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Religion & Spirituality - 11 March 2007

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If not, give me the ones you reject and why and where in the bible exactly, verse and all, where it says you no longer have to apply them.

The sabbeth day, honor thy parents, bow down to no other gods. etc.

Do you just pick and chose which ones not to follow? Do you say, "Oh, that was just for the Jews". Why would you follow any of them then? Are you God? Who makes you able to decide which ones to follow and which ones to disregard?

2007-03-11 06:13:45 · 16 answers · asked by Oshihana 2

2007-03-11 06:12:42 · 16 answers · asked by purringout 3

And I don't mean sexual desire -- I mean our nature as sexually reproducing material beings. What does it tell us about the nature of God (or of the Creator, of the universe, or whatever you identify as divine or the ultimate reality)?

2007-03-11 06:11:25 · 7 answers · asked by zilmag 7

2007-03-11 06:11:04 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-11 06:09:38 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I feel the symptoms of withdrawal coming on...(groans, writhes)

2007-03-11 06:07:36 · 3 answers · asked by tigertrot1986 3

if you answer yes, tell me why. i am atheist and i saw that show on Heaven, where is it and how do we get there? i have been totally facsinated with the idea of heaven and god. i used to go to church, i was christian, but i thought it was all just made up. my mother also stopped going becuz she thought if there is a god, how come he won't save all of those ppl who die every single day. she became buddhist, my dad is still partially christian, i am atheist. what do you think? is there a higher power, is there a heaven, if there is how do we get there?

2007-03-11 06:07:10 · 12 answers · asked by Lets go 2 Candy Mt. Charlie!!!! 3

Believing any bullcrap we are told?
My Fantastic Brain just realized the synchronicity
between the two.

2007-03-11 06:06:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are not involved in the war against other nation?
Do not ask for tithing?
Do not support the war between Israel and palestinian?
Do not involded in politics?
Do preach that the God´s Kingdom under the rule of Jesus will fix all the injustice in the earth?
Were killed under persecution of Hiltler, Mussolini, Franco(Spain), Isaiah Afwerki in Eritrea (Africa).

2007-03-11 06:05:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I read somewhere that Buddhism is getting popular in the US but I don't see anything.

2007-03-11 06:04:50 · 6 answers · asked by Lan T 2


2007-03-11 06:04:02 · 8 answers · asked by norma50_pro 2

Job 26:7 (King James Version)
7He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing

How do you explain Job knowing that the earth was hung upon nothing way back then?

2007-03-11 06:03:11 · 17 answers · asked by wd20x2 3

I was born in a Muslim family yet, never been a believer and never liked to be a Muslim. I am not at all religious yet, not really an atheist but, highly spiritual having my own concept of god.

I want to convert to Christianity. How do I go about it ? What is the easiest and most respectable way to do this ?

When I succeed in converting to Christainity, I will have to change my full name as well. Just converting to Christianity and retaining my muslim name doesn't make much sense ! Right ?

Will I be able to change my full name to anything I like in Ontario, Canada ? I became a permanent resident of Canada about a year back.

2007-03-11 06:01:41 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-11 05:56:41 · 30 answers · asked by balan s 1

Historically, there has been a division between religion and science. In some parts of the world now, people are trying to ban the teaching of evolution and other scientific theories an replace them with stories from a book rewritten so many times that it bearly resembles the texts that it was taken from. Also, if the religious population of the world spen all their praying/worshiping time thinkng about logical solutions to problems and studying science an engineering, do you think that the rate of scientific advance would increase?

2007-03-11 05:56:18 · 20 answers · asked by King Pedant I 2

As for my grmmer, if i wnt to mspll, i will. If you people can't figure out where the sentences begins and ends, Its not my fault. I put the period at the end of them. And so i don't capitalize, it don't matter. Because, i don't feel the need. i don't have to write or type the way i did in school, And i really don't give a fu.......! i could care less. You people make me laugh, because none of you would understand me, Even if i was to put it in language ,you could understand. because, none of you seem to understand common sense questions. or common sense answers, as you have proven to me, just by replying to my questions. And its not that i am being offensive, i'm just saying what i feel. if it comes out that way or you take it that way. Its not my fault. And for a pity party as someone so kindly put , You way off. And you have no idea either. and any one else out there in Q&A land, what i am talking about.

2007-03-11 05:56:08 · 16 answers · asked by ? 3

2007-03-11 05:55:40 · 6 answers · asked by LaLa 2

the 106th thousand that are really true christians will be taken away by god, when he blows his trumpet,while the sinners stay on earth?

in terms, the bible predicts that.

if by god taking the christians up, probably are they really meaning the mothership taking the 106th thousand and leave the bad ones behind while the astroids(a.k.a satan) will destroy earth.

who thinks this might happen in religious views and in scientifical views?

2007-03-11 05:55:07 · 13 answers · asked by ThanatoS 1

and he made Adam and EVE naked and without shame...does that mean angles are naked? Is God a nudest?
Think about it before you answer and NO bible thumping PLEASE!!!!!!!

2007-03-11 05:54:23 · 12 answers · asked by mom tree 5

in light of the fact that we are only human, don't both employ some measure of faith, for we do NOT know it all.

2007-03-11 05:51:25 · 18 answers · asked by ? 4

2007-03-11 05:50:37 · 12 answers · asked by deepak 1

Each day when I awake in the morning, I lie still in silence. Not only because I'm too lazy to get out of bed and start my day. Not only because I'm still sleepy. Not because it is too cold outside of my covers and I would rather stay in a place that is warm and comfortable. We all sometimes prolong our mornings for those reasons but I try to find a much higher reason to start my day. I lie in silence and try to create what my day would be like. I wait until my mind reveals to me what I need to do that day and I imagine the task completed. I try to imagine what I need to do that day being completed. I focus on the feeling I get after finishing the task. Once I get a feeling that inspires me, I jump out of bed with excitement. I love starting my day like this. Rather than going through the day taking things as they come, I create what my day would be like and I would get inspiration to make it happen.

Inspiration has kept me awake late until the early morning and has fil

2007-03-11 05:48:59 · 4 answers · asked by tctesting 2

whatever i want for the rest of my life? do i really get a free pass on my sins forever? if this is the case, then all i can say is thank you jesus!...oh, by the way, do you have to believe in him in order to get this deal or is it automatic for everyone regardless of religious affiliation? if one has to believe in him, where do i go to sign up and how much does it cost?

2007-03-11 05:46:05 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

or so some of the correspondents on R&S seem to think.
has anyone bothered to tell all the biologist, genticists, microbiologists ect. ect. that they are wasting their time because they all seem to be under the impression that it's still a perfectly valid theory shouldn't they be at home or playing golf instead of wasting their time?

2007-03-11 05:45:18 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

A Thing called intelligence doesn't dawn upon you does it?
You say everything against Evolution on this Forum relentlessly.
Don't you know that all Major Schools Universities and Educational institutions in all countries of the World including Saudi Arabia, Italy, Africa teach Evolution.
All modern breakthrough in Biotecnology and Chemistry has certain basis with the Theory. It has better made us Understand DNA.
I ask you if your Bible was so acuurate wouldnt all your schools
be teaching only creationism?, In USA and Europe there are many Christian hardliners at the Top, would not they atleast BAN evolution from School Curicculum if they had a shred of evidence against it?
Or do you think that scientist should hand over all the Charge of Innovation Discovery Medicine etc. to the Catholic Church and Churchmen?

2007-03-11 05:42:46 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-11 05:40:57 · 17 answers · asked by Pooh 1

I'm sure Einstein believed that miracles happened all the time. He has been quoted to say: "There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." I don't need to see a body of water part or a burning bush speak to me, to believe in miracles. I'm amazed at everything that happens in this world on a daily basis. In general, people find reasons on why things happen. Haven't you heard all the time people saying "That's just a coincidence." People usually believe there is reason for anything that happens. Whether you run into an old friend, find a little money, get a phone call at the right time, get the best possible parking space, encounter a significant news report on television, everything happens for a reason. In other words, there is a purpose for everything. You see, I don't focus on the cause of the situation, rather the reason for why the situation happened. Two years ago, when I was looking for a l

2007-03-11 05:36:13 · 29 answers · asked by tctesting 2

That would make the source evil?

2007-03-11 05:36:03 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

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