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Religion & Spirituality - 8 March 2007

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2007-03-08 10:20:11 · 45 answers · asked by ♥Pardonne Moi Reborn♥ 3

Does it just end in divorce? Since she obviously doesn't keep the lover as a second husband as the men can do when they have an affair. What usually ends up happening with the marriage?

2007-03-08 10:18:57 · 31 answers · asked by chica™ 3

Why are larger things sometimes lighter than smaller things? It looks like the gravity would have more room to grasp and pull on the larger thing so it would be heaver. How exactly does that work anyway? I only ask on the Christian page because someone on here was comparing it to evolution a minute ago.

2007-03-08 10:18:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

For example do you sware to tell the truth the whole truth so help you god

2007-03-08 10:18:15 · 14 answers · asked by ryan_dobson 2

Personally I think Adam and Eve were created to die. The only thing that sustained their life was the proximity to the tree of life.

2007-03-08 10:18:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

but they refuse to take credit for the enslaving of the african americans, and the slaughtering of native americans, and the discrimination towards people from specific countries of europe?

2007-03-08 10:17:29 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

will you forgive me for calling you brainwashed?
I just wanted to see if you all knew you were or not.

2007-03-08 10:16:57 · 8 answers · asked by Zen禅Maiden :ジェダイ 3

Quote mining is the most despicable form of quoting someone out-of-context to make it sound like the person is saying precisely the *opposite* to everything they stand for.

For example, almost every time you see a creationist quoting Darwin, they quote from Chapter 6 of 'Origin of Species'. This is the chapter in which Darwin anticipates objections by posing questions one-by-one, and then answering them ... posing a problem, and then solving it. But creationists just quote the questions, not the answers! This is to build the impression that Darwin did not have answers to these questions ... that he was "confessing" doubt or defeat. But this is precisely the *opposite* of the truth, which is that Darwin *did* have answers to every one of these questions.

Why do creationists do this? It shows incredible weakness in your own argument if you have to resort to glaring dishonesty that is *easily* shown to be false ... in this case, just by giving the full quote.

2007-03-08 10:15:01 · 13 answers · asked by secretsauce 7

Someone answered another one of my questions with this:

{ "Hell exists right now, just like Heaven. When you die, it's your spirit that will go to either place. When God comes back, it's then your physical body that will go to either place." }

Ok, so here's the question... If my soul goes one place, and my body stays on earth and rots away... how is my body going to come back when this Jesus fella supposedly comes back?

Think about people who have been dead for thousands of years... there is NOTHING left of these people, their bones have long since rotted to dust. It seems silly to me to expect that our bodies will rise again. Is god going to reconstitute all of the bodies from their molecular parts? What about those bodies who have used recycled molecules from other dead people, do they have to share the same molecules?

2007-03-08 10:13:46 · 9 answers · asked by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6


I see all kinds of "support the troops" questions here, and even Christians say its ok to have a war and kill people!! EVEN CHRISTIANS?!?! I pray you are only joking when you say that you support the murder of God's children. What is going on?

Christians ONLY Please!

2007-03-08 10:10:31 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean,i cant imagine a god who would want to divide everyone besause of contradictory beliefs where they set their own rules and proclaims that if you dont live by that certain conduct,you'd go to hell...i was raised a catholic,but i dont like to be in any kind of religion,mainly because their preachers have laws that they themselves doesnt follow and some teachings are just downright stupid for me...i believe in god,budha,allah,the force,or whatever you'd call it and i respect religions,but being raised a catholic im obliged to go and think that i wont be saved by not having a religion(catholicism, specially).

2007-03-08 10:10:21 · 21 answers · asked by TJ 3

Not excluding myself at all...

2007-03-08 10:09:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

The appendix, for instance. We have no use for it. How is that 'intelligent design'?

2007-03-08 10:09:37 · 11 answers · asked by Stardust 6

do you agree with him?

and is this why there is so much hate, violence, murders, rapes, molestations and such going on everday?

2007-03-08 10:08:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

"If civil authorities legislate for or allow anything that is contrary to the will of God, neither the laws made nor the authorizations granted can be binding on the consciences of the citizens, since God has more right to be obeyed than men."
This is for people who believe in the bible, the ten commandments and still are for the war.
No excuses of what else the bible says please, because to not kill I would hope would be agreed to be up there in validity.

2007-03-08 10:07:52 · 19 answers · asked by Cherie 2

2007-03-08 10:07:19 · 10 answers · asked by socmum16 ♪ 5

2007-03-08 10:06:49 · 12 answers · asked by dannyboy_ashby 1

"Darwiniacs do not have a single observable example of one species evolving into another by the Darwinian mechanism of variation and selection. All they have is a story. It is a story that inspires fanatical devotion from the cult simply because their story excludes a creator. They have seized upon something that looks like progress from primitive life forms to more complex life forms and invented a story to explain how the various categories of animals originated. But animal sequences do not prove that the Darwinian mechanism of natural selection caused the similarities. It is just as likely that the similarities are proof of intelligent design, creationism, or the Giant Raccoon's Flatulence theory. The animal-sequence drawings allegedly demonstrating evolution by showing, for example, a little runt horse gradually becoming a grand stallion, are just that: drawings."

"Nor are intelligent design scientists looking at things they can't explain: Quite the opposite. They are looking at things they can explain but which Darwin didn't even know about, like the internal mechanism of the cell, and saying, That wasn't created by natural selection—that required high-tech engineering. By contrast, the evolution cult members look at things they can't explain and say, We can't explain it, but the one thing we do know is that there is no intelligence in the universe. It must have been random chance, or it's not "science."

2007-03-08 10:06:24 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

...."down there"???? Just because I think it will look cool, NOT because I play with it. I KNOW THAT is a sin!!! Big time!

Maybe if you know a good Bible verse about this, it will put my mind at ease. Thanks and Praise Jesus!

2007-03-08 10:06:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

is global warming mentioned in the quran ? and if it is what does it say about it .

2007-03-08 10:05:47 · 7 answers · asked by THE EGYPTIAN 1 1

Gosh, I hope I can end this insane debate...at least among the people online today.

"People use religion as an excuse, its not the religion".

Wrong! This assumes that all humans are highly educated and cannot be conditioned like Pavlovs dog. If religion itself can never be the problem, we are forced to believe that every single Muslim child, raised from day one to believe non-muslims are enemies and the Quran is beyond analysis, neverthless have the same chance of accepting people and doing no more violence than the buddhist in Tibet.

The reality is that the human animal can be conditioned. In fact, you can even condition a human kidnap victim to identify and join his captors (see Patti Hurst case).

If humans can be conditioned, and religious doctrines, like any other doctrine, can lay-out forumula for conditioning (ex: pray 5 times in groupthink formation), then indeed, religions can use people, like Nazism did so so successfully. In fact, religions are best at it.

2007-03-08 10:05:19 · 5 answers · asked by PragmaticMan 1

Since God mad man out of dust then isn't dust either un-made men or dead men?And if either is true, isn't a dusty garage a grave yard?

2007-03-08 10:02:29 · 5 answers · asked by Demopublican 6

Serious answers only.

2007-03-08 10:02:07 · 9 answers · asked by Aspurtaime Dog Sneeze 6

When you die and decompose, the matter that made up your body becomes part of other living things, and yes that includes living humans. So how can we all regain our bodies when we rise from the dead if they are part of other people's bodies?

2007-03-08 10:00:57 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know Christians the prosper and help others and are very humble but many Christians I know struggle with a lot of trials and it seems that every time they get back up again they get knocked down again. I know this world is not our home, but if God speaks in his word about sin being wrong and bad like sexual sin and not loving your neighbor, The Bible speaks of great consequences about these things my question is why do people who practice these things prosper in this world and not have a care in the world, why do people act like wrong is right and right is wrong? I know of a couple who moved in together while the man was still only separated from his first wife and till this day this couple feels that they have done nothing wrong.........................yet they prosper materially and are doing well while God fearing people I know are going thorugh hell just to get through the day. This question has bothered me for a long time on why the wicked prosper so I just though I would ask.

2007-03-08 10:00:40 · 13 answers · asked by encourager4God 5

Since it is the language of the common man of the Old AND New testaments, it is safe to assume the original scripts for the Bible are written in that language. I'm tired of hearing "the Greek says this! OR the original Hebrew says this!" The original language is Aramaic. I want to know if someone has been able to resurrect a dead language to find out what the Bible really says. Anyone?

2007-03-08 10:00:38 · 4 answers · asked by Bimpster 4

Please let me know im really superstitious

2007-03-08 09:58:25 · 25 answers · asked by skateP 2

And Christians comprise 80+%, Why do the nonbelievers on Y/A sit here day after day writing Christians off as uneducated, backwards thinking idiots. Should we be a third world country if almost everyone here is so incredibley stupid?

2007-03-08 09:57:37 · 31 answers · asked by lsuballs 3

2007-03-08 09:56:46 · 6 answers · asked by bitterresidue 1

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