In the age of spell check, grammar check, predicted text on mobiles phones, has our spelling and grammar gone completely out the window?
Why should I worry whether or not I spell a word wrong or not, or whether or not a sentence is gramatically correct? The computer is just going to fix it for me anyways..! Fast forward 5 years down the road when I have a meeting with an investor for the company I just started. I can not string together an intelligent conversation with him/her and my laptop was on the fritz so on my business plan, I actually spelt my own name incorrectly!
I compare our new worry to an old worry. Before calculators were the norm in school society was once cabability of performing small math in their heads. But now (mostly) are unable due to the use of calculators in everyday life.
So, when you see one of the many questions on Yahoo Answers asking why no one uses spell check on this site, maybe they are trying to get it right the first time.
PoIsOn MuNkEy
12 answers
asked by
no munkey