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Religion & Spirituality - 7 November 2006

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Would you ask them to leave? Or let them stay and hear the word of God preached? Or just what would you do? Since things like that are possible this day and time.

2006-11-07 01:27:59 · 32 answers · asked by bro_ken128 3

..and Hindu's rarely fight back..!! Is it because Hinduism is by nature a peaceful religion and no slur or violence affects them or is it because hindu's are afraid of that vicious and uneducated "minority" population ?

2006-11-07 01:27:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

when there are different versions of it.sunni or sheite.dont know if there are any more.so if your sunni does that mean sheite muslims arnt really muslims and vice verca.ps im not religious just wondered.

2006-11-07 01:22:02 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

religious or not, that you hold most dear? Would you trade it for anything else? Or would you guard it jealously and never share it with anyone?

2006-11-07 01:20:58 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do not have a problem with people having a choice to have abortions(kill). Every person alive has the choice(not the right) to steal, murder, rape, lie, and commit adultery along with all other evils, my plight is that a nation can legislate and condone the choice to exterminate innocent life whether it is partial abortion or not, it is exterminating innocent life, And our nation has passed laws to make this heartbreaking act legal

You say we should give you the freedom to choose

well give our future the right and freedom to live!!!

"LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit, of happiness" right


Whether partial abortion or not it is extermination of life
how depraved has humanity become where the destruction of innocence could ever have been legal?

proverbs 6:
16. These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an ABOMINATION unto him:
17. … hands that shed innocent blood,

2006-11-07 01:19:46 · 17 answers · asked by thunder 1

She's married, got kids, late twenties, likes books, decor, loves the Lord, very dedicated to God and family and friends. Any Christian book ideas that's really good? Or something else

2006-11-07 01:19:40 · 11 answers · asked by Snorty 1

to make you have a wonderful day today? What is missing in your life right now that if you could have it would make you complete?

2006-11-07 01:19:21 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-07 01:18:20 · 32 answers · asked by une 1

2006-11-07 01:17:56 · 3 answers · asked by Sean 5

or a special memory that you wish you could place in a box to take out on days when you feel really low? What would it be?

2006-11-07 01:17:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-07 01:16:13 · 20 answers · asked by The False Prophet 2

How did he get to Australia to Kangaroos?

How did he get to Mississippi to get Armadillo's

How did he get to Tennessee to get a Possum?

How did he get to the North Pole to get a Polar Bear?

How did he get to Antartica to get a Penguin?

How did he get to South America to get a Chimpanzee?

2006-11-07 01:16:04 · 24 answers · asked by Queen Bee 1

2006-11-07 01:12:21 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

We spend so much time and energy trying to prove the God we follow is the true God. We fight and argue with people who follow other religions and do not believe the same as us. If we are firm in what we believe then why do we feel the need to condem all other religions and athiests ect.... Can we just feel happy in what we believe and live and let live instead of all this needless arguing that just causes so much pain and trouble. Can we not use or faith to try and sort out some of the real problems in this world? When we have so many people suffering and all those little children dying of starvation would the energy we put into fighting each other not be better used by putting this energy into trying to do something to eradicate all this pain and suffering in the world. God is love and is it not about time for us all to reach out and help and be more caring, tolerant people? What is going wrong?

2006-11-07 01:11:30 · 22 answers · asked by happyflamepepper 4

Whats a mormon? I overheard someone talking about it but have no idea what it is!!

2006-11-07 01:08:53 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My father and mother dated in their early 20s. My mother broke things off because she didn't feel my father loved her. My father rebounded and married someone else. The marriage only lasted a few years, no children resulted, and my father's ex-wife nearly ruined him financially. He returned to my mother, said she was right and he hadn't shown her that he loved her, and eventually they married and had my sister, my brother and me. They have been married nearly 35 years.

My question to Christians is this: because my father was married and divorced before he married my mother, would you consider their marriage "valid" in the eyes of God and would my siblings and I be legitimate or illegitimate? Both of my parents are Christians, and my mother was a church secretary for two decades. I'm very curious on what the response will be, based on other responses I've seen.

2006-11-07 01:07:03 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Considering the flood would have wiped out all vegetation....

Considering the gestation period for animals to repopulate...

Considering you could not immediately eat the animals because they would have to repopulate....

It would take months for the water to recede so that vegetation could grow.....

I know the answer is that the imaginary being God provided!!


You have faith....

2006-11-07 01:05:47 · 25 answers · asked by Queen Bee 1

Ask a question saying "If there is a God..." and asking for a hypothetical answer, inevitably people will answer with "Worthless situation, there is no god."

Conversely, ask a question saying "If this was different, pertaining to your belief in God..." and people will answer "It doesn't matter, God put me here and made me who I am".

Is it impossible to entertain a hypothetical question long enough to answer it? If not, why would you answer it in the first place, for any other reason than injecting your beliefs into a question?

And keep in mind what Aristotle said: "The mark of an educated mind is the ability to entertain an idea without accepting it." In other words, you should be able to answer a hypothetical question, even if it goes against what you believe.

2006-11-07 01:03:06 · 16 answers · asked by angk 6

it is told they will be punished
and the ignorant,narrow minded,unrational and even sinner believers like me will be rewarded
I LOVE this injustice !!!
I love this !!
What do you think?

2006-11-07 01:01:52 · 14 answers · asked by sinning_grinning_believer 1

entering in the promised land

2006-11-07 00:59:23 · 9 answers · asked by sweetiegendrickmasigasigmasinop1 1

What is functional religious bigotry? If you call someone a religious bigot, what are they bigoted against? Is it a good thing to be bigoted against religious views that purport some sort of eternal damnation for the "bad" people as a major tenant of their belief system? Isn't abandonment a major issue with regards to love in our society? If one defines eternal hate as eternal abandonment, would not God be hating and therefore give permission for God's creatures when worshipped that way to be able to hate other creatures that are sinners in this way? Only the closest thing we can do to eternal damnation as a human to another human is to kill them right? So the illusion of our wrath is complete ..or terrorize them til they do it our way? Isn't that the extension of eternal damnation belief systems?

2006-11-07 00:58:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sometimes when i go out to some place i aint never been before or doin something i normally do i get this sort of flashback feelin like i have done this, seen this, been here before. I have just started to write down my dreams and somethings do happen that have happened in my dreams. I sometimes get a really scared feeling or a really happy feeling byt most of all i get FREAKED out. could someone explain this or am i just goin MAD

2006-11-07 00:52:09 · 20 answers · asked by kate 0504 2

Add to that: having parents of another religion.

Please, only serious and honest people answer. Please be specific as to how or why you'd have remained in your religion if born in a country where the dominant religion was another. I don't want retarded answers like "because that religion is stupid."

Say you were born in the bible belt and became a Christian. What makes you think you'd still be one if you had been born in Palestine? Vice-Versa. What makes you think you'd have been Jewish if you had been born in Greece during the time of the Greek Gods? What makes you think if your parents were Scientologists and brought up in the church that you'd not end up a scientologist?

Most importantly, what does this say about the credibility of your religion and your faith?

2006-11-07 00:51:40 · 18 answers · asked by Alucard 4

2006-11-07 00:51:28 · 36 answers · asked by une 1

Responses to a previously posted question claimed that not to mention
Jesus was to deny him.
I think that all can agree that there is only one way to do an enema.
likewise Is there only one way to pray?
If so, do you conduct the rest of your life with similar regidity?
If you choose to answer please indicate truthfully your highest formal
educational level.

2006-11-07 00:51:15 · 10 answers · asked by dollparty.geo 2

2006-11-07 00:50:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

1st JOhn 3:6 Whosoever abideth in him ------ not; whjosoever ------ hath not seen him neither hath knowen him."

2006-11-07 00:50:14 · 6 answers · asked by BIblepreacher2 2

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