Well some of you are plenty uptight about farting, it obvious that some of you have been saving them since you were taught that to some people don't think its a very nice thing to do.
Saving your poop gas only makes you more cranky, coz they fester and fester and ferment till they get really over-ripe.
But to those of you who do let one go from time to time, just to let off some of that annoying pressure. Ought to know better about where is not a good place, like I know it isn't good to let one go in an elevator,... But the other day, I was in a 5 person line at the market and let a long rank one lose - fortunately the line suddenly shortened by three people with carts full of stuff. Thank god or thank goodness I had one in oven - eh?
Although the cashier couldn't stop giggling, which only slowed the line a little.
But there are places that it's just not cool to let one go, where else would those places be, any suggestions?
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