Why for instance, does he get into slave beating politics, but doesn't meantion anything more ethically complex in there for us to use today, like when it is ok to have an abortion, if at all?
He is the all knowing being and his "word" was meant for us for today, right? Why not throw some more useful things in there instead of all the offensive, sexist and disgusting stuff (like how to make an animal sacrifice, how to sprinkle the blood around, and how to burn it)?
Why was the philosopher Aristotle (also living around biblical times) able to write on the ethics of abortion (meantioning abortion by name, specifically, since there was abortion back then) but God himself couldn't manage to do this in his book? Are the details of animal sacrifice and the politics of beating slaves, etc. more important than the extreme ethical challenges of today? (abortion, stem cell research, genetically modified plants and food, cloning, etc.)
...or was it just written by primitive men?
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