I agree with you that we all should be relying on our own brains to figure out if there are any mistakes. When there you realize, or someone else points out your mistake, you learn. That would equal a little more intelligence on your part (ironically, I think I spelled a bunch of stuff wrong too...lol.) But I would rather see my own mistake then have it corrected for me and never pointed out. Not everything has spell checker. Sometimes you have to had write things. I think we should be relying on our own brain function, instead of that of our computers. They are great, but I'm not letting mine dumb me down. All of the words that I have spelled wrong will do that for me.....hahahahahaha.
2006-08-28 06:32:16
answer #1
answered by mcnees79 3
Here maybe this will shed some light on this subject.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
2006-08-28 06:36:36
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Writing, speaking and communicating clearly and effectively are the signs of an educated person.
Computers allow us to do many things- including checking for errors, etc. If one is too lazy to do so, that reflects on the individual. Many opportunities will be lost because the "lazy" ones do not check for such errors.
Too bad. It takes a few minutes to check for spelling and grammatical errors. It show that one is careful and considerate.
And, quite possibly, get the accounts.
Too bad you don't use spell check. Your spelling and grammatical errors take away from your argument.
2006-08-28 06:42:29
answer #3
answered by Malika 5
Well, early answers get more best of, because that is how most people do it...
Most people are too lazy to spell check, & the short hip hop kind of answers are cool to the babies on here & they apparently number in the millions!
I use spell check if I have trouble, but I also can spell! I also know how to construct a sentence, & use proper grammar...unless I choose not to!
2006-08-28 06:30:03
answer #4
answered by fairly smart 7
Any one who has read my answers has probably figured out I am from a kinder, gentler generation, before we had hand held calculators, [I was in college before I saw one in the classroom, it cost a fortune, and he was the only student to have one].
I learned how to calculate math in my head, and still do. I learned proper grammer, and try to use it. I am a nurse, I work in a hospital, and I am faced everyday with doctors, nurses, patients, supervisors, pharmacists, etc., who expect me to be able to communicate, and figure out math calculations. It is my job.
I use spell check. I use it just as I would have used a dictionary in another time. It is a resource, like any other. It only takes a minute to use it, even when I make several spelling errors, I can still be at the top of the list of responses. I like to be clear with my responses and questions, so people will understand what I am trying to say. I can't help someone, if they can't understand my answer.
I do not use fancy grammer here, again, I want people to understand me. I do not want to be percieved to be a snob, who has a "you, dummy" type of attitude towards people.. This
is a casual place, Elizabeth, Queen of England probably does not come here.
All different kinds of people come here, educated or not, and I like that. It takes all kinds, so the saying goes. I just want to understand what others are saying, I hope that they will attempt to make themselves understood. I do not grade on spelling and grammer, but I have pointed it out once, the guy was complaining about people who do not use good spelling and grammer, and made errors homself in his question. I used humor to point it out, answered his question, and I got a best answer vote from him.
To answer your original question, no they are not dead, they are alive in the workplace, in society, and even here on Answers. People want to be understood, and want to understand what others say. Why bother to be here otherwise?
Use spell check, nobody will know, it isn't as if spellcheck leaves a label on your typing, like," this dummy used spellcheck, ha ha," and I will be happy, I will understand you better! PS, my spellcheck isn't working right now, it is not working alot.
2006-08-28 07:12:50
answer #5
answered by riversconfluence 7
Having proper grammar and etiquette show the world you are not stupid.
Mind your manners, say 'yes, please', 'no, thank you' and 'may I open the door for you?'
It is not hard to be polite to people, customer service has become non-existent and I am tired of spending my money where they could care less of I was there or not.
If you are at work but having a bad day, what good does it do to make sure everyone knows? All it does is show that you are unable to handle your emotions and brings everyone spirit down. So leave the 'bad day attitude' for clock out time and give everyone a smile.
2006-08-28 06:52:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I noticed at least nine grammar and punctuation errors in your post.
If some of the posts I've seen on here aren't spell checked because the people are trying to "get it right the first time," I'd tell them to go back to the drawing board because they're not trying hard enough.
2006-08-28 08:36:37
answer #7
answered by brevejunkie 7
Ever wonder why this machine is called a computer when we rarely compute anything with it? I use spell checker when i run accross a word that doesn't look right, but I have never been able to understand the use of the comma, unless its used to take a breath, so I fracture what can't be fractured.
2006-08-28 06:51:11
answer #8
answered by Marcus R. 6
When it comes to quickly communicating with others, grammar and spelling is obsolete. Just like when talking to friends compared to talking to someone on a job interview or a speech. The speech pattern and communication verbally is different.
2006-08-28 07:05:57
answer #9
answered by missy 4
it seems that the computer is for "sharing information" and communication and there are lots of people who find communication more important than being detailed to spell correctly, plus a lot of people we chat with these days come from all over the globe and have another language as their first language.
2006-08-28 06:27:07
answer #10
answered by sophieb 7