Why would a soul need water?
2007-02-19 12:03:11
answer #1
answered by Beavis Christ AM 6
You are confused Rodney. You have taken a parable and attempted to turn it into doctrine. The bible says "the wages of sin is death", not eternal life in torment. "The soul that sinneth it shall die" not spend eternity suffering. A loving God would not do such a thing as you describe here. Study the truth for yourself instead of parroting the teaching of others. God will lead you into the truth if you come with an open mind.
2007-02-19 12:04:58
answer #2
answered by Mr. E 7
Hell isn't the residing place of Satan... Look in Job where Jehovah asked Satan where he was... Satan answered roving about here and there on the surface of the Earth... This along with all the fallen angels who took human wives before the global flood. The demons unfortunately roam about in a limited spiritual state amongst us, here on Earth. That too tho, will soon end very shortly....
2007-02-19 12:01:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well i agree with you because i too made a decision for Christ and im only 26! So no kids not only old timers go to church salvation does not descriminate. And oh by the way there wont be a drop of water in hell !
2007-02-19 12:01:20
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I agree with you all the way!
The Bible Describes Hell
There are three words translated “Hell” in Scripture:
Gehenna (Greek): The place of punishment (Matthew 5:22,29; 10:28; and James 3:6)
Hades (Greek): The abode of the dead (Matthew 11:23; 16:18; Luke 16:23; Acts 2:27)
Sheol (Hebrew): The grave (Psalm 9:17; 16:10)
There are those who accept that Hell is a place of punishment, but believe that the punishment is to be annihilated—to cease conscious existence. They can’t conceive that the punishment of the wicked will be conscious and eternal. If they are correct, then a man like Adolph Hitler, who was responsible for the deaths of millions, is being “punished” merely with eternal sleep. His fate is simply to return to the non-existent state he was in before he was born, where he doesn’t even know that he is being punished.
However, Scripture paints a different story. The rich man who found himself in Hell (Luke 16:19-31) was conscious. He was able to feel pain, to thirst, and to experience remorse. He wasn’t asleep in the grave; he was in a place of “torment.” If Hell is a place of knowing nothing or a reference to the grave into which we go at death, Jesus’ statements about Hell make no sense. He said that if your hand, foot, or eye causes you to sin, it would be better to remove it than to “go into Hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: where their worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched” (Mark 9:43-48).
The Bible refers to the fate of the unsaved with such fearful words as the following:
“Shame and everlasting contempt” (Daniel 12:2)
“Everlasting punishment” (Matthew 25:46)
“Weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 24:51)
“Fire unquenchable” (Luke 3:17)
“Indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish” (Romans 2:8,9)
“Everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord” (2 Thessalonians 1:9)
“Eternal fire...the blackness of darkness for ever” (Jude 7,13)
Revelation 14:10,11 tells us the final, eternal destiny of the sinner: “He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone...the smoke of their torment ascended up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day or night."
Aim for Repentance Rather than a Decision
As you witness, divorce yourself from the thought that you are merely seeking “decisions for Christ.” What we should be seeking is repentance within the heart. This is the purpose of the Law, to bring the knowledge of sin. How can a man repent if he doesn’t know what sin is? If there is no repentance, there is no salvation. Jesus said, “Unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3). God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).
Many don’t understand that the salvation of a soul is not a resolution to change a way of life, but “repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” The modern concept of success in evangelism is to relate how many people were “saved” (that is, how many prayed the “sinner’s prayer”). This produces a “no decisions, no success” mentality. This shouldn’t be, because Christians who seek decisions in evangelism become discouraged after a time of witnessing if “no one came to the Lord.” The Bible tells us that as we sow the good seed of the gospel, one sows and another reaps. If you faithfully sow the seed, someone will reap. If you reap, it is because someone has sown in the past, but it is God who causes the seed to grow. If His hand is not on the person you are leading in a prayer of committal, if there is not God-given repentance, then you will end up with a stillbirth on your hands, and that is nothing to rejoice about. We should measure our success by how faithfully we sowed the seed. In that way, we will avoid becoming discouraged.
“If you have not repented, you will not see the inside of the kingdom of God.” Billy Graham
"Is ‘hell-fire’ preaching effective?"
Preaching the reality of hell, without using the Law to bring the knowledge of sin, can do a great deal of damage to the cause of the gospel. A sinner cannot conceive of the thought that God would send anyone to hell, as long as he is deceived into thinking that God’s standard of righteousness is the same as his. Paul "reasoned" with Felix regarding righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come (Acts 24:25). This is the righteousness that is of the Law and judgment by the Law. Felix "trembled" because he suddenly understood that his intemperance made him a guilty sinner in the sight of a holy God. The reality of hell suddenly became reasonable to him when the Law was used to bring the knowledge of sin.
Imagine if the police burst into your home, arrested you, and shouted, "You are going away for a long time!" Such conduct would probably leave you bewildered and angry. What they have done seems unreasonable. However, imagine if the law burst into your home and instead told you specifically why you were in trouble: "We have discovered 10,000 marijuana plants growing in your back yard. You are going away for a long time!" At least then you would understand why you are in trouble. Knowledge of the law you have transgressed furnished you with that understanding. It makes judgment reasonable.
Hell-fire preaching without use of the Law to show the sinner why God is angry with him will more than likely leave him bewildered and angry—for what he considers unreasonable punishment.
2007-02-21 09:49:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
extra useful than something i have study on bathing room partitions, and that i replaced into round in the course of the 70's at the same time as each gas station and maximum all businesses had "continually open bogs". back then maximum might want to paint over the scribbles, as few as once a year.
2016-10-17 08:07:13
answer #6
answered by eth 4
Are you kidding that is big business smuggling water to Hell. I'm having my casket filled with bottled water when I go. They will sell better than in New Orleans after Katrina.
2007-02-19 12:03:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If there was water there, there would be no torment in the flames because they could be quenched. The rich man is still wishing he had one drop of water on his tongue.
2007-02-19 12:00:22
answer #8
answered by Denise M 3
2007-02-19 11:58:25
answer #9
answered by gwhiz1052 7
In Hell you can get a light for your cigarrette I don't smoke anymore
2007-02-19 11:59:51
answer #10
answered by hobo 7