes from our physical brain I wonder now I am no more atheist.How about you?

2007-03-23 04:15:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed.
2. The Jews were exiled.
3. Israel did become a wasteland.
4. The Jews were (and still are) scattered worldwide.
5. The Jews have been persecuted worldwide.
6. The Jews have had a tremendous worldwide impact.
7. The Jews, and their national identity, have been preserved.
8. The Jews are returning to their ancient homeland.
9. Enemies of the Jews are residing in their homeland.
10. The Jews do have Israel again as their own country.

In Isaiah 66:7-8, the prophet foreshadowed the re-birth of Israel. Isaiah describes a woman giving birth before going into labor, and he speaks of a country being born in one day. This accurately describes what happened on May 14, 1948 - when the Jews declared independence for Israel as a united and sovereign nation for the first time in 2900 years.

During that same day, the United States issued a statement recognizing Israel's sovereignty. And, only hours beforehand, a United Nations mandate expired, ending British control of the land. During a 24-hour span of time, foreign control of the land of Israel had formally ceased, and Israel had declared its independence, and its independence was acknowledged by other nations. Modern Israel literally was born in a single day.

Isaiah also said the birth would take place before there would be labor pains. And that too is precisely what happened. A movement called Zionism began in the 1800s to encourage Jews worldwide to move to Israel, which at that time was called Palestine. When the Jews declared sovereignty in 1948, the declaration did not follow a war for independence, but rather a war for independence followed the declaration. The birth was peaceful, the aftermath was painful. Within hours of the declaration, Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Israel prevailed in that war and expanded the size of the country by 50 percent.

2007-03-23 04:14:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

This will only makes sense to the regulars. I went 48 hours without YA as agreed to on Wednesday. Most of the people who have left over the past couple of weeks express belief in a god or spirits of some kind.

Could the atheists not leave because Yahoo Answers, Religion and Spirituality is their god whom they cannot go without?

2007-03-23 04:14:14 · 10 answers · asked by awayforabit 5

I paid 2,000 dollars to get my ole pappy outa Purgatory, and now they are saying that Purgatory don't exist! Can I get a refund, or just store credit? Did I get jipped?

2007-03-23 04:13:57 · 4 answers · asked by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7


Do you think *THIS* will work to get me posessed by Legion? I've decided this is the specific demon I want to be posessed by!

2007-03-23 04:09:48 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-23 04:08:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have to do a project on Nicky Cruz. I need to know about his religious teachings, personal beliefs and putting faith in to practice. If anyone could help me that would be great.

2007-03-23 04:08:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-03-23 04:06:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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