I'm working part time to get through school for a degree in chem engineering. The people I work with seem to be all of the same caliber. Rude, loudmouthed, foul talking, cigarette sucking, vicious gossips! If I dare to get around any of them, they eye me suspiciously, so I try to avoid them to keep them from asking me rude and invasive questions.Last week I was placed beside one of them for a job assignment half the night. I tried to keep silent and keep my nose to the grindstone.But I could feel her eyeballing me. I dared to look up..and that triggered the 1st question "so, do you have kids?" That's always the question they first ask to get things rolling. Then its "are you married"...then "your not dating anyone?" "how old are you?" And finally the topper "have you ever even had sex?" Enough said.Obviously she's just gathering her gossip material on me.
So how do I deal? If I say anything like "its none of your business" I know I'll be putting myself in the gossip zone for sure.
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