There seems to be a misconception among people who post on this particular part of Yahoo Answers that if you receive Jesus in your heart and say the Sinner's Prayer and live the sanctified life in a 'Bible-believing Christian church' that you will be completely fulfilled, satisfied and, if not happy, at least content for the rest of eternity.
This was not my case.
Nor was it the case with many people I have talked with.
Before you say, "Oh, then, you were not truly a Christian" or "Then you let Satan deceive you into leaving" consider this: I lived that life for over ten years. I prayed constantly. I read the Bible constantly. I went to church 3 times each week. I kept a prayer journal. I went on retreats. And I was miserable. I prayed my way all through the point where I left the church.
And I feel it wasn't until I left the church that I truly found God.
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