The Bible clearly teaches in Genesis that God created the animals to reproduce after their kind (Gen. 1:24,25), that God formed Man out of the dust of the ground (Gen. 1:26). He formed the plants that yield seed according to their kind (Gen. 1:11,12). I know some believe it is possible that the days in which God created the world were actually 1000 years because of 2 Peter 3:8 which states, "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." When you look at Genesis however, we see that the evening and the morning dictated the length of the day (Gen. 1:5,8,13,19,23,31). According to this the day was a normal 12 hour period of time. If all this is true and evolution focuses on the earth forming of itself, then evolution catradicts the existance of God. The conclusion I come to is you can be a creationist or you can be a evolutionist but you cannot be a creationist and an evolutionist
21 answers
asked by
David S