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I have a problem with atheism. I don't subscribe to any organized religion, but I have trouble comprehending how a human can't can believe in some sort of creationist theory. I'm a big Descartes fan and I agree with him stalwartly.

People can only know creation. That is, people are created by other people. Everyday we create things, be it computers, farms, or ideas in our heads. Everything is created by something. There is no spontaneous generation of life, where life just appears from nowhere!

Like a frog in a pond that can't comprehend an existence outside of the pond, how can we as humans comprehend non-creation, or being nothingness? We have no capacity to understand the "popping in and out of existence" idea that athiests subscribe to, right? Life MUST have been created by something because we can't know 'nothing' because 'nothingness' doesn't exist in our reality. Can an athiest counter this argument for me?

2006-07-29 03:02:19 · 35 answers · asked by Something 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

35 answers

OK, who created the Creator?

2006-07-29 03:06:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I spent seven years Atheist.
It taught me a lot. If there be no god, then there cannot be a devil, and everything that happens to you is a direct result of actions and intentions you've made. No one to blame or give worship to. And I think that as not all lessons can be learned in one lifetime, so these Atheists-for-life, they will be learning their lessons and creating their experiences (and their Karma) so that they can know how alone they felt without God,dess. Life is the greatest Teacher you will ever be presented with. These Atheists, do not worry for them. They are learning, and that is a good thing.

"popping in and out of existence." this is scientifically being proven, an electron can be in more than two places at the very same moment (when a Human is the witness) and so this lends credibility to the theory that we are merely slowly condensed vibration- our bodies, and everything around us- popping in and out of this existance so fast you don't even realize it. But Soul transcends the heavy vibrations and is who we really are, not our bodies but our Spirit. So now, they need to try to rectify science and spirituality...... Check out the movie "What the Bleep do we Know?" Scientific theory blending with spiritual theory.

Nothingness does exist in our reality, it is just too fast and VAST for a Human Animal to comprehend.
Your frog, if he got it in his froggy-thoughts to go a hopping, to see the lands beyond his pond, would become disillusioned; he does not know What is, and Why it is, as he only understands that which he came from. So to assimilate his new environment, he must become part of it, instead of refuting it's existence. But frogs are not humans, and cannot shoulder an AK-47, in the name of God. Then we would have a dangerous frog on our hands.
"A madman is not cured by another running mad also." Antisthenes
Hope to have helped.

Blessed Be.

2006-07-29 03:23:11 · answer #2 · answered by Lauralanthalasa 3 · 0 0

I see your getting a couple of 'scientific' answers but still, even science shows a creationism of some sort. I am in the same boat as you where I do not believe in organized religion but believe that something, somewhere had to start this all, somehow. What it is, I don't know but I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. Even if you believe in science, there is still something of creation. It's a balance of both, science and spirituality, that will bring balance to people. Not so much one way or the other. And I think that it's more stubbornness on both ends that makes people not allow themselves to see the opposite spectrum. I mean when you have people telling you that you are wrong your first instinct is going to be defensive.

Big.....science has proven evolution to be a plausible theory. I'm not saying I don't subscribe to that theory, but it is NOT a fact.

2006-07-29 03:10:03 · answer #3 · answered by FaerieWhings 7 · 0 0

the Big-Bang theory is a bust. it's saying that we all came from a dot. a dot the size of a period, and it was spinning 'really' fast, then exploded, and BOOM! Here we are. The planets and moons and sun and stars were all create from the dust of this teensy weeny ickle dot!
we're actually Star Dust ((Like Fairy Dust...but i don't think we can fly--unless we add some Acid or LSD to our system))
And then Evolution, now i can believe that to an extent. of course we've evolved, i do beilieve that we had 'horses' the size of cats, or that dinosaurs roamed the earth. but that we came from monkeys...no. And that((movie voice over guy)) MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO THE EARTH WAS MADE FROM--- yeah no! it's a theory... not been proven...

Bottom line. i think Atheism is close minded ((At least the ones i've met)) i also think it's lazy. They maybe grew up in church, then were pulled away of religion in Junior High-High School, then they went to a Libral college, where with in a week, they believed in Evolution. They never took the knowledge as a child and brodened it by reading into the Bible, and seeing how it conrtadicts Evolution and the Big Bang and all the other stuff.

I'm just and open-mided person who is also questioning the world.

2006-07-29 03:21:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I used to be where you are and down the road I realized how blind I was....I always needed proof and was very sceptical of everything....I needed all the answers...I would go crazy just thinking about those huge questions of humanity and the universe...the truth is we cannot comprehend everything outside the pond ....our Earth is so small and we are even smaller and our little brains think they can go so far but they can't....I had to surrender my whole life or there would be no point in my existance once so ever...I feel comfortable now knowing that everything is under the control of a good all powerful God....that means I don't have to worry about al the big confusing stuff out there....it is too much and it has to be in the hands of something bigger...it has to....I feel I am just rambling because there are know words for the feeling....it is a sureness that you will hopefully find in your lifetime....you feel safe and taken care of just like a Father should do....everything just makes more sense...God is the only thing to me that explains this universe most perfectly...I finally know my purpose after years of searchin....because I seeked Him He showed me what I was here for....I am a more content person all around and I am no longer afraid of that black abiss after death because it is now full of light and love. God bless you.

2006-07-29 03:17:22 · answer #5 · answered by truegrit 4 · 0 0

Firstly, we don't 'create' anything. To create means to bring into existence something that has not previously existed. When man make things like computers all he does is rearrange molecules that already exist. He just invents. There were only three creations in the beginning. Physical matter, breath (soul) life, and spirit. That's all there is. That's all God created. And nothing and no one else has the power to create or destroy. That is why there is a law of thermodynamics that states that nothing can be created or destroyed, only changed. That also includes energy.
Sorry though, I'm not an atheist.

2006-07-29 14:27:42 · answer #6 · answered by ManoGod 6 · 0 0

Loss Leader has it pretty much right. The idea that everything needs a creator is clearly impossible, because if it were true, you would need an infinite regression of creators, which is obviously nonsense. So, equally obviously, the universe didn't need a creator and therefore gods can't exist. This is reinforced by the observation that intelligence is a product of the universe, rather than the other way round. Religion is just a denial of reality.

2006-07-29 03:15:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, I can counter your argument.

You state that atheists should believe in God because we must have been created by something. But, really, you've just pushed the argument back a bit. We must have been created by God but, then, who created God? If everything must have a creator, how was God created?

If your argument is that God is eternal - the moveless mover, the ultimate force from which everything springs well ... that just begs the question. You said everything needed a creator and now you're saying that something doesn't. If you say that you do not know how God was created, well that 's really not much of a difference from atheists who state that the universe, whatever it is, began in some unknowable manner.

But, really, atheists don't believe what you ascribe to them. We believe that the universe came to be and we don't know how. Maybe one day we will know. But right now, we don't. That's a lot different than what you claim we believe.

2006-07-29 03:10:33 · answer #8 · answered by Loss Leader 5 · 0 0

I am an athiest but I don't believe in any "popping in and out of existence". To simply put it I believe the most plausable idea is that the big bang created organisms which evolved over a massive amount of time. I believe it's much more plausable than "God" appearing from nowhere and saying let there be light. I hold nothing against religious people though.

2006-07-29 03:08:17 · answer #9 · answered by Mclaren 3 · 0 0

I am mostly in accord with this ... no orthodox vessel of the religions really holds a "system" (of belief) for me .. I too believe in a source for everything - therefore, in a Supreme Being... but in comparative religion, I beg, borrow and pillage and artistically lycanthrope as I please ... Eastern stuff ... from Lao Tzu, to Vedas, and Bhuddhism I have found suited better to the introverted quester ... I feel Kant made some funny inferences when he assimilated Patanjali's Yoga sutras ... which were actually the first translations of Sanskrit to the Occident .. 'Critique of Reason' ensued .. and Occidental philosophies were forever changed ...
You might enjoy PD Ouspensky's 'Tertium Organum' in regards to your frog ... this was prior to his studies with the Armenian sufi Gurdjieff ... it postulates two dimension (a line) in relation to three dimensions .. and makes fascinating insinuations about a consciousness then trying to frame its references towards possible fourth dimensions ...

You think therefore you think .. you are a smartypants which will always make some people mad ... lol .. stay as you are- create your own reading lists ... In a postJungian world one can practice any and all religions .. and even create your own as you go along ... have fun ...

Remember some self proclaimed "atheists" ...both male and females ... are just stuffy ideologues ... who would have been pontiffs if they were allowed to be ... but you know better, because you have a good sense of humor ...

2006-07-29 03:30:26 · answer #10 · answered by gmonkai 4 · 0 0

I am an Atheist, which for those of you who don't know what an Athiest is, it simply means that I don't believe in God.

I don't know 100% where we came from, and neither does anybody else. But I don't believe that some all powerful being decided one day, I know let there be light and all that bollocks.

Seeing as evolution is the only other theory available to us in this day and age, I believe in evolution rather than in God. It doesn't mean that I am 100% sure that we evolved, it just means that evolution is far more believeable to me than God.

Also when we die I firmly believe that death is final. God, Heaven, Hell etc... was created by man. That is what I truly believe.

2006-07-29 04:43:24 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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